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Everything posted by AndySpak

  1. Chris, Good to see another member with the fastest colour
  2. Me too, I guess thats because we both live near Manchester
  3. I got about 300 I think. Thats what I usually get.
  4. What should it be in a Zed?
  5. I see you have decided to keep the wing?
  6. Implants can throw that theory out the window though Check their hands, its always a dead giveaway
  7. Wales again in October Or JAE but thats miles away this year, in Essex Hmmm, I definitely won't be going to Essex... way to far. Wales in October is a possibility if I've still got the car then. I'll have had it over a year by then, cars don't usually last that long with me.
  8. Whats the next meet.... after Wales?
  9. You're only as old as the woman you feel...
  10. I thought Digsy was the wheel geek?
  11. I'm guessing that if there was somewhere in the UK you could drive to and swap your headlights for a set of these along with about £200 ($400) there would be a queue of cars right down the street... £800 ($1600) sounds a bit much to me. (plus all the ahssle of ordering/importing). Have you thought about getting a UK stockist?
  12. AndySpak

    How much?

    +1 with the price but be prepared to drop it a bit if you need a quick sale £13995 PISTONHEADS and on the forum - both free Try advertising it for that but expect to get offers from about £12K upwards. You're alloys and pads won't mean much to a buyer as they'd expect it to have wheels and brakes already . The fact its a JDM and has no leather will definitely count against it. This one... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight= ...has got 5,000 miles more than your's but it has the Nismo Aero Kit on it and its for sale for £12,500.
  13. So you've had your Zed for 3+ years? How come it took you so long to join the site?
  14. we know why now Why? i just dont know what a bingo card is! Just came across this thread - these posts are funnier than the original joke!
  15. Thanks - and would be nice to see how they look in close up when fitted IMHO a little disappointing compared to the look of the rest of the system, which is . whats disappointing ? the look of the restrictors ? Yup. Only to my eyes and these things are subjective, but the small exits and the prominent bolts mean that I wouldn't want to have them in too often - probably just long motorway journeys. It wouldn't put me off though and II'm still seriously considering one. ditto, my concern is that its too ott for me, loud enough are too loud is a fine line ......... wales I agree Gixxer, when I saw the price I was quite interested but having read the reports, I'm worried that my motorway trips to Doncaster or Telford (journeys that are already painful just because of the destinations) would become unbearable. Also, I use my phone a helluva lot in the car and its already very difficult for other people to hear what I'm saying.
  16. You need a better excuse than that mate, family events don't count as I have found out the hard way
  17. Hi, I drive approx 20,000 miles per annum and I find the Zed very comfortable to sit in for a long time (much better than the RX-8 I had before it). MPG is not good but then you've already said you don't expect it to be. I'm currently averaging 27.1mpg according to the onboard computer but thats with a lot of non-rushhour motorway driving. On a Sunday drive out, giving it plenty of beans I get figures in the teens. I'm on first name terms with my local Shell garage, put it that way! If your car is in warranty, definitely go to the Dealers for your servicing. I disagree with Digsy above about servicing after the warranty period has expired. While it might be true that aftermarket servicing is better for the car, when you come to sell it, it will be more attractive with a full Nissan service history IMO. Remember lots of buyers don't get the good advice from fora such as this one until after they've bought. Overall though, get one bought, they're fantastic and you'll love it
  18. AndySpak


    The insurance warranty I got with my car says the following about the "Drive System (Front/Rear)": Included: Crown wheel and pinion, half shafts, half shaft oil seals, bearings, planet gears, bevel gears, rear external drive shafts, constant velocity joints, 4 wheel drive units. Excluded: Beam axle and bearings, radius arm and bearings, rubber gaiters drive flange together with all other parts not listed In my experience, the policies are usually pretty similar between insurers but its worth you checking your fine print.
  19. I think I've said before that I'm not a big fan of the VS kits but your car looks pretty good, much better than the GM one you had before I hope you aren't planning on changing the lip spoiler for something ridiculous? I think it looks great as it is.
  20. AndySpak

    Spacers question

    Well they're nearly as bad!
  21. AndySpak

    Spacers question

    Ah, but its done through a Nissan dealer who will probably sell it on their forecourt when its returned. I expect it to pretty obvious if they take the wheels off... If its an improvement, they probably won't mind. I like the idea but if they can extort money out me I'm sure they'll pretend they care. Cynical, moi? I'm guessing you bouht it from a Liverpool based dealer? Like Liverpool's John Lennon airport... They charge you for the plastic bags they make you put any liquids in AND they charge you to go through passport control! (can you hear the echoes of "Robbing Scousers" being muttered all over the country?)
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