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Idiotic drivers


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Coming back from work today, was overtaking a nice 45mph caravan (i know...) could see a white clio approaching, plenty of time during my manoeuvre. Got back into the driving lane and at this point the clio is about 12-15 metres away (estimate), he then swerves into my lane and back out in an attempt to ...scare me??! :scare:


Am I losing it completely!!? :rant:


What is wrong with people, is it that thy're jealous of the cars some people own, that they cannot attain one themselves, or they don't like people overtaking or are they just p***ing morons!


If we had collided it would've been his fault and I'm fairly sure with all the metal in front of me that he would have come off far worse!! :angry::rant:



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Unfortunately there are lots of people that think that there should be NO overtaking at all ....... good news is that with a Zed it's so easy to embarrass these people ....... they are way way too late to make any sort of positive statement so they end up doing something stupid and dangerous ............ I wouldn't worry about it .... just stay safe

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I got a massive fright one day following a slow convoy of cars on the welsh roads. :scare:

I'm not one for taking silly risks overtaking into blind bends so i sat patiently waiting. then there was a nice gap so when i saw a 4x4 overtaking up ahead already i went out and went by 3 of the cars, a lorry turned the corner up ahead and although i could have probably made it past the last slow car i thought i'd not take the chance and gently slip back in :thumbs: . The last slow car however decided that i must be going to go by him aswell, and also decided that i was never going to make it. So he hammered his brakes on in an emergency stop while i was pulling in. on gravel!! so there i am now stuck in the path of a lorry as he has stupidly blocked me from rejoining our side of the road in his attempt to "help"? f**k knows.


A-the lorry braked

B-the bmw behind the slow car had left ample room for me to get in


C- I saw what was happening and out braked the slow car meaning i managed to fit back in by a whisker.


Utterly unbelievable, the poor bmw convertible was showered in gravel, it was beautifully polished by the look of things too.


Lesson learned was two fold for me; taking my time did pay off and never trust ANYONE, especially mega slow people.



some people completely miss judge the overtake your about to complete because they don't realise how big a difference there is between your car and theirs. they assess the situation based on their Clio which you have over 3 times the power of and decide in their wisdom you are taking an unacceptable risk.

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