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Fast responce needed for adivce PLEASE !!!


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Hi all, hope someone can advice me asap.


I have seen a 350z for sale on auto trader and the guy that owns it is off shore and his mate is selling it for him, i have HPI'd it and it is clear but my issue is if the owner isnt there to sigh the log book can this guy still sell me it ?


He says he is a trader and will fill the trader side of the log book in and sign it there ar something ?


The deal all looks legit apart from this, am i worrying about nothing or should i walk away !


Thanks peeps,



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where did you go and see it, or have you just spoken on the phone?


if you go look at it, and its a trader you should be fine as you have somewhere to go back to, i.e its not stolen, if its at someones house make sure they live there, ask to use the toilet, or see if you can get a drink in the house etc. if they don't want you in then somethings not right.


and trust your gut, if it doesn't feel right or something is niggling you about the person then walk away.


if the HPI doesn't state it as stolen then it should be fine, but if you want to be doubley sure, ring your local constabulary and ask them to check the number plate and vin number if you can get it.

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Erm... thaty sounds odd to me.


Anyone can get hold of a replacement log book, im pretty sure you just phone up and ask for one.


If the vin number matches that on the log book, then that *should* be alright as if it had been reported stolen then the dvla wouldnt have re-issued a new log book... unless the thieves were clever and spotted the zed they were going to steal, requested a log book and then stole it...! But then... would they make up a story that they're a trader? Probably not - they'd just pretend to be the actual owner and bung any old signature on it... :unsure:

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Alarms bell ring as soon as offshore is mentionned. It could be legit tho, so if it's a Zed you like I'd still consider it, just be extra cautious. In addition to the above advice, I'd check the chassis number when you go to see it to make sure it matches the reg.


If know the car's not stolen, and see the log book and it's signed over to you, I struggle to see how it could be a scam. Scamsters are getting better tho ;)

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Jeeezzzz, here is how the fone call went.


One guy has given this "mate" a cheque for a deposit but if i turn up tomorrow with cash i can have it as the other supposed buyer is waiting for a loan confirmation.


This "mate" will take me to the owners house where the car is (as per log book) and let me look it over etc before sheeling out, i am meeting this "mate at his house not his place of work !


Car check said it is clear but i am just worried that the car could be reposessed by someone ?


I dont know what to do now :bang:


Cheers :scare:

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Make sure there is at least two of you, just in case.

If one of you is trained in martial arts, that might come in handy.

If you get there and your gut tells you there may be something amiss, then run away.

Plenty more Zeds out there, I'm sure if you pass this one up, there will be a better one down the line.

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Alarms bell ring as soon as offshore is mentionned.


Whys that? would you not trust me then? :lol:

I know if I was offshore and selling a car then i would wait till i got back so i could make sure that the buyer was legit as well.


If he doesn't want to wait then walk away, there are plenty others for sale



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