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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. Like the red gaitor If you want a unique colour without being too in your face like mr keyser and don't wanna stray too far from black how about a dark grey? Looks much classier than gunmetal. Plus it will still match red accents There was a picture of one from the states but can't find it
  2. LRF4N

    BMW M3

    I do like the newer generations of jaguars and im looking forward to seeing the x type replacement. But as ekona says there is a reason for bmws being so common is they're that good I'm one of the first to say I like driving a rarer car but out of the more common marques I could see myself in a BMW
  3. LRF4N

    BMW M3

    Rich do you get comission from jag sales?
  4. Do it mate. Having 2 zeds on the drive is pimp. If you can work on them yourself it will be another zed shed
  5. LRF4N

    BMW M3

    Everyone sees it differently. Any e92 m3 will have my full attention until it's out of view. I'm a huge BMW fan and Iv always loved this model m3 But I know some owners who like it because a lot of drivers won't see the difference between an m3 and a standard coupe, they like the idea of an understated sleeper that only car enthusiasts appreciate
  6. http://www.driftworks.com/forum/drift-cars-sale-private-sales/190528-350z-cheapest-around-3500-a.html Maybe not the tidiest but certainly not the worst. Could be a project or drift/track car for someone?
  7. LRF4N

    BMW M3

    If I wasn't a former zed owner I'd prob look at an e92 m3 longer than a zed. Looks perfect from every angle (personal opinion), more powerful, sounds better, more comfortable etc etc. Think you'll enjoy the car mate With the m3 as well as many cars it depends on the colour. What have you gone for?
  8. That's better than most Asian guys can do
  9. LRF4N

    Wanted my first Z

    I disagree.... My ass isn't for sale no matter how much is offered
  10. LRF4N

    Wanted my first Z

    Is that before or after you get the splitter jay?
  11. +1 think it would look better on a showcar rather than something standard I remember seeing a nismo 350 with the stickers and I thought even the nismo kit wasn't enough to pull off the stickers Yes I know they are nismo stickers
  12. Stew on here had a navara for a while might be worth asking him
  13. Looks the business mate good work Woulda kept the badge myself. Perfect chance to get a shiny black badge would set the front end off
  14. In birmingham..... Has wasso been at them?
  15. Yea they're good. The guy doing Obama was a good impersonator. Liked the bill gates one
  16. But il let you off cos there's some new ones since I posted them
  17. Agree with rich about tasteful vs tacky Knight racer have used it (well?) as part of their marketing. At shows everyone remembers the knight racer girls and the company name sticks in your head. When people remember the name you have to say it's successful marketing
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