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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Ever heard of cling film? Latex gloves? Vets elbow long gloves? So many options if you really want to get on with it.....
  2. Well, I don't want to say just yet what the replacement will be Reserved for Rajzed for now, will update this thread once it's off the car. Remember you have to pick it up, I won't send it out. Also have impending visit from fiancé so timing at this time is crucial and I don't want to get caught taking delivery of a large parcel that doesn't have her name on it
  3. To whoever is suffering from a blown OEM exhaust, I'll soon have a JapSpeed K2 free to whoever wants to pick it up to use as a stopgap until they get something decent. However, they MUST pass it on for free when the time comes, that's the only condition. Will hopefully be available in a weeks time when my replacement arrives
  4. Like I said... Rubber gloves don't prevent water going inside them when I put my hand in the wash mitt and then into a bucket full of water So putting on a rubber glove, then the wash mitt doesn't work? Bah, excuses excuses, you don't love your Zed as you say you do. Go stand in the corner and feel bad about yourself! DO IT NOW!!!
  5. Bah, tis but a flesh wound... As for it getting wet, there's these things....hang on........gimme a minute.......uhmmmm....ah yes.....RUBBER GLOVES!!! Small "injury" like that wouldn't stop me from washing the car, plus it's totally possible to do with one hand only. Get out there you pussy
  6. Having wrapped the centre console myself I'll just say.... Muahahahaha.....you just done the EASIEST part, just wait till you hit the triple gauges. Good luck
  7. AFAIK, there are only half a dozen of these in the country
  8. I have the same bonnet, top quality item. Rain drains are detachable and bonnet catch is perfectly positioned. This is the only CF bonnet for the Zed that I know of that is actually lighter than the OEM bonnet. Worth every penny.
  9. If new, best bet is Tarmac @ TarmacSportz, trader on here
  10. I only read Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right B, A, Start. Does that enable unlimited Nitro Boost?
  11. Bottom line, you get what you pay for. Yes I know I currently run a JapSpeed K2, but I am looking to upgrade to something better as soon as I can afford to. The JapSpeed, in my opinion is overpriced piece of tat, for £500 you could get better I'm sure.
  12. They have been around for a few months now and are basically cheap HKS replicas. Personally, I would avoid.
  13. In regards to carjacking, just stop at service stations along the way so you're not on your lonesome. Pretty much common sense will prevail. Been to Germany via France plenty of times and each time it's been rather uneventful.
  14. Try not to speed in France, or at least try not not to get caught doing it. They will come down with a big fine and possibly escort you to the border
  15. Had a mate in the armed forces say that the Abrams tank has a top speed of 35mph, to which I replied its Hollywood so anything is possible To me it's just entertainment, so go ahead and entertain me
  16. Go for a BMW style shark fin antenna, not seen one on a Zed yet
  17. Looks like they recycled the silver 370Z they used in Fast Five, Just like they recycled the RX7 and Supra from the first one in the second one
  18. What about Scottish Highland Games? Bowl of porridge surely ain't doping, lol
  19. I guess that is true Dan, perhaps they should re-brand it
  20. I think that the real victims in this Lance Armstrong thing are the people that bought into the LiveStrong brand. How many people donated to the charity, how many bought say a home fitness bike purely for its LiveStrong branding. The whole image of the brand was built on a lie.
  21. also think the EPR one is a different brand than Seibon, but not sure Best give them a ring and find out
  22. Worst Toaster in the world if it takes that long.....
  23. well, yours is a pre-lift one....but i was pointing to DMS cos it looks like availability would be better as it seems that EPR are out of stock
  24. actually, DMS are supplier for Seibon, so more likely to get them from there. If I remember right, you got a '03-'06 one SteveO, so this one http://www.racepartshop.com/brands/seibon-uk/nissan350z-seiboncwfrontlip2002-2005.html
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