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Everything posted by dcash5

  1. the safety car Looked like a hash of about 3 cars!
  2. Cracking pics Really like the ones of mine, please can I have the full res ones? Dan
  3. Halfords do some good ones if you get it mixed up rather than the stuff off the shelf. You're after a fan spray style instead of the conicle style
  4. Think they reckoned 3000 cars there.
  5. Blimey you found my car, was bloody miles away from anything!
  6. No its made my clarion Speakers are bose, hence why everyone junks the headunit
  7. You'd be better getting rid of the fake BOSE (Clariion) Labeling
  8. Saw two of these in tandam on the m40 today how weird You'd struggle to tell them apart from a TT
  9. Dont let him see that he'll go spare!
  10. Please can someone come do mine! Wont be home till 8.30 and have to install some new bonnet dampers, reattach my seatbelts, machine polish the engine bay and wash the car!
  11. She really is a lil bugger. Only 5' 2" looks all cute and innocent and then goes chasing boy racers my own car! Got pulled once for going erm ... quite quickly (i.e. double the speed limit) in her own car and got away with it with just a ticking off! GRRR! I'm not sexist but seriously! I need to grow some MOOBS!
  12. Mrs used to go mad about the zed, Got her insured on the car - now she has shut up! - Weird? I was in the car with fiddy on the germany autobarnes or private airfield (cant remember which) going about 95 and the mrs flew past me in my own car! ARGH
  13. Anyone convoying there are a few zeds meeting at reading services (between junct 10/11 m4) @ 7.30 to convoy up. No stupid club rivalry required just if anyone wants any zed company or a caffine injection.
  14. dcash5

    Road Tax

    /\ happy to stump up 405 quid!
  15. Not on this site but I think Vernon Kay lurks around a couple of the sites as he has a modded GTR, mainly GTROC I think This is his latest toy to go with his m400 Nobel That exhaust looks interesting
  16. Cant believe this is still for sale, its alot of car for the money!
  17. Looks crap ... Voted for the ginger
  18. Yep got followed in by a silver unmarked focus last year.
  19. Dave, remember its a hobbie / interest at the end of the day and the idea is to keep it fun! Remove the political BS that any club brings and start enjoying the car again
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