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Numpty motorists


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Last night I was out for a blast in the Monaro. I was being a good boy and just chilling out as I joined the motorway ( M6 near Preston ). There was a Saab diesel in the near side lane ( Black, 53 plate ) and he moved over to let me join the carriageway, very nice of him. There was then a Mercedes E class pottering along the nearside lane and Saab man decided it would be funny to stay alongside me and not let me pass the Merc, I didnt have room to accelerate through the gap so I had to brake down to about 60. The Saab braked with me and stayed alongside to prevent me moving out, and I looked across to see him giving me the finger ! I wondered what the hell was this guys problem, slowed down and moved out behind the Saab at which point the numpty hit the brakes right in front of me. I swerved into the outside lane and looked across and he was laughing hysterically. This was obviously the highlight of his day. I pointed to the hard shoulder because I quite fancied having a quiet word with this guy, preferably with my hands wrapped around his throat. He just shrugged his shoulders at me, so I gave him the finger and booted it and made him disappear. It made me wonder, supposing when he braked I had hit him and we both pulled over on the hard shoulder and a very annoyed 20 stone buffoon steps out of a 25 gand car this clown has purposely damaged, exactly what did he think would happen next ?


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Yet another jealous rep who has to spend his time in someone else's car......


I'd have been tempted to stop at first opportunity, probably next services and report him to police.....


Thats just stupid, no matter what...... could have killed you. I mean, if you had swerved, very easy to hit reservation, flip etc......


Where are the motorway traffic cops when you need em! :dry:

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If wasn't giving you the finger it would be fair to assume he was admiring the Monaro but he clearly wasn't.


What a ****.


It's so difficult to not stoop to their level but it's times like these that being in a big **** off truck would be great fun! Nudge his back end and see if he can control a 60mph fish tail :lol:


You did well to leave the prick behind though. He might have been a 21 stone buffoon :p

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Since buying the yellow one, Ive had two "incidents" that Im not particularly proud of. I have never confronted anyone in years, yet in the last month Ive had two such issues.


It really depresses me that I have allowed some numpty to drag me down to their level. I thought I was above all that, but some times the red mist comes down and I revert to some knuckle scraping neanderthal (too many nights out in Chesterfield methinks :lol: )


The latest such incident was at a local 24 hour petrol station slash mini tesco.


There are about 6 parking spaces and 3 pumps. I was on my way to a meal out with friends but needed some cash - so we called at this garage on the way. I generally try to avoid it at all costs unless its some ungodly hour as I know it will be busy, usually with traffic queueing on the road just to get in.


Anyway - I pull in and there are about three cars in front of me waiting for spaces, so while Im waiting Tracy goes to the cash machine. One car gets tired of waiting for a space and leaves, and the other two take the next two spaces made vacant during the next minute or so.


So now ive moved round to near the cash point and I am the next in line for a space - as it happens no space becomes available by the time Tracy has returned from the cash machine (about 45 seconds after I became the first in the queue).


Just as tracy gets in the car I get a knock on the window. It turns out to be a chap tht has just pulled into the last empty pump and decides he wants to speak to me before filling his car up.


So I wind the window down and the following takes place....


Me: "yes?"

Merc Driver: "You are holding everyone up mate"


Me: "well there are no spaces, so what can I do about it?"

Merc Driver: "F*** Off" (gesturing with his thumb to the road).


Of course Tracy did not take too kindly to that kind of language being used for no reason.


The problem was, the tirade of abuse that was about to flow from my mouth was going to really upset her :blush:


Before Tracy could finish saying "There's no need for that", I had turned off the ignition, knocked it out of gear, taken the seatbelt off, and was out of the car.


Having a go at me for no reason is one thing, using that kind of abuse for no reason whilst Tracy is in the car is quite another.


I made it pretty clear that saying that to my face now I was out of my car would perhaps not be in his best interests, unless of course he felt looking fo his teeth under his car was an appealing activity and that by taking that action he was actually holding the traffic up even more, as I was no longer in my vehicle to move it.


I was dissapointed in myself that I acted in such an agressive manner, but he just caught me at a bad moment and was completely out of order.


I then spent the next half an hour wishing I had just responded with some witty retorte or put down, and kicking myself that I dragged myself down to his level.


Grrrr... :rant:


Im sure it was the pure fact that it was some young (ish :blush:) lad in a bright yellow sporty car with a loud exhaust that made him act in that manner, and I would hope that had it been Tracy in the Altea, he may have chosen a different course of action.

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I get idiots like this all the time Dan!

They seem to get a laugh from causing a nuisance.

I just try to stay calm and just think that if i get worked up he's won. So i chill and just remember im saving fuel by cruising along.


Sometimes ive not been able to keep my cool and had a few run-ins with people and have plenty of stories. I even kicked one guys car door which im not very proud of. You live and learn i suppose, just try not to swoop to their level.


Idiots like you had should be reported to the police. but again, what are they really going to do?

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It seems these people exist in their rep mobiles, believing they've mad it in life. I'm surprised he was in a Saab, they're normally the most inert drivers on the road. When I'm getting done with the Volvo, I'll put a post up here and people can bid for it's 'use' to be sacrificed in just one such moment. A sort of, pull along side and swerve into his door moment, or whoever comes up with the best idea or deserving prat on the road.


Sorry to hear about it, maybe we need a new section and a map so we can plot where has the biggest concentration of self important jumped up idiots? ;):boxing:

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Video phone, youtube, tell as many people as you can to view it (and vote for it), make sure reg is visible, press gets wind of it, cops investigate.


Although that's far too much effort. I'd of called the cops and tailed the muppet until they showed up. Tell them he must be really really REALLY drunk and they’d be there in no time.

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I hate people like that glad you didnt crash it, 25k? wanna sell it?


Everything is for sale :D

Click on TheGlen in the forum discounts section on the home page, thats my website.

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It averaged 22 point something on the last tank, but on Monday I filled it, reset the trip and went straight on the motorway for over 100 miles and it was over 26 mpg after that run.

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