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Everything posted by ARphotographs

  1. sad to hear, what will the forum do for technical advice now?? Adam
  2. lots of blades and gm's in glasgow, the only way i can tell if its jay or not is by looking at the plate lol. welcome home though! must be nice to be on steady ground!
  3. Thats fantastic new, but as said above, make sure you get some rest so as soon as he is up and about, you two can go out and have some time together. So make sure you don't work yourself into the ground! All the best and thanks for keeping us all updated!! Adam
  4. Sorry to hear this, thoughts are with you and the family, and hope he makes a speedy recovery!! Adam
  5. i did slight bracketing, but nope i wont hdr it, after the first shoot with jay that i did in HDR, i now can't stand it on cars lol. yeah they are rays, will let jay tell u about them and his plans for them! Adam
  6. I thought there had just not been any new posts in the media section as it was not showing any unread posts, and it looked the same as the trading post, yet after posting some pictures there, i noticed it was still the same yet there was a reply :S i think its been since the 370z sub topic part appeared. Adam
  7. Well the other night, i was free (wow i got a night to relax) and then i thought, well there is fog, i'd love to shoot a car in fog/frost, so on the phone to jay, he seemed puzzled about my plan but was up for it, probably cause it was costing him nothing. so after half an hour to find the right location with enough fog to make the image work, we have these, and i had shot these earlier in the day, and my favourite now i'm waiting for the supposed snow we may be getting, anyway, enjoy Adam
  8. poor her, does she know what she has gotten herself into?
  9. thanks for the texts lexx, you just had to out-do the pm system!
  10. Thanks shuck for the pm, she is not full set on this uni yet, as there are others she is looking into, but once i know i'll give you more info! Thanks Adam
  11. the other half says, "its only physio, sadly not got sports therapy so :P" we will have a spare room so you can come visit, we promise!! thought you were planning to go off to the rigs?? Adam
  12. My other half is looking at continuing her studys to degree level and teeside has a good reputation for the course, this would mean us both moving down there, so can i get advice on what areas are good and should look at, and what are bad and to avoid?? noticed on the property searches they are all terrace houses, with "yard enclosed at the rear of the property" enough to have a shed (read as garage) for the bike?? any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Adam
  13. i know its not the zonda f but its on a track it didn't drive round though but it sounded fantastic
  14. if i can get the night off work, i'll come down! prob in jays car or on the bike!
  15. protectors on the side of the bike nope they are crash bungs, chicken strips are the strips of the tyre that you have not lent the bike over enough for it to wear away the rubber. as you can see on the back tyre close to the edges there is about an inch?? (not sure in measurments from the photo) of tyre that looks a different colour, those are the strips. Adam
  16. looks really nice mate, good choice on the cans!! get a vid clip up of it! and get a black double bubble. Adam (will be updating my bike pics soon)
  17. well i phoned this morning and there is snow on the track so they have canceled it! so went back to bed! Adam
  18. i want a major dump of snow so i can do same as last year, leave college early, pick up snowboard, then go to a park with my mate and make some jumps. Adam
  19. its just bland down here, no snow, but no rain either, why are you inside?? i'd have picked up my snowboard and gone to build some jumps. Adam
  20. overpriced, for that you could get this instead http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/790495.htm
  21. i'll be there with camera in hand as usual, will keep an eye out for you this time! Adam
  22. if you want i can send you a higher res copy of jim's photo/ Adam
  23. i've said to martin, if someone wants to make a better front cover, then they can and i'll remove mine, martin asked me to do the front cover, and that was shot at the highland run, using a long exposure and a torch, also that is not the correct photo, as it is not finished yet. Adam
  24. but yours would be pink??? just kidding,
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