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RtBiscuits first go at CF Skinning finish pics pg3


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Good job rich, i have dabbled with this and will never do it again...its a pain in the ass.





lol :lol: i know where your coming from, i came down this morning and looked at at think, god i've made a horrible mess of this, its going to cost me a fortune to replace it all :doh: , but i spent an hour with a stanley blade and got rid of the excess, and the bits that had lifted and it looked better, and now i've dropped on 2 more coats of top coat resin its looking pretty good. have used a hair drier (don't tell the wife) to get rid of any air bubbles and its looking pretty good.


as far as i can tell the weave is all dead straight and has wrapped nicely on the B pillars so should look pretty spot on.


having 3 coats on top has made a difference, was going to leave it at too as i had mixed all the solution up, but i bunged it and the paint brush in the freezer and got it out 4 hours later and was able to put 1 last coat on. was pretty chuffed with that maneuver :lol:


just got to have a go polishing tomorrow, far more confident now it has 3 coats on, as i shouldn't touch Carbon at all.


but i don't think i want to try it again. was contemplating doing the arm rests with the switches next, but i'll wait and see

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Bell and lemsip was aimed at Tarmac.


I think doggie will be fine as long as you never dunked your biscuit..................... :lol:



I would have to be at my mums with the bell... she looks after me :dummy:


If I rang a bell at my house all i'd get is a big ol Slap :surrender:


is your partner and mine related :lol:

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have fitted the rear strut which is fine, but i'm using the laquer technique on the sides, one thing i was wondering is how long to leave the laquer to dry before fitting.


each coat is touch dry within 15 mine, but i'm leaving 35 min between coats, it says not to go over it with any rubbing compounds for at least 2 weeks, but says nothing about overall drying time.


my guess is to leave fitting till tomorrow for them, any one got any ideas?

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well i came back out and the things were hard as stone, i couldn't even push a thumb print into them so it must react differently to spraying on paint.


so i thought what the hell lets fit these babies back on.


so the finished acticles, they are by no means perfect, and as i made them i know where the flaws are, but they look a damn sight better than before.


the sides have probably come out the best, and possibly the easier to do , if i did it again i know how id do it, i wouldn't try and adhere underneath and just trim it when it had dried.





its wrapped round quite well, and the overall look isn't bad.




there are some gaps as the cover meets the original trim, and that was due to the laying, i couldn't get it into the lip and stay there while i taped the rest down.




if i did it again, i'd only CF down to the lip and then cut off the excess once it had dried with a knife.


But considering this is the closest people are likely to get, its not too bad



apologies to those purists, but i couldn't resisit sticking the nismo logo on the sides :blush:

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Good first effort. Few tips..


Trim the carbon when its 'green' this is probably after around an hour or so once the resin has really started to go off. Nice sharp stanley and it will be a 5 minute job.


Get the old wet and dry and out smooth out the resin and then re-resin it, then polish it...


Drop the panel off at your local bodyshop and ask them to give it a coat of lacquer and it will come up a treat.

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Good first effort. Few tips..


Trim the carbon when its 'green' this is probably after around an hour or so once the resin has really started to go off. Nice sharp stanley and it will be a 5 minute job.


Get the old wet and dry and out smooth out the resin and then re-resin it, then polish it...


Drop the panel off at your local bodyshop and ask them to give it a coat of lacquer and it will come up a treat.


cheers for the tips, but i don't think i'd do it again :lol:

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Good first effort. Few tips..


Trim the carbon when its 'green' this is probably after around an hour or so once the resin has really started to go off. Nice sharp stanley and it will be a 5 minute job.


Get the old wet and dry and out smooth out the resin and then re-resin it, then polish it...


Drop the panel off at your local bodyshop and ask them to give it a coat of lacquer and it will come up a treat.


cheers for the tips, but i don't think i'd do it again :lol:


Looks better than my attempt at it :blush:




My attempt, you can see its a bit flatter on the lhs & was quite noticeable when it was on the car :dry:

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Would baking it in the oven helped at all?


i used a hair drier to pop bubbles etc. yes an oven would have helped, but mines not big enough and my life wouldn't be worth living if i did it.


i've actually got very few,


the biggest help would have been an extra pair of hands, that would have made the job a hell of a lot easier at the middle section of laying the fibre and taping down.

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