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This just made my day, if not my week.


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Driving the shuttle bus at the airport i was on a round about figure of 8 thingy at edinburgh airport. Coming round the last corner whats in front of me??? One of our local friendly tarmac terrorists (cyclist) on his hippy machine doing exacly what a cyclist does. Let me explain. . . you have all heard the usual answer thats pre programed into their brains "I have just as much right to be on the road as you do, snort snort" bla bla bla. Ok then abide by the rules then. Yea as you all know, they dont.


Anyway further round the corner is traffic lights now at RED. With the rules comment in mind this plonker decides not to stop but instead to mount the pavement and carry on his journey. This really really got my goat but, to my absolute joy (and his surprise) coming round the corner the other way was another cyclist on the pavement travelling the other way. . .


Yup you guessd it, head on crash :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::lol::lol::lol:


OMG i thought i was gonna wet myself. nothing like a little poetic justice. :teeth:



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Cycled for a long time. Reason pedal power take up road, is in an attempt to keep you off their elbows. Think when you go past how much air disturbance that causes. ;)


But yes, agree there are certainly some muppets out there, just like anything. Does sound a bit of worry the two crashing head on. :headhurt:

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:lol::lol::lol: That has made my day - would have loved to have seen that on video.


Some of these idiots that ought to be locked up the way they completely abuse the highway code and are a danger to everyone around - if we got up to some of their antics as motorists we would be shown no mercy and rightly so.

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I followed the best cyclist EVER today.


Went flying over the roundabout, I approached and was looking for an opportunity to pass giving him plenty room. Glanced at the speedo and I was doing 30 and not gaining. Superb!


Then he flew up a kerb and onto the cycle route to the city which no 'serious' cyclists use despite a proper cycle being installed to keep bikes off the dual carriageway...


Brilliant, the guy was also checking he wasn't holding people up by checking over his shoulder frequently.

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What really :bang::bang::rant: is when stuck up cyclist think its there right to double up and ride next to each other taking up a whole lane and only doing 12 miles an hour !!!!!

Lol, they'd be slow cyclists then, the pretend ones. :lol: Yipee, zooming down hills at 90kms +, cruising on flat at 50kms +. :thumbs:

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I used to cycle to keep fit. I always used to get as close to the pavement as reasonable, and was always careful not to hold cars up. This wasn't becuase of some caring attitude, I just didn't want to get hit by a car. Some cyclists seem to forget how vulnerable they are.

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I used to cycle to keep fit. I always used to get as close to the pavement as reasonable, and was always careful not to hold cars up. This wasn't becuase of some caring attitude, I just didn't want to get hit by a car. Some cyclists seem to forget how vulnerable they are.


.. and how vulnerable pedestrians are too :dry:

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