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Sound insulation - noisey neighbours


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Hi All,


I remember reading a post on here about someone who had some noisey neighbours so looked into sound insulation, but i cant find it.


I have seen a few things, really its not so much our neighbours being noisey its more that the walls are made of paper painted to look like brick i think! (it must be the same for them)


So ideally im looking for a cheap but easy and practicle solution to sound proof our bedroom so that if we go to bed early we dont have to listen to thier tv etc..


I have found a few things ranging from a plaster board type stuff that you screw ontop the wall and then lining paper over, to some latex sheeting. But i cant find anywhere online honest reviews / comments on how effective it is.


Any help would be great.


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you need mass and separation ie the material you use must be fairly heavy and dense to stop air-born sound + seal around all the edges, and then (this is the difficult bit) try and avoid connecting it to the existing wall - the more fixings you use the more direct impact sound will transfer.

The key is to get the small details right around all four edges - foam strips, silicone etc - all manufacturers will have details for their products

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I don't honestly think that anyone has effectively managed to do this in a normal house or flat set up, many try but few get it done.

Sound waves are difficult to control causing vibration travelling in all sorts of mannner not neccesarily in a direct line but bouncing around like a rubber ball.

Any way I wish you luck and let us know if you manage to do it.

Cheers :thumbs:

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I think the thread you were talking about may have been posted by me, although it was the other way around - I was the noisy neighbour (well alledgedly), searching for posts by me with noise in may help find it. I haven't found a solution other than not to listen to anything even on the quietest setting past midnight... I even got a noise complaint while I was away in Greece and one when I was asleep in bed (and had to be up at 5am :rant: ) though, so I think I have mental neighbours rather than me being noisy! :lol:

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Reminds me of one house I used to rent. Me and the missus at time were err... quite active in the bedroom. (sigh... how things have changed). And I never thought anything about the noise. Until one day I was sitting in bed quietly reading a book and I could actually hear my neighbours having a normal conversation in their bedroom through the wall. I then realised the walls were paper thin. Embarrassing wasn't the word. However, it did explain why the neighbours wife used to always look at me "knowingly" with a twinkle in her eye.


Since then when ive had problems with noisy neighbours, I find playing Slayer at high volumes seems to quieten them down a bit.

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lol thanks for all the comments. Sadly its not that they are noisey the noise level is perfectly acceptable but the walls are so thin you can hear everything.


I had been looking at a few options here was one i thought that seemed quite interesting.

http://www.ikoustic.co.uk/Silent_Board/ ... 96816.aspx


it implies you just screw it on then wall paper over with lniing paper.

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lol thanks for all the comments. Sadly its not that they are noisey the noise level is perfectly acceptable but the walls are so thin you can hear everything.


I had been looking at a few options here was one i thought that seemed quite interesting.

http://www.ikoustic.co.uk/Silent_Board/ ... 96816.aspx


it implies you just screw it on then wall paper over with lniing paper.


I'd consider that if I could work out the price! It says £47 per single but also mentions "50 pieces per pallet" - if that's £47 per 1.2m square that's bloody expesnive to do a room/flat/house!

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lol thanks for all the comments. Sadly its not that they are noisey the noise level is perfectly acceptable but the walls are so thin you can hear everything.


I had been looking at a few options here was one i thought that seemed quite interesting.

http://www.ikoustic.co.uk/Silent_Board/ ... 96816.aspx


it implies you just screw it on then wall paper over with lniing paper.


I'd consider that if I could work out the price! It says £47 per single but also mentions "50 pieces per pallet" - if that's £47 per 1.2m square that's bloody expesnive to do a room/flat/house!


Well, they do say silence is golden.....

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