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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. Yep.. i will be able to get you a beer at the next meet after all! What upgrade from Paul T? And yeah i'll prob have the bonnet.. how long till you'll have it? The carbon one will be okay for the minute.. it still kinda resembles a bonnet
  2. Well thanks for all the support guys but she's gonna be repaired!! All i need is the above (preferably in GM grey) Dont know where im going to get a door!! (or a headlamp for that matter) She's going to be fitted with a full INGS N spec hybrid kit, an ESR exhaust and some nice new wheels!
  3. I can confirm that this is right.. i noticed that the strut brace had marks (almost like burn marks) where the bonnet was touching it. I had also had a plenum spacer installed which makes the strut brace sit higher though! What is the car like without a strut brace though? surely it feels a bit floppy or there would be no reason for it?
  4. Thanks for all the support guys (n gals)! Im starting to think it may NOT be a right off.. will find out tonight anyway! I had a brilliant idea this morning.. not sure it'll work but it's an idea! OK.. so if rays are like £1,000 per alloy from nissan then i would be a lot better off getting some LMGT4s @ 1,400ish for 4. Also a nismo bodykit replica is a lot cheaper than a stock bumper and skirts from nissan! SO.. if the insurance company let me I will get the car fixed but with cheaper than stock parts! Or maybe its just really wishful thinking!
  5. I'm not too sure yet, it was only Sunday night so i'm not even sure its definitely a write off yet. However the front is wrecked (there isnt even a light left in one side, all 4 rays are bent (dont ask how) and the car lifted up at the front bending the exhaust. All in all its in bad shape! I know its not the sort of pics you guys want to see but i may post some if i can bare it! I know the insurance is high on an Evo but i get it free through the company I work for. That's the reason I could afford it for the Zed at 22 with only 8 months on my licence
  6. Hey guys, You havent heard from me for a few days as my Zed is in heaven now after a Range Rover wrote it off on Sunday night. Approx a month after it came out of the body shop after my last incident! (Sorry Martin.. the bonnet got wrecked too) I should get my insurance money through in the next couple of weeks and however much i loved my old Zed i think its time to get something else. So what are your opinions on the EVO VII FQ300? I like the sound of the performance and best thing it has more than 2 seats! I know its not as much of a head turner but has anyone here owned one?
  7. IanS16

    Hand Brake Light

    both mate, handbrake when applied and if it lights with the handbrake not applied and the engine is running it is low brake fluid level unless you have a dodgy switch/ loose connection on the handbrake Ok cheers!
  8. IanS16

    Hand Brake Light

    Level and cap both okay. Are the brakes definitely liked to this light or is it just the hand brake?
  9. What was the prize? An item of choice from martins garage!?
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/K-N-Typhoon-Air-I ... .m14.l1318 only £10 at the min
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Save-Fuel-Previa- ... .m14.l1318 Ok, Ive seen some weird and rubbish stuff on ebay but WTF is this? surely connecting both battery terminals isnt going to do anything but blow you up?!
  12. Didn't enjoy that much either. I'm a GT fan. In my opinion GT was great until Gt4.. just hasn't taken the "next step" that games like Forza have. Play Forza 2.. trust me, its the best racing sim by far!
  13. IanS16

    Hand Brake Light

    Hey guys n gals, I was driving to work the other morning and i noticed under hard acceleration and not so hard braking my hand brake light comes on. It only happens for the first 10 minutes of driving but its kind of annoying. Any ideas on how to fix it?
  14. IanS16

    350z drifting

    Quite funny! Love how he goes round the island twice at the end. I do agree with you on the doors though!
  15. Alfa Romeo 911?? I hear they also have a Nissan Civic Type Z for sale too
  16. Try PM'ing kingbiscuit.. he had the same problem but sorted it!
  17. Im thinking about it still.. just need to find the money somewhere! Also it would be nice if there was a way to shorten shift times!
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/M3-SMG-L ... 0251655775 Awesome! Now all of us Fairlady drivers can get the M3 look! You can just imagine it.. Friend - "so what do those do?" You - "nothing." I mean.. they could of least have made them change the radio volume!
  19. In my tiptronic JDM it feels like a brick wall. I do it all the time forgetting its in manual mode!
  20. By Bose system i assume you mean amp and speakers?! The thing you need is a PAC ROEM-NIS2 (google it) Just converts the signal to use your new head unit with existing setup!
  21. Im quite surprised.. it does really work! Thought i was going to get Rickrolled or something
  22. Barclays used to be £30 or £35 but since this bank charges dispute they have dropped charges to £10. £200 is extortionate!!
  23. Looks really good! Told you they were nice wheels Nice car as well
  24. IanS16

    BMW123d v 350z

    That was pretty cool! Diesels really are coming on though, was following a passat 2.0 tdi the other day and when he hoofed it i really had to try hard to keep up! Also a few months ago my boss had a bmw 330 that was in for service and the courtesy car they game him was a 335d. Was rapid.. faster than the Zed id say (well it felt it)
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