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Everything posted by nixy

  1. I started watching then bottled it before they took the bandage off - I don't like blood and gore! My dad chopped his finger off with a ride on lawn mower last summer - don't ask..............
  2. Oh god yes, you can see that happening!
  3. mine too! Don't get me started on this subject - I'd have thiefs in the stocks in town for people to pelt with rotten veg - if they thought they were gonna be humiliated like that it would deter them far more than a trip to the cells. I'll leave finger chopping off etc for another day...........
  4. Depends how much you want to spend. None of them will tell you they detect ALL cameras but you can get something that will detect most hand held, mobile and static cameras although from what I've read it's hard to detect a laser until it's actually hit you unless it picks up the signal as it's bouncing off another car nearby. It's an aid to be used in conjunction with your eyes I suppose.
  5. yep you're quite right - chicken kebab is just about the healthiest take away.
  6. ..........actually I think it's gorgeous...............(is he big?)
  7. yep they do or yep they put you off?
  8. just realised where I've seen it - or something very similar http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/134410.htm
  9. ha ha, typical man - put a t-bone steak in front of them and they wouldn't notice an atomic bomb going off!
  10. Can anyone recommend a good all round speed camera detector. Been looking on snooper site and a decent one seems to be the evolution at £139 but they do a cheaper one and I can't tell the difference between them apart from one speaks and one beeps! Its for hubbies birthday.
  11. YUK! a car that needs a nose job!
  12. don't they have topless ladies in there? Does it put you off your food at all?
  13. Get's on your bloody nerves! Someone would have to be seriously thick to think they could buy that for 8k. They're always listed as London with 0 feedback as well. Can't understand why ebay don't have someone fishing these out and deleting them they're so obvious. Daft thing is, if they'd but a few more grand on it but still made it look a bit of a bargain they'd have a better chance at the scam wouldn't they?
  14. I've seen something like this somewhere recently on the internet but can't remember where - from the side it looks like it's got a big front lip like something off the simpsons!
  15. nixy

    New 350Z test driven

    That orange is absolutely disgusting! It's the sort of colour a young girl with a fluffy steering wheel would choose. Totally concur with the sucked smartie comment - that or an opal fruit! (starburst for you youngsters) I'm not over struck on that bonnet either.
  16. ....word on the street is that it's babies willies! yeah but they taste ok cooked in breadcrumbs and disguised. Anyway, isn't a scampi a scampi and not a prawn - you're probably all to young to remember the scampi on fingerbobs the kids programme......... Yeah, isn't scampi the Italian word for langoustine? (Val?) You probably rarely get real scampi in lower end restaurants anyway. I think they use monkfish tail a lot of the time!! Are you suggesting I frequent 'lower end' restaurants? How very dare you! Actually I'm talking about a bag of frozen scampi from sainsburys!
  17. both stunning cars but for me it has to be burning hot before I put the roof down on my previous CC without feeling self conscious so for me it would be coupe. If it was a hard top convertible like the Merc I would probably feel different.
  18. ....word on the street is that it's babies willies! yeah but they taste ok cooked in breadcrumbs and disguised. Anyway, isn't a scampi a scampi and not a prawn - you're probably all to young to remember the scampi on fingerbobs the kids programme.........
  19. Oh God what a state to get in! Maybe you should just own up to your parents to save you from getting into any more trouble and losing any more money. I really hope you can sort this out. Best of luck!
  20. Ha ha, yeah, that's more like it!
  21. Fair enough mate, if Im wrong and he is genuine by showing pics of the damaged car and will sell for cash then I will apolize, but I can't see it somehow. Who on earth buys a 350z and only gets third party, Ive called up Sky insurance who cover imports and even they wouldnt offer third party on this car. Your so funny - have you phoned Sheila's Wheels yet?
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