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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. he he.. im pickin up my new Z on velentines day how romantic!
  2. there is one on pistonheads.. a red one about 8k its on VCar..
  3. they massive! ha ha... i know where i'de be resting my weary head...
  4. Hi Nick Where is are you based im on the look out for a blue one but have a friend who is also looking Cheers Rob
  5. I was told my a nissan dealer only last month that the car i was looking at would be snapped up "like that" - funny that.. its still there and now £600 quid cheaper than it was lol
  6. Seems reasonable... prob looking at almost 2k to put an install like that in.. they look lika audiobahn subs!
  7. Its the same with Sky Insurance... I cancelled my civic with them, after 3 weeks of the polciy.. i got back 75% - "brokers charges" which were £85 cheeky %^%££. I eneded up with less than half back! Their quote for a Z for me was over 250 more than the regualr insrurance companies like Esure or Privdege? Needless to say i wont be using them again...
  8. Hamster


    Well its about 4" here in Pocklington! Managed to get into work ok as don't have a Z yet.. still driving the missus's 206! ha ha!
  9. thanks for the offers guys, i have a mate who is delivering some goods in essex on Wed so he's gonna take a look for me.
  10. I will PM details when i have them. Don't want anyone buying it before i can get there
  11. Just checking with the seller its ok. You get to have the warm fuzzy feeling knowing you've done a fellow member a big favour!
  12. Evening all Might be a bit of a strange ask - but im thinking of buying a Z in essex - I'm based up in Hull (a good 4 hours drive away). I have seen lots of pics from the seller and am pretty confident its a good car. If i ok it with the seller would a local do me a favour one evening / afternoon and pop for a look for me before i make the 4 hour drive to see it. I'm due to go down on Sat the 7th so anytime before then would be fantastic if anyone can help me out! Please PM if you can help. Cheers Rob
  13. i think we can safely assume its no longer available then
  14. Did this car get sold? Have sent tazzi a pm but no reply as yet? Anyone know? Cheers Rob
  15. the one that moved lots was cold... that could explain it.. the other 2 had been test driven earlier that day .. Thanks! Rob
  16. Morning Haivng test drove a couple of Z's over the past couple of weekends i have noticed that on 1 especially the oil pressure guage needle moved loads when accelerating hard and most of them only moved a little bit.. When i asked the dealer he about the one that moved lots if it was normal he was unsure. What is normal?? thanks Hamster
  17. Nice to see you got some fresh rubber on them rims ads... they were looking mighty low!
  18. Seriously .... too easy ha ha you beat me to it!
  19. Thanks nixy! nice to have a local to bounce ideas & questions off...
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