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Everything posted by AndySpak

  1. Fatlad (Is it OK if I breakaway from the trend and just call you Fatlad?)
  2. When you first get in one and start driving it hard, you should definitely watch out for the body roll!!!! Oh, and if you get a later model (the saloon/coupe rather than the hatch/coupe) they can be a bit scary in the wet. Good car to own, I've had one of each and they certainly helped teach me how to handle a rear wheel drive car with turbo based wheelspin...
  3. I think the religions of today will be viewed in a couple of thousand years time in the same way we view ancient Egyptian and Greek religions in mondern society. Polythesism is now not really entertained by most religious people and I don't think it will be too long before people realise that Monotheism is just as unrealistic. Roll on the day when kids find out there is no god at the same time their parents tell them about Father Christmas and the Tooth fairy (cue the "what, you mean there's no Father Christmas?" comments ) Anyway, I thought this was a website about cars?
  4. Work with the left hand, play with the right
  5. I'm currently at about 80,000pts and getting very bored.... I think once you've got the knack it could go on forever!
  6. Ctrl-Alt-PrtScn Then paste it into Paint.
  7. Mm i usually see him every other day. I'll keep an eye out for him. Why do you think it happened near warrington? did i miss something? or is Ian the closest UY near blackpool? Nobody said it happened in Warrington. Yep.Who knows. Click the link, the guy who has responded an an UY in his sig and is from warrington and is also user TT2Z on here Thats who I was on about Your original question asked if the guy who responded was on here. I think he is the guy on the Member map in Warrington with the UY GT4. On the member map he is called Ian and on his TT Forum sig he is selling a number plate which says Ian/Rian. I think you've found him too. Sounds very likely that it could be TT2Z. I think we are both saying the same thing Look at who I quoted. Your replying to a post that was to Sinbad Its late...
  8. I had a short shifter in a Scooby I had about 10 years ago and it was ace. Not sure I'd bother spending money on one for my Zed though.
  9. You'll get arrested for that if you're not careful!
  10. Mm i usually see him every other day. I'll keep an eye out for him. Why do you think it happened near warrington? did i miss something? or is Ian the closest UY near blackpool? Nobody said it happened in Warrington. Yep.Who knows. Click the link, the guy who has responded an an UY in his sig and is from warrington and is also user TT2Z on here Thats who I was on about Your original question asked if the guy who responded was on here. I think he is the guy on the Member map in Warrington with the UY GT4. On the member map he is called Ian and on his TT Forum sig he is selling a number plate which says Ian/Rian. I think you've found him too. Sounds very likely that it could be TT2Z. I think we are both saying the same thing
  11. I like it! I might see if mine fits in there snugly and doesn't drop out
  12. If you look on the member map there is an UY GT4 owner called Ian located in Warrington...
  13. Shame for the guy, but if someone crashes like that its usually down to themselves.
  14. I have the BT adapter but it doesn't tell me who is calling. I like to kno0w before I hit the answer button...
  15. AndySpak

    Water Leak

    Is it your roof? Or do you think its coming in from underneath?
  16. The driver's door pocket/slot thingy. Or sometimes in the centre compartment (above the radio) and I leave the flap open (I don't have built in Sat Nav)
  17. AndySpak


    a bit more like the Infiniti G37 IMO I agree, in fact in the first picture in that link, it almost looks like its got an Infiniti badge on the front...
  18. http://www.kongregate.com/games/SimianLogic/filler Been entertaining me a bit this afternoon. 25,764 is my best score so far (screen caps can be provided) I expect some of you can beat this...
  19. Do you all have your aircon on? I've had company cars, with fuel cards, for the last few years so my aircon button was always pressed in. Now I've got my own and I'm paying for petrol myself I don;t use it unless the car needs demisting in a hurry or if its really hot. The latter hasn;t happened much since I picked it up in October but I expect my average of 25.8mpg to drop considerably come April/May/June...
  20. I quite like it, if its £30K when it hits the Mazda UK showrooms I might even be tempted to put a deposit down. £30K ha ha ha!!! what do we reckon it will be???
  21. yep Didn't think anyone would guess that combo...... Ha ha! Don't worry about it mate. Put the fiver towards buying one of them and then take me for a spin in it one day Good stuff Some of the regulars would of made me cough up I bet they would. If it was something I coulkd do something with (i.e. £100 plus) I probably would have insisted too!
  22. Did anyone carry on reading after this bit?
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