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Ramblings from our site wordsmiths.......

Emperor Ming

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Cheers ming, I feel enlightened now! I'll try to use that in a sentence soon! You should give us a word of the week on here, it might be fun!

We have a 'game' at work where you arew given a word to get into a formal police interview. I once had three offenders - all involved in dealing drugs - and I was given three words. Taj Mahal, St Pauls Cathedral and the Eiffel Tower. I got all three in!! :scare:

Effervescent was another challenge that I got into an interview for theft of a car.

I like your 'word of the day' idea though. I shall have to give it some thought! :dry:

I have put many a 'hard man' in jail with the power of the word where the 'strong arm' of the law had failed.

How about


Fit that in a sentence

Ming the Muddled

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For I am often upon the queens business.

I oftensay 'stand aside miscreant, ner-do-well, and offender of this good parish for I take upon me the queens shilling and am a bidder of her business'.

Believe it or believe it not I have put a sentence similar to that in both a custody record AND a police statement.


I love words.

Look in the dictionary and see

Take the word PUDDLE

It also means 'to stir molten iron to produce wrought iron by expelling carbon' or 'to busy oneself in an untidy way' or even 'to mix water and clay to seperate gold and opal'.

What a fabulous language we have, rivalled only i think by Japanese for its complexity.

And I have just typed all this AFTER a full bottle of Rondinella Pinot Grigio - a sharp little rose blush with a distinct tincture of maranello - and one of Mrs Ming's finest home cooked archaic recipees.

Ming the Satisfied

PS I am also playing on line poker and am sitting 5th out of 13 having started with 271

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Excellent !


keep your affluence of the semantic teachings and enlighten our empoverished discourse with your wordsmith and steadfast lexicography.



I will reply with great fortitude on the morrow good sir.

Partaking of great linguistic fortitude is a sobering experience and I care not to waste the elvating experience of good grape sustenance.

I have just partook in a gambling extraveganza which left me numerous 'Yanky greenbacks' to the good so I now bid you a fond fairwell and will partake of verbal and linguistic banter on the setting of the 'morrows sun.

You linguistic jostler

Ming the Muddled

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A multiplentitude of my humblest felicitations all ye of great linguistic fortutude.

Doric, my good man.

A certian ubiquitous charm I am sure, and roots firmly embedded in the antedeluvian orders of our great and sceptered isle. Harkening back to eons gone when history was but in the creating and memories fair failed to reach beyond living memory.

Bring it forth for I welcome our verbal jousting and the broadening of all knowledge linguistic.

Ming the Lexicon

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Wow, I'll just go get my Lexicon!




So Ming, fit Like the day mannie, fit time you yolking the morn en?


I've nae an early yolk an ah hid an ealy louse the day an ah! Fit fine! ;)


At a hazardous estimation it would/could mean

What kind of day did you have? What time are you getting up in the morning - yolking I guess is in reference to yolking a beast which would be the first job in a farmers day - I don't have to get up early and I had an ......... today as well. Be good!

Struggling with 'ealy louse'. but agin I hazzard a guess at 'easy day'

Ming the struggling

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Very good Ming. :thumbs:


So Ming, how are you today(mannie is a friendly term for gentleman, quine or quienee for a female)? What time are you getting out of bed tomorrow then?


I don't have to be early tomorrow and I had an early finish today. How pleasant!


As you can see, not bad at all!


yir nae three bad at iss. A puckle lessons an yil be a fair cheel! Nae bad at ah!

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Gie him strong drink until he wink,

That's sinking in despair;

An' liquor guid to fire his bluid,

That's prest wi' grief and care:

There let him bouse, an' deep carouse,

Wi' bumpers flowing o'er,

Till he forgets his loves or debts,

An' minds his griefs no more.


Let other poets raise a fracas

"Bout vines, an' wines, an' drucken Bacchus,

An' crabbit names an'stories wrack us,

An' grate our lug:

I sing the juice Scotch bear can mak us,

In glass or jug.

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I think my favourite quote was one that my son did when he was about 6 years old and our new neighbours invited us for dinner. I was surprised when they put their hands together and closed their eyes to say grace and my son loudly said "rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub, lets get shovelling!" I was mortified! :lol:


Bart Simpson circa 1993

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Very good Ming. :thumbs:


So Ming, how are you today(mannie is a friendly term for gentleman, quine or quienee for a female)? What time are you getting out of bed tomorrow then?


I don't have to be early tomorrow and I had an early finish today. How pleasant!


As you can see, not bad at all!


yir nae three bad at iss. A puckle lessons an yil be a fair cheel! Nae bad at ah!


Ah fine we kiltie. Challenge aye tha deed.

But, buried under the permafrost of age, entrenched deep within the innermost sanctums of my genealogy is a smattering of a scottish clan and the nuances of long silent archaic prose must rumble on in the deeper recesses of my psyche.

(Me nan were arf jock an I fink I musta remembud summat like!)


yir nae three bad at iss. A puckle lessons an yil be a fair cheel! Nae bad at ah!

Your not to bad at this! A few lessons and you will be a good student. Not bad at all!

Ming the Mind numb

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Ming, have you been smoking anything strange recently? :lol:

Laugh. A stentorian rumble uttered forth from my stomachs pit!

The frightening thing, oh ye of the fairer sex, is that oft not I am free of all and any grape or hop based intellectual enhancements. I accept wholeheartedly that this menu of ramblings was started by a quaff of dionysiacally enhanced fermentation but oftennot they come from a truely honest state of sobriety.

Ming the Straight


PS After a decent seizure I am stoned just through contact as my system is not used to the effects of the THC - tetra hydra canabinol - in the plants and it takes me a while to come round - like last night.


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