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Everything posted by nixy

  1. nixy

    BP 102 RON

    do you really get more miles out of it or is that a load of twaddle.
  2. not to mention Top Gun!! Oh there's too many for me to choose - forget it!
  3. nixy

    BP 102 RON

    I usually use bog standard sainsburys or BP - I need my nectar points!
  4. god yes you're right! Actually I hate both those but I did forget Ghost! How could I have done that?
  5. mine in no particular order Wizard of oz rear window rebecca alien 1 and 2 deliverence star wars a new hope terminator terminator 2 shawshank redemption
  6. nixy

    BP 102 RON

    I know i've seen this somewhere so sorry for repetition - do you have to use super unleaded in the Z or can you use normal?
  7. Well if my other half has anything to do with it mine will be a diesel fiesta!
  8. dreaming of the next one by six months, not buying it - can't remember when I first posted on here but that will have been around about the time I'd decided on getting a Z and I'll have mulled it over for a long while before then! I've only had the CTR just over a year. I can't help it, I'm an addict!
  9. To be honest I rarely modify a car because I don't ever keep them that long! I'm usually dreaming of the next one within 6 months. I guess if I change anything it will probably be the wheels but I'm not into trying to get more power or anything like that.
  10. cheers guys - I think I'll give the damaged one a miss - I've run out of T-Cut!
  11. I've got precisely 15k which seems to be a popular number at the moment! I'm choosy with not a huge budget so I won't rush into it - I will bide my time and hopefully get what I want.
  12. got my dosh at last! Let the search commence!
  13. nixy


    No, wasn't thinking of swapping the fronts and backs around.
  14. God that's a sight! Really sad to see it in that state. I still think you should think about confessing and see if your parents can help you sort yourself out. A lesson for any would be 'drifters' I think.
  15. nixy


    That's what I'm thinking. A basic tyre however cheap still has to pass the test to be up to the job surely? I'd like to save the expensive tyres for the next car!
  16. nixy


    Looks like the credit card is gonna get a hammering - again!
  17. Luckily when they checked where they'd sent it - the bank it had gone into did not have an account number the same as mine so it was just 'floating'. god knows what would have happened otherwise! It's Virgin Loans.
  18. nixy


    Well I'd feel sorry for the car.................but yeah, I think all 4 cheapos might be the way to go - I can advertise it as having 4 new ones then (even if they are made of play doh)
  19. nixy


    Oh balls! My back ones are down to 1.8. So should I change the front to PZeros or change them all for cheapo tyres - found some at e-tyres fully fitted mid range tyre (make unspecified) for 54 quid each.
  20. Just had the CTR serviced - my front tyres are down to 1.6mm (perfectly legal) - they tried to scare me into changing them there and then by saying they refused to road test it because it was wet and my tyres were so low. Question is - as I'm selling I don't really want to shell out for 2 new Pirelli PZero's. How long do you think they'll last or should I change them?
  21. The flippin' stupid loan company paid my money over last Wednesday..............only took 3 working days. Great eh? Except was it my account they paid it into? NO! They had the wrong sort code and I still haven't got my money yet!
  22. Of course I never do! Husband has just picked up 3 points tho - spends a lot of time on the road.
  23. There's a reason they have tv's, play stations etc in prison (not that I agree with it). It creates a system of keeping control by being able to take something away from you if you don't behave and reward you if you do - bit like with children. I guess it makes life easier for the staff.
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