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Going on a bit of a drive....

rob d

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I am plotting a little run out in July. I of course will be in my Zed and plan to have the roof down and grin on alll the way, This little trip will take in a few long held ambitions.

Car 2 will be the V10 audi - the lambo engined thing = 450 BHP !!

Car three: breathed on Focus STI with 'about' 300 bhp.

Three very different cars and a lot of fun to be had. Al la Top Gear i plan to have walkie talkies in the cars to throw abuse around as we go.



with our cumulative knowledge I am asking for some in put to make sure I see as much as possible.

Here is the route:

http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sourc ... 631836&z=5



That should take you to google maps.


here is a better break down: bridgwater to portsmouth 110 miles

fery toi cherbourg

Cherbourg to Pamplona 800 miles

In pamplona for the festival of the Bulls. Yep, run with the bulls !

Via Pyrenees drop left back into France and on to Millau bridge 380 miles

geneva 353 miles

Montruex by the way of lake geneva. Where Smoke on the Water was recorded. 60 miles

Into alps through national parks etc to brig-glis 74 miles

Turn left to Luzern 87 miles

On to Uhlingen 65 miles

Nail it through German forrests etc to Adenau. Where they keep the Nurbergring 340 miles

Through Luxembourg to Riems in France again 229 miles

To cherbourg for the 7 pm ferry 312 miles

Home 110 miles.


Some 2500 miles in 8 days. cool :-)


Any suggestion for thing to look at that does not involve huge deviations from this route ? What vital must see doodahs have I missed ? Any photo's to support the route I have chosen? Has any one done this or bits of it ?



All I have to do now is get the other two guys to actually say yes and book the ferry instead of just talking about it......

Cheers y'all.

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The ferry is £240 for car and 2 people.

Fuel estimate - @20 mpg is £750.

Hotels : about 35/ 40 pernight in a shared room.

food £250 ish

Beer £no limit.


Memory £no limit

I am budgeting about £1200, but if I get a passenger that will drop a bit and it will be more fun

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Done a few Euro trips, Pamplona was a dissapointment but will surely be better or more exciting running with the Bulls. Once you've got the Millau bridge out your system, drop down into the gorges heading east, can't remember the name offhand but simply stunning scenery and driving.


Montreaux, nightmare to park and very busy with traffic, there's a nice little market right on the lakeside that's a good place for a coffee, it'll take you at least 2 hours to get in, parked and have a coffee though!


We headed from there up to Cologne, through Heidleburgh (sp?), 7 hours of torturous motorway driving that was very, very busy the whole way, wasn't even a Friday either, so pick your route north carefully.


Nearly forgot, when leaving Pamplona, head for Ainsa, brilliant driving road, we cut up into France about 30/40miles from there and went round Toulouse to Millau.


Bridge was @ 16 Euros one way!!! We did it three times :lol: , oh and avoid the Mont Blanc Tunnel when heading up through the Alps, that was 38 Euros one way!!!!!


Here's a wee piccy or two :D

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The ferry is £240 for car and 2 people.

Fuel estimate - @20 mpg is £750.

Hotels : about 35/ 40 pernight in a shared room.

food £250 ish

Beer £no limit.


Memory £no limit

I am budgeting about £1200, but if I get a passenger that will drop a bit and it will be more fun



Thanks for the estimate rob, quite reasonable really considering it's 8 days of fun!


I better get saving then! :teeth:

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Me and some mates did Stelvio and back again in 5 days on the bikes and although Stelvio is apparently the best road we found one 100 times better. If you're interested in some good roads in Italy and Switzerland give me a holler. The best road by far is on your map between point H and I. You need to make a small adjustment and go down road number 11 from Innertkichen to Wassen, you won't regret it!


Have a look at this, it's a bike vid, but all good none the less!


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done road trips the last 2 years around the switzlerand france and germany area.


If you fancey a couple of hours to chill in the sun and enjoy some galsier water to swim in i recomend this place, not to far off your route and has a nice roman bridge you can jump off, should give you a bit of a thrille. not as much as a bul run though ;)


http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sourc ... d&t=h&z=16


Edit, if you like bungee jumps check out the verzasca dam jump, some 250 metres high i believe, roughly £150 to jump off it though.


this is one of my friends doing it



As said above, get yourself on some of the passes in switzerland, they're amazing drives.

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Ive done (99% of) the C to D (Cherbourg to Moliets) leg of your route 3 times rob. Last time was in 2004 in my MR2 T-Bar.


My advice is to stay off the Autoroutes and stick to the N roads as far as Bordeaux. Then you have to do a long leg on the N10 down to the Spanish border which is a bit tiresome as its over a hundred miles virtually in a straight line with no hills or anything except for pine forest - im a forester and it even gets a bit boring for me after an hour!


You get some good driving roads down through France and see the landscape change, not spectacular roads but that'll come in the Alps.


Was a heat wave when i went down last, 43oC in a black MR2 T-Bar with black leather and no air-con. Did it in an 8.5hr sprint and pretty much passed out after we got there :wacko:

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Ok, a MUST DO road is the one that goes round the Gorge du Verdun (Clarkson raced the freestyle climbers in the RS4 here) to Castellane, thn onto the Route Napoleon south to Monaco, another detour on that route is to a place called Gourdon, lunch in the Eagles Nest was the best on our three week tour last year.


We also went up to Stelvio from Lake Como, very busy with bikes and quite a tiring drive.


More piccies B) You can just make out the road on the north side of the gorge, the southern road is just as good but higher :scare:


Mate I could write a book on our last two years tours, Spain has the best coffee :lol: , France the best roads and wine and food, Italy has the most stylish lake drives and ALL THE ALPS are fechin scary :lol: Chamonix (again spelling :shrug: ) is another great stop off, oh I couldf go on and on, but I think I'll just plan one for this year :yahoo:

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This is priceless ! Thank you sooo much.


i have two cars confirmed now. me and the big audi. the guy with the ST is waivering due to cash but i am sure he will dive in.


Will be booking the ferry in the next week, then thats it ! It's gotta happen then :teeth:


Please lease please more info and photo's from any one who's done similar.


G man, where do you live ? I should buy you beer and pick your brains :wacko:

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:lol: Next time I'm heading off to Europe via Plymouth I'll drop by ;) Have a great trip, and watch out for the French rozzers, the rural ones are ok and can be quite curious, the motorway ones are after your money via speed traps.


The Millau Bridge has a great visitor centre and is worth an hour to mooch around and get photo's, there's one either side of the bridge :thumbs:


Here's another piccieor two, one of us three fat barstewards :lol: in a little village in the valley at Millau. And a couple in the Alps, BTW all the stickers were mostly from that years, 2009, Le Mans trip, and of course my old RX8,


Again have a safe and enjoyable trip :thumbs:

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I'll agree with G man on the milau bridge went to that 2 years ago and it really is fantastic. I went to the Eagles nest last year, and being well into my WW2 stuff i found the eagles nest a bit of a let down. We went to the restaurant at the botom and that was very nice, i could eat currywerst and fries forever, soooo nice!


I'd also google some of the amazing castles that are in south germany and austria.. they have actual fairytale castles. most of which where build just to show off!

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