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Aaarrrrgggghhh Indicators


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What is the f@ck wrong with everyone? Can no one use their indicators anymore. It seems to me that over 80% dont bother anymore especially at roundabouts. I am sick to the back teeth at shouting at everyone, frickin numptys :rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant:


I swear to god i am going to lose it one day and just ram someone of the road with the punto :lol:



The worst offenders are BMW, Merc and Audi divers and the chelsea tractor knobs, why on earth do they make these cars with more switches than a jumbo jet only for the prick driving them unable to use the basic controls? :dry::rant::rant::rant::angry::angry::angry::rant::rant::rant:



I would be your worst ****ing nightmare if i was a traffic cop :lol:



Rant over :lol:

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ALWAYS Beemer drivers - they are defo the worst offenders and its always on a busy roudabout that you could've had a chance to get out onto if they'd bothered to use them :rant:



Exactly, then when you blast your horn at them they look at you with that dam confused look :rant:

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i see other road users as moving obstacles, its my job to avoid them, as their aim in life is to hit me.


my wife calls me sexist, but the majority of numpty drivers i end up swearing at are female. (not always but 90% of the time). they seem completely oblivious to the fact that anyone else is actually on the road. especially the chelsea tractor drivers.


sorry sprinkles i know you lot are ok.

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That and middle lane drivers are my pet hate.


Went up to Prestwold Hall yesterday (great fun!) and had one of the best indicator experiences for a while.


Smallish roundabout, 2 cars coming round from junction opposite. First guy is indicating right to take the third exit, goes straight on to 2nd exit, so I could have gone. Second car doesn't indicate and takes the third exit, so had I not assumed everyone was trying to kill me and waited to see what they were doing, I would have (at best) had my nose taken off. Bloody idiots.

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For me its c0ck audi drivers in new shape tt's and a5's. BMW's not so much. But my absolute pet hate is when im on the inside lane of a 2 or 3 lane roundabout and the 'tard next to me cuts straight across my lane nearly killing me. Unless i hof it and get infront of them, i almost get crushed every time!

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The worst offenders are BMW, Merc and Audi divers and the chelsea tractor knobs, why on earth do they make these cars with more switches than a jumbo jet only for the prick driving them unable to use the basic controls?

Lol, it's the same offenders down here too. :lol::lol:

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