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Everything posted by 350zStephen

  1. From what I remember, that car was either Cat C or Cat D.
  2. Cheers guys. I had three passers by ask me if it was a brand new car this afternoon Not bad for a bit of elbow grease
  3. +1 I machine polished my last car, and tbh it was hard work. I would not recommended machine polishing the zed due to the thin paint, it would be all too easy to go through to the plastic/metal. Look at my thread I recently posted. I clay barred mines today using a Maguires detailing kit (£25) and I also used Autoglym HD wax (£40) and the car looks great.
  4. And spacers!! I was waiting for it.
  5. I have the Nismo system, and it does sound the dog's danglies. However, if I had to decide again, I would get a scorpion, and spend my money on other areas of the car such as spacers and nismo goodies. PM ZMANALEX, he might have one going. Cheers
  6. Halfords number? it lost its smell after a day I'd prefer not to drive it, theres too much grit on the roads - she'd be dirty in 5 minutes And Jay, do it yourself ya lazy sod!! just kidding hehe. I cant even think about cleaning another car any time soon. My body is not used to all that hard work!
  7. My car got its first proper clean since I bought it last November. I do not have any before pictures, but here is some after... Just a simple two bucket wash, Meguires claybar, Autoglym HD wax and treated leathers with Zymol. Here are some pictures of my hard work. I'm now off to have a well earned beer.
  8. I love it too. Any idea where who makes those rims? I fancy replacing my rays with a set of them...
  9. Cheers guys. I'll get the one from JDM performance. Aust - The JDM performance one is £35. Slightly cheaper??
  10. +1 I'd go ****ing ape at the driver of the punto. Tbh, I think your either best off parking elsewhere, some people just do not care about other peoples property. There is a woman at work that throws her door off the opposite car everytime she gets in, just because shes too lazy to ensure the other car doesn't get damaged. Having raised this with her, she still does it!! Due to the extensive damage on your door, without a doubt the punto driver has caused it. I'd key every panel, and stab every tyre on the car!!
  11. It is, but i don't fancy buying the job lot. Thanks for the heads up though
  12. In a new or as new condition as mines is scratched. Also, how easy is it to replace? Any guides? Cheers.
  13. Any idea if there was a woman driving? I seen a GM zed with a similar looking plate drive by me in Uddingston as I stood at the bus stop yesterday. I hate the bloody snow...
  14. It didn't take long... I'll bear that in mind mate
  15. Not a fan of the eyebrows either. The rest of the car looks spot on
  16. My clutch is spot on. ZMANALEX fitted a new exedy clutch and flywheel less than 10k miles ago, and i've never gave my car any hard treatment. If sitting in traffic and going on and off the clutch for anything over half an hour, my left leg aches.. And i'm no girls blouse I actually prefer the looks of the new type r over the older shape, the interior is much nicer, and the car is more modern looking. I've not made my mind up, i'm just keeping my options open.
  17. I knew the majority of the answer's on here would be swaying towards keeping the zed. The thing is, I spent over a year reading up on zed's and looking for one every day - so this is definately is the car I was after. I was thrilled driving it home after I bought it, but it really is a hard car to live with day to day for my commute. With it's heavy clutch, low MPG and generally sitting in traffic. If the weather permits, i'm going to give it a good old wash and polish and take it for a drive up to loch lomond this weekend. I'm still going to view a Civic this weekend to see if I like it And Jay, I agree, there is loads of Type R's kicking about Glasgow, they are rather common. On the plus side for the zed, I love it how it usually turns alot of heads in town when out posing
  18. Strange one... I bought my '53 Gunmetal GT early in November last year from a member on here, it is in an excellent condition with only 48k miles on it. Problem is, i'm really struggling to get along with it. Since i've owned it, i've only used it for my daily commute (20 miles a day) and driving to my girlfriends once or twice a week on the motorway (50 miles all round drive). It is my first two seater car, and only two seats have not been practical for me. (The odd trip to Asda with mates at the weekend for booze, dropping my parents off and stuff). I've never been able to give it a good blast due to icy/greasy roads, and i've only washed it three times in my ownership due to the weather conditions. With my two previous cars, I religiously spent 3 hours every weekend cleaning my car, but with the zed, it just is not the same. MY MPG is always in the low 20's and I am putting over £60 a week V-power in it - and thats only for my daily commute and the odd trip to my girlfriends. I bought a lovely shiny Nismo exhaust for it in February thinking it would make me love it, don't get me wrong, I do love the sound, but I don't know if its worth it the price tag over the OEM exhaust. What shall I do? Give my zed a chance, and buy a daily runner, and use my zed for the weekends when the better weather comes in? Or sell my car and Nismo Zorst seperately and buy a few year old Civic Type R GT with less than 20k miles (more seats, better MPG, cheaper insurance as i'm only 21?) Has anyone ever driven the new shape type r? If so, how do they compare to the zed? Thanks guys.
  19. Funny thing is that when I seen your car, I was ready to go over and put a spotted flyer under your wiper
  20. A lad asks his gran, 'have you seen my pills? they've got LSD written on them!' '**** your pills!' replies gran. 'Have you seen the dragon in the kitchen?!' Internet warning : if you get an e-mail titled "Nude photo of Susan Boyle" Do not open it. It contains a nude photo of Susan Boyle A neds wedding in Glasgow ends in a riot, the polis arrests 20 and they end up in court. Best man says to judge 'Can I explain what happened? Its Glasga tradition for the best man to have first dance with the bride which I did. I was dancin very close. The groom runs at us and kicked his bride in the funny!'. ' Gosh' says the judge. 'that musta been sore." "sore?"he broke 3 of my ****in fingers!!" Just driving my new Toyota Prius Chat later, cant stop! Mental patient is in hospital when a nurse catches him with his willy inbetween 2 biscuts! "what are you doing?" She asks. "I'm ****ing crackers" he replied! Just bought the wife a new bag and belt for valentines day. The hoover works a treat now!
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