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Everything posted by MrLizard

  1. Hi Andy, welcome to the forum im 25 with a clean license but got my zed when i was 24, i paid 1200 with direct line 2 years ncb in an ok area. I have subsequently moved to SkyInsurance (site sponsor) as I have modded the car, they were very helpful actually and very fair on price. I couldnt get a decent quote on insurance before i was 25 and mods To look out for on a used zed, 2 main things is the clicking rear axle, skipping cd Bose unit. good luck with the hunt
  2. if you havent told the misses why dont you do somin a bit special on holiday, like rent a zed for the week?
  3. It wasn't a Gallardo I dont know why i typed that, i knew it wasnt a gallardo, i think i meant to type lambo but failed, too early in the morning plus murcielago is much to difficult to spell before midday i didnt go to uni
  4. good film, enjoyed it, though not as much as the first one, the part of the joker was played well but i have no idea how well you have to play a part to get an oscar so unsure if it was worthy of one. film is 2.5 hours!! not much need really gallardo made me cry well worth the £6 tho
  5. MrLizard


    i have a fullset of the falkens and they are holding up quite nicely, at the time it was another £200 for the toyo's so no brainer really When the tread meats the bump in the grooves that means you have to replace them asap and it is measured in mm
  6. The time is nearly upon us/me, since having some mods done to the car (Thanks Mr Big Phil/ESR), I will be going back to pod on the 16th Aug to see if i can make an improvement on 14sec Also this is the third round of the zclub Z Challenge, which although you have to be a member of the forum etc you can run on an invitational status to see how you fair against all the other iterations of Z cars. including some twin turboed 240's, nitrous 300zx etc Im currently 2nd out of 2 350z's! All welcome, let me know if your going to be there, it is £20 for as many runs as your brave enough to do. Some from last event [/img]
  7. are you just changing the pads?
  8. 33mpg on the way to ESR as i felt guilty about spending so much money, however with new exhaust and my desire to 'give it the beans', 21mpg on the way back
  9. the one i took was silver, from listersgroup, but it isnt on their forsale page yet...
  10. hope ive not offended anyone
  11. Yesterday had a call from the guy i broought my first 3 cars from, who kindly (trying to convert me) lent me this: So I had a TTS for 3 hours yesterday. Interesting car, 275bhp 4WD Magnetic Ride To start with the interior was lovely, as with most top model audi's you get lots of leather all over the place, the seat has so many modes its untrue, the dials do the whole needle sweep thing and then glow a nice blue, like in the VW R32, the boot is a very decent size. Exterior, I really like the new look audi TT (im not a hairdresser), even though they seem to be multiplying like rabbits in coventry i still had a lot of people looking at it, the quad exhausts look nice, but ive no idea how they sound as the sound deadening was so good.(quite confident it doesnt sound like my K1 on the zed tho ) The front end looks much more agressive than the old one. Drive, I did a selection of dual carriageway stints and country lane driving. In my old A3 i had the DSG gearbox, which was awesome, the TTS also had the DSG box, but for some reason it was no where near as responsive, the lag from putting your foot down to the ECU telling the engine to use 'kick down' mode was dreadful. So i thought to myself well okay maybe its trying to be economical then, ill switch it to sport mode. In sport mode in my old a3 it held every gear as long as it could and you were always in the lowest gear for the speed, so, high revs, on boost. In the TTS it was still lagging, it still felt like it was trying to get more MPG, which i must add was worse than the 350z in total. So, the only way to drive the automatic gearbox is in manual mode, using the paddles, which is fine as long as you dont go round a corner, as each paddle is about as large as something that isnt very large at all. The power delivery in manual mode was good, and when the turbo was spooled it wasnt slow. The steering was dreadful, not just detached but dreadful, ive driven a selection of sports cars now and i would have to say this is probably the worst, it has the same weight to the steering when you are reverse parking as it does at 70mph round country lanes... i know im used to the zed now but this made no sense, the saleman called it 'safe' but im not so convinced it is. The handling, oh my, the handling is awesome, with the magnetic ride switched on and on full 'stiffness' it cornered on rails, felt very planted, you could occasionally feel the quattro system scraping for grip but it found some from somewhere even in the wet, the handling for me was its one saving grace, and has pushed me much closer to getting the KW for my zed So all in all, probably a semi-decent commuter car, not as much fun, not as quick, and not as involved as the zed, i would never take it on the track over rear wheel drive and to be honest at £38k i would rather have a second hand porka or RS4 Apologies for the dis-jointed review im working at the same time here ta MrLizard
  12. what it doesnt show you is how close to the start the person filming is, it is at an incredible speed and the bridge you can see is probably 60 yards from the start, i would not fancy running against that
  13. i got 75 seconds but that was in a 1973 simca with a duff gearbox, i will be at the litchfield sprint on 30th august, hopefully in the 205, not seen the track before tho !
  14. thats incredible, dont fancy being in that class not in what i have available anyway. i was at prescott not long a go, you been up there in your single seater trev? time?
  15. Welcome to the site, another good choice in colour hope the check goes well and then you can get some pictures up!
  16. indeed, probably best to stick with the 205 i guess.. thanks for the thoughts
  17. just noticed the other thread
  18. depends what you intend doing with the Zed Hillclimbing/sprinting/trackdays (probably in that order too)
  19. i know the weigh distribution is supposed to be fairly good but would be nice to see if you could shed another 100kg or more... i hardly ever use the aircon and the new exhaust is making the sound system sound worse, currently in the process of making a 205 gti for a hill climb car, wondering if a stripped zed might be a lot more fun
  20. Has anybody tried to strip a 350z down to shed the weight... Is there much to lose? Speakers/amp passenger seat spare wheel, carpets aircon? (can you get rid of this?) door cards roof lining ? Or is there no point? Any comments regarding me loosing weight will be ignored and result in one more pie being eaten. Thanks
  21. black is the best colour of course! Welcome to the forum, you made the right choice
  22. I bet out of the 3000 members, sarnie owns 2900 accounts, and is a professional schizophrenic
  23. it does but to be honest we have all given these cars some fairly significant amount of 'stick' from time to time and there are hardly any posts about engine failure or high oil consumption, buying a 1.0 corsa thats been ragged to an inch of its life is another story but buying a sports car designed for the speed it might possibly have been driven at is another, i know there are obviously still warm up etc to consider but if you test drive a couple im sure you will be able to tell if it still feels right. guess there is no sure way of knowing what a previous owners done, we need a stig from the forum to go an test drive all the zeds for sale, wheres sarnie when you need him...
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