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Posts posted by evest

  1. used some flexi pipe a m8 had.Its the same stuff you get with the cheap ebay intake kits.need about 14inch of pipe work.works a treat. :teeth:


    Cheers matey! :thumbs:



    OK, so here is roughly what it would look like with dual air ducts:







  2. I ve also added a pipe to help air flow to the cone filter.


    I was planning to do the same thing - what did you use to make it?


    I think it would look better asymmetrical as it is - 1 on each side may look a little odd... but I'll await pictures before I judge.


    I think I'll do some work on photoshop before I cut again! :lol:

  3. looks good, how does it fix is it with silicone or are those 4 screws around the outside?

    also could you give the link to ebay shop where you got it from



    I was supplied with 3M tape and the screws as well. The tape is handy for holding it in place while you drill the pilot holes for the screws.


    I bought it here:


    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-FAIRLADY-3 ... 3cb17217bc


    Cheap as chips! I would say that it doesn't sit quite as flush to the bumper as some of the premium brands, but personally I'm satisfied with the results. Also - be aware that I had to make up my own template, but with a bit of time and care this isn't too difficult.


    I'm emailing the seller to see if I can get one for the other side.



  4. Would I need a complete back box and centre piiece if this joint if failed?...


    I'd say that's the way to go - there is only so many times you can repair it before the flange will just become on big weld! Personally, I've looked at it as an opportunity to upgrade - loads of choices out there and plenty of discussion on here about them!

  5. Hi mate,


    This happened with mine shortly after I got the car. You can get it welded for not much money (cost me £70), which should sort it for a year or two but ultimately you will need to replace it. Personally I'm looking at a full new system from CobraSport up in Sheffield, they do good prices and will custom fit it to the car if you take it in.


    Good luck :thumbs:

  6. It's been sitting in the garage long enough - finally worked up the courage to cut my Zed!


    The item was a cheapo one off Ebay so I had to make up my own template, but the fit is pretty good and I think it looks B)


    I used a Dremel to cut out the hole, and the rest was easy.












    Just wondering whether to add one to the other side to make it symetrical,


    Hope you likes it! :thumbs:

  7. Hi there,


    Welcome to the forum - good choice on getting a Zed, you will not be disappointed! :thumbs:


    Best thing to do would be find one you like and post details up on here and people will be able to tell you if its a good deal - or depending on mileage whether there might be any major service or parts replacement (clutch etc...) likely in the near future.


    No major faults with the car to speak of - very reliable. And very FUN!



  8. MRH 350Z & Nixy


    Many thanks for your advice - very much appreciated. I've decided to go for it, but will do it in phases rather than hitting my body with a big change in one go, and I need to learn more about nutrition as well. Cutting out meat will be fairly easy, but I'll eat some meat once a week until I've phased in proper substitutes and gotten used to it. Dairy will be more challenging but I'll just start replacing things as I go.

    Hopefully this approach will allow me to slowly make the change without suffering any ill effects along the way.


    Gonna miss those bacon butties though, ah well... :)

  9. Well I've got the whole weekend to myself so decided to spend today doing something about my unsightly stone-chipped front lip; It will certainly do until I can afford an upgrade!


    Decided to go matt black - I appreciate I'm not the first to do so! :)


    Sandpaper, primer and paint from Halfrauds:


    Work in progress:






    Colour coating finished:






    The light is failing and the paint is still soft so I will refit the bumper tomorrow and post up the finished results!


    ps - not sure what to do about lacquer/protection - don't want it to go shiny. Any ideas?


    Cheers :thumbs:

  10. Cheers for the input guys. But it's honestly nowt to do with my missus - we've been together over 4 years and she's never once tried to sway me. It will purely be my own decision.


    Anyways, I'll think on. Will let you know how long I last...! :thumbs:

  11. I exercise quite a bit and don't want my fitness to suffer - one of the main things stopping me going for it at the moment. My missus a veggie too and we've just moved in together! She's okay about me eating meat though - I can see her getting a bit edgy when I'm doing bacon butties though! :snack:

  12. Personally I think you need to eat meat for a healthy balanced diet.


    Still doing my homework on that. I think you probably can get everything you need, but looks a lot harder to do, and to make sure you don't miss out on iron, etc...

  13. Correct me if i am wrong......


    First off, each to their own.... :thumbs: whatever makes you happy. :teeth:


    But how come vegetablearians can eat fish? I would have thought that fish is "meat"?


    THB i think IMO vegan is a step too far.


    Good question, I guess there are different stage or degrees of vegetablearianism. I don't think I could convert overnight. Giving up meat wouldn't be a that massive an issue for me, I don't really eat that much of it anyway. Giving up dairy would be much harder for me though. And yeah, I'd miss fish too!

  14. Well I'm pushing 30 so it certainly won't be a fad thing, and its not to try and look nuevo-eco or whatever the phrase is. Tbh, I won't go into my reasons as I don't want to spark a big debate - but they are genuine.


    Just wondered if anybody had done the conversion, and how they found it. :)

  15. Don't worry , this not a fuel related post.


    I'm thinking of going vegetarian, maybe even vegan eventually, for various reasons. In fact I've been quietly considering it for some time but just haven't taken the plunge yet.


    Has anybody on here done this? Would be glad of any advice, cheers! :)

  16. Thankyou for all your comments :) he seems to blame spending time in Iraq for why he is acting the way he is , told him to get on with it n leave me alone n yes hopefully a true gent will b along in time :) I need to get out more but I live in the middle o nowhere not a pub in sight :lol:


    Hey there, had a long, all expenses paid holiday in Iraq myself - and can't stand guys who use it as an excuse to act like total sh!ts to thier sweethearts. Cowardly.


    Zed will never let you down :)

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