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violent offender


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A few months ago, my eldest son who is a P.c. tried to detain a man for burglary. The offender was known to be violent and back - up was sent. The whole event was captured on CCTV which in my sons town is particularly good. Close - ups were produced in court of the offender sitting astride my son and trying to gouge out his eyes with his thumbs, subsequent medical treatment led to my sons sight fully recovering. In court the offender got off pleading self defence and produced two witnesses, also violet offenders and drug users who happened to be passing and backed up his story. they of course were not visible at all on any CCTV in the area. No effective cross examination from CPS in court.


Two nights ago a decent young man in a town centre bar witnessed a man steal a girls purse. Being a model citizen he telephoned the police on his mobile and followed the offender describing his route as he was not a local. his transmissions ceased and a few minutes later my son found him seriously injured lying in the gutter (amongst other injuries his jaw is broken in 3 places). No CCTV of the assault but there are witnesses and CCTV reveals the I.P. following my sons violent offender out of the bar.


Had this offender been convicted of my sons assault then that young man would be ok today as the arsehole would (should) have been locked up. When are we, the general public and our police, going to get effective support from the CPS coupled with effective sentencing by the courts?

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when we leave the EU and stop following namby pamby rules for human rights.


why was a thief able to sue B&Q for damages after he injuried himself climbing over a barbed wire fence; all because it didn't have a warning sign telling them of the barb wire?


why are we likely to face criminal proceedings if we defend our own home and injure the intruder?


why is it that PC's end up having to spend more time doing paper work than they do being on patrol in order to have to put together long winded evidence in order to combat these loop holes?


why is it that just because your under 18 and commit the same crime as someone over 18 that you can get away with a caution?


the police do sterling work in a difficult situation. i've heard of several cases thrown out on technicalities and people who should be punished are set free. its not fair but sadly its life.

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Disgusting how the system allows people like this to get away with what they've done. I hope they throw away the key this time but since there is no CCTV footage his lawyers will probably get him off with it again! It makes my blood boil. My dad was a PC (thankfully now retired) and I understand how worrying it can be having family members in the police especially when they have scum like this allowed to walk free.


I'm glad your son has recovered and hope the latest victim is also going to be OK. It really reinforces the idea that the public shouldn't get involved, call the police and leave it at that, but how many of us would instictively do the same and follow the guy until the police arrived? Or even try to tackle him? I know I couldn't just stand by. But look where it gets you...

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Not good to hear Derek. I totally agree, the courts are now turning into some sort of creche type affair where the decisions often beggar belief. You are obviously closer to the sharp end than myself, but the stories I hear along the same lines as yours make my blood boil. Even those that do get convicted are dealt with so lightly that its hardly any punishment/deterrent at all.


The ammount of overly PC crap that gets put through our courts is unbvelieveable. I hear this morning that there is a case going to the high court seeking to stop the deportation of an illegal immigrant back to his home country as he is gay and will be persecuted for it in his own country as it is illegal...


This paves a very dangerous precedent if set. Do we then become an open border to anyone from any country in which gay sexuality is illegal, afterall how do we prove they are lying if they turn up and say "Im gay and cant go home as I will be persecuted for it".



How does someone who is clearly unstable, get let out of prison to shoot one man dead and serioulsy injur two more people including a police officer not even connected to the matter.


We have absolutely no deterrent for offenders, a total lack of spine from the CPS which just renders all the polices work a waste of time and money, and an overly PC nanny state where criminals often get more rights than the people who they attacked in the first place! Its an absolute joke.


Full credit to your son for the job he does, and hopefully one day he will be able to see the CPS finish the job and actually convict people. For now though Id back any vigilante group that metered out the punishment that the state seem incapable or unwilling to do. A bunch of £20 notes to the right person in a shady pub to one night put a hammer across the chaps knees would be a start.

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Goodness know's what's happening to our justice system these days. Your story isn't even the half of it either, it get's to the point where you just cant care any more if you actually work in a related field. I spend months investigating paedophiles and putting together open and shut cases, only for them to walk out of court on technicalities.


Unfortunately your's is a lot closer to home mate and that's a harder pill to swallow. Terrible shame.

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when we leave the EU and stop following namby pamby rules for human rights


Thats exactly why these things happen. Because the attitude nowadays is its always somebody else's fault!!!


Nothing to do with EU but our own stupid laws!. As far as i know Greece is in the EU but that wouldn't have happened there as the guy wouldnt be able to attend the first court hearing from all the beating up from the fellow coppers!!!


From Chesterfield :

A bunch of £20 notes to the right person in a shady pub to one night put a hammer across the chaps knees would be a start.



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And as it happens i know a nice couple of lads (never been arrested) who live in sheffield and would love to earn a few quid on this scumbag. He needs a bit of his own medicine as that is the only thing they understand, going to court for people like them is just a day out :angry:

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when we leave the EU and stop following namby pamby rules for human rights


Thats exactly why these things happen. Because the attitude nowadays is its always somebody else's fault!!!


Nothing to do with EU but our own stupid laws!. As far as i know Greece is in the EU but that wouldn't have happened there as the guy wouldnt be able to attend the first court hearing from all the beating up from the fellow coppers!!!


From Chesterfield :

A bunch of £20 notes to the right person in a shady pub to one night put a hammer across the chaps knees would be a start.




our human rights laws all stem from european legislation, we're just the only country stupid enough to follow them to the letter. same with most other EU legislation. most other countries just nod and then do there own thing. we actually spend huge amounts of money employing people to implement them. like our lovely health and safety brigade, who now make most jobs an actual pain in the arse to do anything, or the fact our headstones in grave yards now have to be laid down. and a million and one other stupid rules that bubble wrap our citizens.

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