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Everything posted by nixy

  1. I won't be home - well not now anyway..........
  2. that's the strange thing about me, I like scampi because you can't tell what it is under the breadcrumbs.
  3. yep, one of each is definitely the best answer! Love the roadster in black.
  4. Without wanting to stir up a war, which do people prefer? Has anyone traded in their coupe for a roadster? Personally I like a more aggressive looking car and having owned a coupe cabriolet before I was always a bit shy about putting the roof down. In fact I used to drive out of work and park somewhere else to do it - mad I know but that's me! I would imagine a roadster would sell on easier at the moment?
  5. you just can't beat a shiny black car!
  6. Leeds is my nearest - 31 miles apparently - I'm sure it's further than that but anyway I might give it a go!
  7. I would have thought weighing up what you will lose by selling it damaged against the 5k to have it repaired would be the thing to do. I personally would rather try and raise the 5k to have it repaired and buy an old banger in the meantime as surely you will lose more than 5k if you sell it.
  8. Someone was bound to put that! I only like KFC if you pull the skin off which is apparently the whole point of it so I'm told - chicken skin - yuk! I do't mind the odd Macdonalds - you enjoy them more when you only have 3 a year!
  9. I got the bit about the SVA its the HID bit I'm not clear on - what's the difference in bulbs and why do they need washers.
  10. sorry to be blonde despite being brunette - can you explain what all of the above means in english - I'm not over familiar with the headlight assembly.
  11. I had a 3.0S in 1980..I'll try and dig a photo out to copy Cool, you just scrape in then - 78 - 83 was the years they were used - I was 10 in 78!
  12. You were only cool in a capri if you actually owned one at the same time as Bodie and Doyle - or if you have a collectors item now - if you had one in the early 90's you were a boy racer corsa equivalent.
  13. does this affect your MOT at all afterwards?
  14. Reminds me of when I was a kid and used to watch the Sweeney and stuff like that. The first cars I ever really thought I'd like were the capri's out of the professionals!
  15. I said look like not taste like!
  16. I've been quoted £80 from an importer
  17. You should stop watching this series then and start from the beginning! It does have a slight continuing story running through it so would be better that way
  18. http://www.expedia.co.uk/pub/agent.dll? ... d=13049115 although I didn't book it or pick it - sister sorted all that out. Has got mixed reviews but the location is great. It was 200 quid for 3 nights bed and breakfast.
  19. don't do prawns either! Yuk - those frozen ones look like babies willies!
  20. I'm going at the end of March for my birthday! 23-25th! Never been before - staying in the centre not far from the Vatican. And no brownie points to husband - I'm going with the girls!
  21. what else you gonna say with a name like Monkfish?
  22. yuk - don't like slimey things out of shells. It's a mental thing.
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