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Everything posted by Jak

  1. Are there any pictures of these yet? Jak
  2. lol, exactly what i was thinking, they do seem a little varied!!
  3. heres my score sheet Was pretty chuffed in a sad kinda way!
  4. Nurrish 88 Rich5259 88 Ebized 90 H5 88 Maccaman 83 Jak 90
  5. 90%......... the GTR was pretty good lol! Will get some piccys up soon.... Good to meet Ebized and H5 Jak
  6. i recently went with my girlfriend and her family, in the space of three days, my bike and my grirlfriends dads bike were nicked!! Her dads one though, i have to admit, wasnt locked at the time but mine definatly was. Luckily they were hire bikes, when we told member of staff what had happened they said not to worry and that it happens all the time! So whether it would be wise to take your personal one or not i dont know....... Jak
  7. anyone else heading up thursday morning?
  8. Great - Just booked on for thursday at 11ish, Was gutted to miss out when i recived my invite and called in too late! Thanks!! Jak
  9. Jak


    double gutted - just tried to call and there is just a message saying thankyou fo your interest in the new 370z but this offer is now closed! How rubbish is that when the dates are for next week! Nevermind - i guess its just a reminder to check my emails more often and get onto things like this quicker - that said the email was only sent on the 14th! Jak
  10. Jak


    Thanks matey, i will give them a call shortly me thinks, mine is for next fri-sat too!
  11. Jak


    LOL, i wouldn't wear that either to be fair!! You should check your insurance actually too, you may find that the third party cover on other peoples vehicle only applies if you are 25 or over. I am fully comp on any vehicle hear at work and any we should take in now..........which is sweet! so fingers crossed for some good-un's being part ex'd soon! Jak
  12. Jak


    Unfourtunatly i think this will be the killer. although because I own and insure (in my own name obviously) my 350z (i.e. large engined car) The insurace company we use at work allows me to drive any car i want (its just the excess is a tad higher if i stack one!)......... so......... there may still be a strand of hope left! Jak
  13. Jak


    yess...........for the club.......... Just Kidding! may be an idea if i cant do it!
  14. Jak


    Recieved my invite to drive a 370 at silverstone yesterday, then noticed it said over 25's only - I'm 21! would have been well up for this aswell...... may make the call still to see if there is any way round it.... Jak
  15. How do you get these invites, is there something to sign up to? Jak
  16. lol, why would you be? are they not very popular? Jak
  17. i quite like those covers over the rear quarter windows, not seen them before, might look quite good on a more subtle car - rather mustang fastback-esque..... jak
  18. hadnt noticedthat before! probably has cameras or something instead!
  19. *** Note: Not my hands!!!!*** is there any other way of posting photos from google like this but without using photobucket?
  20. yeah the colour of the V-Spec is really nice - i'm guessing the name will be something along the lines of Midnight Purple _ _ _!
  21. lol, ok - didnt want people thinking i was some sort of wierdo!! really cant stand the way some blokes seem to go to car shows simply to take pictures of the models, either blatantly or when trying to convince others they were trying to take a pic of the car! i have literally seen a bloke walking behind a model crouched down trying to take pictures of her arse!!! it really is embarrising to watch the way people behave sometimes, you just know they dont have girlfriends!! Dont get me wrong, i dont disagree with models being at car shows - far from it, but the letchy blokes, young and old, really spoil it. Sorry, rant over, but ^ thats probably why i took the bait so easily!! Jak
  22. how much for the tonneu? i take it i'm correct in thinking that this is the boot divider thingy majig right? Jak
  23. I dont know if it shows properly in the pics but badge on the front is illuminated
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