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help needed using youtube in a powerpoint


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Hey bud,


Download the video using the URL - there is a free and great program called tooble to do this. I am rubbish with tech related stuff and even I can use it. SHould be easier to include in your presentation then :thumbs: Or if you don't want it in your powerpoint you can stick it on a pen drive or cd or whatever :thumbs:


Let us know how you get on

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Tooble is the business - isn't it! :thumbs:


I have it set up so that it send the video clips to my music folder i think - not itunes. I am sure you should now be able to go to the insert menu on powerpoint and select video clip from movies and sounds- then go choose the file - no?

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basically using power point to make a fake news report about sport relief. the kids are the news reporters and it will be interspersed with clips etc. just used the BBC news intro music. and trying to piece it all together.


if i left the kids to do it i'd still be waiting next year :lol:


and they have to do this on tuesday :doh:

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At least your secondary mate! I am a primary teacher - feel my pain!


Your a tech teacher are you not?


yes mate, i'm secondary tech, and i do feel your pain, my wife teaches year 1 reception. we're both working, and do most nights :dry: average joe bloggs don't realise the hours that go in to teaching

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At least your secondary mate! I am a primary teacher - feel my pain!


Your a tech teacher are you not?


yes mate, i'm secondary tech, and i do feel your pain, my wife teaches year 1 reception. we're both working, and do most nights :dry: average joe bloggs don't realise the hours that go in to teaching


My girlfriend is a primary teacher also. What grills me is when people say aye, teaching must be great! Go in at 9 and out at 3 and all those holidays. I feel like exploding!


I, and I am sure its the same for you, work more hours than most of my friends (getting paid no overtime) and as for the holidays, yeah they are good but they also have drawbacks such as being the most expensive times of year to go anywhere :lol:

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it drives me up the wall,


when i was training i think i was doing 90 hour weeks, basically doing 2 full time jobs. unpaid. and my mates were bitching about having to do a couple of extra hours on their 38 hour week on 35k a year :rant:


i worked out we work the same as everybody else, we just cram it into 156 teaching days and require the rest of the time to recover. i also work through my summers. and this half term i'll be in school 2 days doing coursework with the kids. i give up weekends for school activities un paid.


people also don't realize we aren't paid after 3.45 and we don't get paid for lunches. but i do clubs in my lunch and clubs after school.


teaching is definitely a vocation not a job. most people wouldn't last a day in the classroom :lol:


its also the one profession everyone has experienced (as a student) and everybody thinks they can do it better, but no one wants to come into the classroom :lol:

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it drives me up the wall,


when i was training i think i was doing 90 hour weeks, basically doing 2 full time jobs. unpaid. and my mates were bitching about having to do a couple of extra hours on their 38 hour week on 35k a year :rant:


i worked out we work the same as everybody else, we just cram it into 156 teaching days and require the rest of the time to recover. i also work through my summers. and this half term i'll be in school 2 days doing coursework with the kids. i give up weekends for school activities un paid.


people also don't realize we aren't paid after 3.45 and we don't get paid for lunches. but i do clubs in my lunch and clubs after school.


teaching is definitely a vocation not a job. most people wouldn't last a day in the classroom :lol:


its also the one profession everyone has experienced (as a student) and everybody thinks they can do it better, but no one wants to come into the classroom :lol:


Oh my life.... violins.gif

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it drives me up the wall,


when i was training i think i was doing 90 hour weeks, basically doing 2 full time jobs. unpaid. and my mates were bitching about having to do a couple of extra hours on their 38 hour week on 35k a year :rant:


i worked out we work the same as everybody else, we just cram it into 156 teaching days and require the rest of the time to recover. i also work through my summers. and this half term i'll be in school 2 days doing coursework with the kids. i give up weekends for school activities un paid.


people also don't realize we aren't paid after 3.45 and we don't get paid for lunches. but i do clubs in my lunch and clubs after school.


teaching is definitely a vocation not a job. most people wouldn't last a day in the classroom :lol:


its also the one profession everyone has experienced (as a student) and everybody thinks they can do it better, but no one wants to come into the classroom :lol:


Oh my life.... violins.gif


did you have some bad teacher experiences sarnie? would you like to discuss it with the group? come on now, we are all friends here :happy: did they do they naughty things with you? violins.gif

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it drives me up the wall,


when i was training i think i was doing 90 hour weeks, basically doing 2 full time jobs. unpaid. and my mates were bitching about having to do a couple of extra hours on their 38 hour week on 35k a year :rant:


i worked out we work the same as everybody else, we just cram it into 156 teaching days and require the rest of the time to recover. i also work through my summers. and this half term i'll be in school 2 days doing coursework with the kids. i give up weekends for school activities un paid.


people also don't realize we aren't paid after 3.45 and we don't get paid for lunches. but i do clubs in my lunch and clubs after school.


teaching is definitely a vocation not a job. most people wouldn't last a day in the classroom :lol:


its also the one profession everyone has experienced (as a student) and everybody thinks they can do it better, but no one wants to come into the classroom :lol:


Oh my life.... violins.gif


did you have some bad teacher experiences sarnie? would you like to discuss it with the group? come on now, we are all friends here :happy: did they do they naughty things with you? violins.gif


No, just teachers moaning about putting gold stars on homework :lol:

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I agree with everything you say - i run two after school clubs, a health commitee and am part of three working parties this year. I also attend several evening and weekend events throughout the year as well as CPD courses and parent evenings etc.


This is all on top of long and short term planning for my class,preparing resources, the teaching during the week and all the marking goes with it.


I also work at the very least half a day per weekend and often in my holidays! I do enjoy teaching but I sometimes wish I had went into a profession that pays better for the amount of effort you put in. I bust my balls in my job and I know I am a good teacher (call me big headed if you like but I am) and I sometimes get peeved off. It perhaps wouldnt be as bad if the general public appreciated teachers - but they don't.


And for the people who are giving the violin treatment.....come teach in a school for a week.

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sarnie i have a GCSE group that would eat you alive, :lol: or even better you could work with the PAVE group, i really like them, but they are hard work, and most of them will only get 2-3 GCSE's


i love my job, and there are huge benefits, plus kids have a better sense of humor than adults do.


i don't mind putting the hours in , i just wish i was on an hourly rate so i could claim overtime :lol: we'd all be driving lambo's

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I was clever enough to pick a job that pays what I'm worth :p


i'm one of those people who would rather do a job i enjoy than one that pays well but i hate it.




i hope your well paid job is enjoyable. if it is you've done well.


i've just got to work my way up, the money gets better as i go on. and the pension is pretty good (as long as it stays that way)

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I meet teachers everyday in my job ...... I design the buildings that teachers work in ...... most teachers are totally dedicated nice people .... I know I couldn't do their job because I haven't got enough patience, and when you dial in the fact that a lot of secondary kids have no interest, my view is that the job is an impossible one and therefore the people who do it are heroes who demand out respect ......


............ a bit :offtopic: but there......I've said my bit

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