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Does anyone grow their own veg at home?


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Not such a daft question - been meaning to do this for ages - more so in containers and any stuff that needs to have the chill kept off - grew in my conservatory?


So is it worth while? (I have just bought a book on the subject)


Anyone had good results or do you end up chucking loads of stuff?


Thanks in advance? :)

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Grow loads of things including Plums :D


Best to grow things for flavour IMO, easy to get tonnes of some things e.g. runner beans / tomatos but anything surplus either gets given away or composted.


Not exclusive but to give you an idea: Plums, Greengages, Damsons, Apples, Pears, Red and White currants, Red and White Gooseberries, Rhubarb, various beans, Leeks, carrots, Potatoes, Strawberries, raspberries, Celariac, Garlic,cucumber, courgettes, various salad leaves and of course Dandelions but not yet made coffee out of them or mixed with burdock, could go on but I'm sure this is boring most of you already.

Make a demijohn of Sloe Gin as well every few years...


If you want to do things in your conservatory suggest you grew a few chillies / peppers and tomatoes(cherry ones) to get you started.

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Thanks Matey - thats great - I love my new potatoes (waxy skin variety) best ones ever had was when my dad grew some in container pots - never had any as good since!


All info gratefully recieved your not boring anyone - I know I will sound old fartish now but I got the Alan Titchmarsh - The Kitchen Gardener book the other week from costco - so its got me all fired up and the cost of veg is going up so want to save some cash to offset my Zed fuel bills - if I start grewing and have loads left over I will offer to the forum owners if required - at least stuff wont get wasted? :thumbs:

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Yes, grow Tomatoes (number of different varieties), beans (different varieties), broccoli, bok choy (asian cabbage thing), courgettes, sweetcorn, lettuce (different varieties), Strawb's, guava's, lemons & limes, most pip & stone fruit, + some tropical exotics, including pomegrante, blackberries, blueberries, rhubarb, plus other stuff I can't think of right now.


Where I am doesn't seem to be so good for carrots (too warm), tried swede seemed okay.


Lol, we don't have small sections in my area. :lol:



ps. Stanski, loving the cat avatar, very cool. :D

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Wow Bronzee I think I may leave the sunny shores of downtown Bury and move to New Zealand just to grew my marrows! :lol:


Long comute to work in Wales but what the hell its a Zed softtop - will be nice :teeth:

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Yes, grow Tomatoes (number of different varieties), beans (different varieties), broccoli, bok choy (asian cabbage thing), courgettes, sweetcorn, lettuce (different varieties), Strawb's, guava's, lemons & limes, most pip & stone fruit, + some tropical exotics, including pomegrante, blackberries, blueberries, rhubarb, plus other stuff I can't think of right now.


Where I am doesn't seem to be so good for carrots (too warm), tried swede seemed okay.


Lol, we don't have small sections in my area. :lol:


Managed sweetcorn here as well, but I suspect small in comparison, even got some passion fruit a few times. Got a couple of Kiwi plants(boy/girl) nothing yet and do they ever grow fast !


Re. carrots, shady patch and light soil, if warm white fly will have them fast so can disguise smell between onions or other items, funnily enough Marigolds are quite helpful.

Bok Choy is lovely, might give that a try, good idea.



Stanski could always put his name down for an allotment locally and then the bulky stuff could be done there, quite an amusing idea to role up to an allotment in a Zed.

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I removed my greenhouse last summer. I was never in it and I couldn't grow anything in it as I worked away. Then the neighbours bush (ooh err....) smashed a pane of glass so I just got rid incase it injured the neighbours kids or any of the animals that venture in.


I planted strawberries in my garden but they seem to get eaten by something........:blush:

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I am lucky to live in a farming village and am pretty much kept stocked by the local community. Tomatoes, peppers, chillis, garlic and the usual range of everyday veg. Even get the local and medicinal mineral water for nothing.

Villages are great, Mr Brown cant tax bartering :teeth:

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I haven't grown any on purpose but have got lots of rhubarb which has appeared in what I thought was a weed patch!

Your joking - I thought Rhubarb was tricky to grew and had to be done in a dark shed ??? Your onto a goldmine there Nixy :teeth:


Ok well sounds like home veg is gaining popularity - judging by the prices in supermarkets its worth investing in? I cant see myself with an allotment - after a day at work and a 2 hour drive home I cant see myself shuffling off to the allotment for a couple of hours ? Unless I can grew cakes there? :lol:


thanks folks - think I will try new potatoes, peas, peppers, dill weed (love it) maybe cucumber to start and see how things go I know its late now to start but will plan for autumn :thumbs:

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I love growing my own stuff in the garden, no better feeling than coming home from work and have a scout round getting a load of stuff and cooking up something with it, I guess I'm a real foodie at heart and love the old River Cottage thing, we've got loads of veg growing in our garden, chickens and a hot tub!! Also make my own Sausages, Hams, Bacon, Gammon, Chorizo and Salarmi's. Started shooting now but only at clays while I get my aim!!


I think its important to know where your food comes from.



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Wow Bronzee I think I may leave the sunny shores of downtown Bury and move to New Zealand just to grew my marrows! :lol:


Long comute to work in Wales but what the hell its a Zed softtop - will be nice :teeth:

Lol, you leave a courgette here a few days too long, becomes a marrow.


Managed sweetcorn here as well, but I suspect small in comparison, even got some passion fruit a few times. Got a couple of Kiwi plants(boy/girl) nothing yet and do they ever grow fast !


Re. carrots, shady patch and light soil, if warm white fly will have them fast so can disguise smell between onions or other items, funnily enough Marigolds are quite helpful.

Bok Choy is lovely, might give that a try, good idea.


Stanski could always put his name down for an allotment locally and then the bulky stuff could be done there, quite an amusing idea to role up to an allotment in a Zed.

Here's an interesting fact for you, that you probably already know, Kiwi (fruit) are originally Chinese, and where known as Chinese gooseberries. They sure grow like weeds.

We've got a few passion fruit vines, grapes although Auckland is rather warm for grapes.

Yip we've had marigolds in with them, but better grown south of here, where it's cooler.


Chinese cabbage usually grows well here too. Such a large Asian populous here now, we get all sorts of things.


The old allotments are such a cool idea. I can many times as a youngster going down when visiting the UK, heading down to the relatives allotments. Guy time out space, they should be called. :p

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Ok, I planted a Pizza tree yesterday. I watered it but it hasn't grown yet.........


Stew I tried to grew money in the back garden but no Interest so far! :headhurt: (sorry that was as bad as your pizza tree joke!)


Ando - sounds like your really into it - but shooting hmmm not my bag guns scare me... should'nt be though I am from Bury!! :p


I resisted making a sausage joke are'nt I good :lol:


Bronzee I am very sold on New Zealand now - do you work for the tourist board over there???

Kiwi as weeds eh?? I love 'em! As long as dogs hav'nt p'eed on em!


Got a big conservatory so will give it a bash maybe I can grew onions in the shape of 350Z's! :lol:

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Bronzee I am very sold on New Zealand now - do you work for the tourist board over there???

Nope, :lol: but I sell, can you tell?! :lol::p



Also make my own Sausages, Hams, Bacon, Gammon, Chorizo and Salami's.


I think its important to know where your food comes from.

Yummmy!!! And it sure is!!! :)

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We've had own pigs and other animals(no surprise I guess), and even salted our own bacon/hams in an old bath in one of the barns (all gone now), even took a sick sheep to the vet in the back of a Ford Escort as he was too busy to come to us. Sure it gave a few tourists in the village a laugh.


Off course a few apples are not for eating either ;)


Can't beat a good Bacon sandwich with own bacon, fried eggs and HP sauce (never grown that). Can just smell/taste a bacon sarny right now.

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A lot of IT geeks drive Zeds of all ages, well here they do


fortunately I am an IT muppet not a geek so am excluded from that criteria! :lol:



Zumerator are you just making all this up - been watching the good life on free view again!! he he he ;):p

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Zumerator are you just making all this up - been watching the good life on free view again!! he he he ;):p


Actually not made up, first salting was for too long :yuck: , was late into work once as Sheep having trouble lambing, boss thought it one of the more original excuses he'd heard. All land and animals gone these days, just a bit of fruit and veg.

Uncles in the farming business not "playing" like we did, a lot of tales could be told ;)


Good Life, umm now what would be the reasons to watch those re-runs.

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