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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. LRF4N

    F&F6 GTR-35

    Diablo is nice. What car is that with the huuuuuggge spoiler?
  2. After that much work on one car and joining this forum..... There's not a chance your zed will be kept standard
  3. Bentley GT- older one much nicer. Not a fan of the new bentley front ends Porsche 944 transition to 968 The old Hyundai coupe looked not bad, then it was facelifted into a 4 eyed monster
  4. I can assure you it's not drivers of one brand who do that....... I do too Only when they have shown they won't move into the correct lane after several chances
  5. Newest version of the Audi a8 isn't as nice as it's predecessor The first Vitara looked great, then it went gay. Latest one is quite cool though Mazda 323- couple of nice fastback models, then the first hatch was a big step backwards. My wife now has the Mazda 3 sport saloon which is nice. Latest one looks good too
  6. The cossie was cool but the xr3i looked good too Other than that yep- gash
  7. LRF4N


    That looks better
  8. New scirocco is a nice car. No denying it. But these 2 have bags more character. Current one is a hatchback- not a coupe. Same as the brera and astra/megane who replaced their coupes with sporty 3dr hatches
  9. LRF4N

    F&F6 GTR-35

    Most of the fast and furious cars would look crap on the road or in pics. When they're on the tv screen they look a million times better Replicas of some of the cars look gash at shows etc but in the films they look good. Watched the first part a few weeks back after years and was shocked at how badly the green eclipse needed a better stance
  10. Which model? Every beamer Iv driven has been a joy to drive. Like ekona says, it's one of the highest selling brands so others must think so too On the subject of tail gating- I don't encourage it but I also hate people hogging the right lane and not moving out the way when Someones behind them
  11. Iv seen a kitted one it looked pretty good. But like you say not your normal hairdresser wagon
  12. That logic is bananas- not buying it. Bad drivers are bad drivers regardless of the car/van/bus/lorry. Every brand has good and bad drivers. Most drivers own/drive a variety of cars in their life. Good drivers can also drive badly- human error or having a bad day People are drawn to german cars cos of the quality and drive, not cos they are owned by fellow bad drivers and because of the image they have
  13. Welcome, nice project you have going Let's also see the other nissans you have
  14. Agreed. But the new new civic is one of the ugliest cars around
  15. Do people still tar every single driver of one particular brand with the same brush? Seriously? Thousands and thousands of audis in the uk but they all drive the same? So what happens when an Audi owner drives their partners car once in a while? They become normal? Or when my wife had an Audi when I drove it did I become one of them? Lol If people said all zed owners were the same there would be an uproar. Even AMT wouldve complained if he still had his Hyundai
  16. Agreed on the mr2's as well first two were great, the roadster is a pansy mobile
  17. Interesting debate we've started, everyones opinions will differ with each car Disagree with ekona about the ferraris- the 355 was lovely but for me the 360 was one of the nicest to date The scirocco is eye catching but it's a golf that's been to the gym- not a coupe like the previous models Here's another one- the new Honda CRV..... wtf?
  18. First BMW 1 series was bearable. New one is gash New sciricco is not a patch on the old school scirocco and corrado New merc ML is horrible compared to the older one Not the biggest focus fan but the new one is proper gay compared to the older one There are loads more but I'm tired
  19. Black is pointless in an engine bay- you won't see it, polished is common for a reason. Go for a colour or polished. I had a red aem intake on my zed I was happy with it
  20. LRF4N

    380sx anyone?

    Looks immense. But I'd they went to all that effort modifying to make the engine fit and mount that spoiler surely modifying a rear bumper to fit around the spoiler wouldve been an easy job?
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