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Everything posted by djtimo

  1. The motor will look like this when the cam covers are fitted. Here's a F430 motor for comparison! I have powder coated timing covers and upper/lower plenum and polished cam inspection covers so the motor will look nice when built!
  2. Just thought id post up a little project I have been doing. While I have the motor Im building in bits it seamed a good idea to make it look a little more exotic! I fancied the ferrari wrinkle matt red because of its OEM exotic look. I have been reading up on ferrari owners forums on the colour to use because some people repaint there cam covers/plenums after the years just to smarten them up a little. There recommendation was VHT wrinkle matt red No.204. this is very very close to the OEM colour. The covers I degreased, washed and dried. Then I primed it and let it dry for 24 hours. A few coats of VHT paint, 1 hour and 90 C in the oven one side it done! Heres some pic's. Im just letting the cover cool before I take some final pic's! Ill take some with my DSLR as all of the above are just crappy Iphone pic's! Hope you like! Just a few more pic's. I think on my next cover ill use a little less paint as I have some runs on this one but once there on it will be very difficult to see them!
  3. Looking good mate!! Fingers crossed it does not pop on the dyno! Im joking mate. Take it to abbey and let mark do it as he knows what hes doing.
  4. djtimo


    First video is awsome! Very well put together! Some of the cars on the re make your car look like a 4x4 Ian! lol..
  5. My 5zigen with HFC's come in around 92-93 dB mate so you will be fine!
  6. djtimo

    Trackday tyres

    R888's mate cheap, easy to find in the correct size and work very well!
  7. The worse thing is he cant drive for @*!#!
  8. Small update! For the full thread go to (with out the spaces in the forum name) http://forums.n i s s a n s p o r t z.com//index.php?showtopic=23775 A big box came today Sorry for the amount of pic's but i want a few good ones as ill never (hopfully ) see these parts again when the engine is built! Pic's. 1. 2. 3. Just a bit stronger than the stock ones! Eagle rods are rated to 150HP per rod, the stock ones tend to fail at anything over 70HP per rod!! 4. 5. A little bit of an arty B&W one! lol.. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The CP piston's are a work of art. They look far to nice to be deep inside the motor! 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Last one is the forged wrist pin that comes with the pistons. With all the ARP bolts and forged parts I may rev the motor higher if its still making power at the redline? May be rev it to 7-7.5RPM? Not sure yet. 21.
  9. I would take these if only my ass would fit into them! lol I need the XL spg seats! lol..
  10. LOL, I went on the same test drive you have got today! Good day and they let you drive them how you like!! The close ratio box version is the best! Not bad for a freebee!
  11. Sarah sorted it out for me. (Envy) But there not made any more as far as i know?
  12. The gear i used for this shoot was: Nikon D200 body. Sigma 18-200 vibration reduction lens. Sigma 10-20 lens. Manfroto 6' tripod Hoya circular polarizing lens filter. Metz AF-58 flash gun. Younugo radio flash trigger/receiver. Alot of the shots where taken at F-stop 4-5.6 so i think it would look sharper at a higher F-stop. Ill try again soon! will it darken the image at a slower shutter speed though? Yeah it will slow the shutter but with flash and a tripod its not too bad. The diffuser is a mastergrade topsecrect copy. the sides just bolt on so you can run it with out them if you want. I thinking of running the nismo spats with it that would look cool!
  13. The gear i used for this shoot was: Nikon D200 body. Sigma 18-200 vibration reduction lens. Sigma 10-20 lens. Manfroto 6' tripod Hoya circular polarizing lens filter. Metz AF-58 flash gun. Younugo radio flash trigger/receiver. Alot of the shots where taken at F-stop 4-5.6 so i think it would look sharper at a higher F-stop. Ill try again soon!
  14. Yeah mate sounds like a good plan! I think my car would feel like the poor cousin next to your bling bling JDM ride Thanks for the great comments guys! Im still learning and and comments on how to improve are very welcome!
  15. Im slowly getting more and more into photography and ive just got hold of a radio flash trigger (ebay cheap ones!) this allows me to trigger the flash from up to 100m away! Here's a few shots i took this afternoon. I have some more i have edited on photoshop but i need to convert them from PSD files because photobucket wont host them 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Im not sure about the last two? Black & white or colour ? Any comments & criticism welcome.. I may enter one or more of them for the calendar so post up which you like the best! Thanks guys. Just a few more that have had a little more editing. 1. 2. 3.
  16. djtimo

    carbon mirrors

    Mark dont you dare buy my Craftsquire black CF mirrors! I waited 3 bloody months for mine from japan!
  17. Just a little up date. Just a few pic's! The pic's dont do the finish and colour justice! Its called Graphite metallic.. I just need to stop messing around now and get the machine work done and get this thing assembled!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
  18. Was out with my girlfriends brother this afternoon up at the famous EVOR Triangle! No many pic's but a great blast over some great roads! Very scairy because its LHD the passenger sits what feels like right in the middle of the road!!! 5.7L V8 with sports exhaust sounds awsome and goes very well too!! A real head turner on the UK roads as well. Anyway a few photo's... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hope you like
  19. Not much of an update but ive had a quote back from TDI for the machine and labour costs :surrender: LOL..... And i have dropped my timing cover inspection covers off at the polisher's. Both covers polished for £10!! i had a go with sand paper/dremel/metal polish but it would have cost more than £10 in dremel bits!! lol.. they should be done by mid to end of next week. Update. Got a call today to say my covers were done! (i dropped them off yesterday at 4pm!) Good job for a tenner!
  20. Just a little update on the build too.... Finally got my block down to DRB engineering where my mate works and got it into the parts washers. First wash was degreaser in boiling water. 15mins cycle. Then the block was chemical washed in solivent at around 50c. for 15mins Then a finally water wash to remove the solvent. The block is nice now and ready for machine work
  21. Hi mate, the block is perfect. The broken rings were all held in place by the piston rings. The car did not have the wrong oil in this is caused by detonation i think. Broken ring lands is very common sign on det. Yeah i think forged is the way forward!
  22. Few pic's of when i was cleaning the block today. Broken piston rings! Most of the broken ones look just like this!
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