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Everything posted by live2themaxuk

  1. OK matey, sounds good. Yep ill let you know either way within the next couple of weeks. Jamie
  2. Yeo, what was the cost of the build? may be a breakdown of prices. . .? J
  3. sinbad the pessimist. . . You were watching that 'The 7 Deadly Sins of England ' the other night weren't ya. . . Dont worry, Blairs gone soon, and then everything will change. . . . .
  4. personally, i prefer sunday, just a different more relaxed vibe. . . . Theres nowt to do on Sunday nights anyway. I would have been watching Topgear, if it were on, but its not. . . so we create our own
  5. the words, barge pole, touch, dont and with springing to mind?
  6. I think they were all actors. . . .lame. .
  7. 'Getaway in London' edited by sl144 £15 a dvd hehe
  8. Cheers matey, Yeah, basically, i had all my qualifications on the first page, with schools etc and training qualifications. Basically, didnt make for good reading my a tired/frustrated recuitment consultant who gets 100s of Cvs a day. Its clear now, with bulleted and bolded relevant infomation and achievements with qualifications down at the bottom. You are correct about emailing them directly. I have been doing this today and also calling them. Defo flags you up better. You are right about recruitment consultants, most of them have extremely bad ethics and moral values. Thats is unfortunelty the affect commission has on some people. . . . . i group them with estate agents. . . Some though, are very nice people. cheers Jamie
  9. chicken in cashew nuts in yellow bean sauce . . . .yep
  10. Cheers matey. mines a deep fried shredded chilli beef Did you guys say you had a 'urban cruise' route planned? Tunnels YES! Jamie
  11. If ya want gulwing doors, how about buying my special little Mazda AZ-1 which is up for sale http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/111371.htm
  12. LOL thanks for the replys guys, unfortunetly i hung up by macdonalds badge along time ago, only ever made it to 3 stars Im not into coding/ programming at all really. Im really a 'hands on ' kinda guy, with alot of support/administration experience in Windows/Linux environments . Ive got alot on network experience also, with TCP/IP, IDS systems, firewalls, vulnerability assesments and patch managment. Ive recently done a CEH 'certified ethical hacker' course also, which has set me in good sted to specialise in a Security area which is really where i wonna be heading. Jamie
  13. Hey all thought id have a moan on here about my owes of finding a job in london. I think i had abit of a false impression that it would be easy pickings, but its a bloody PITA. CV 'Recruitment Consultant Optimised' as i put it. . with keywords all in the right places, and get quite a few phone calls, but most are offering random jobs which arnt even related to what i put down as the sector in IT im after. (Security) Ive secured only 2 interviews in 3 1/2 months of searching and applied to well over 40 jobs, but, as its all webbased now, that doesnt mean alot, just means clicking a button, which in essense, all it does is 'flag me up' to a recruitment consultant, nothing more. Any avenues i have missed that i should be going down? Anyone got decent contacts be it in firms or recruiting companies that would give me a foot up? cheers J
  14. Hey guys. Id be up for it too. Put me down. Got no plans on Sunday night Jamie
  15. Crickey. . . . if im gonna enter a championship ill call ya. . . or my sponsors.. ..
  16. Ok, well, i will make a post on here and contact individuals who have expressed interest in the past, when im going to make a purchase. Im actually job hunting at the moment anyway, so probably not too wise to be buying bumpers anyway . . . so a few weeks is probably what it will be jamie
  17. theres not enough ppl interested at the mo. i still aint ordered mine yet. i will, but its not my top priority at the mo. i needed 3 ppl jamie
  18. Yeah i think its definelty a good idea to put up that they are a scam, but i think maybe a seperate 'ebay Scam ' board would be a good one. Would be nice and clean then. ..
  19. Well, i just found out what mine does. . . . I wondered why i have a push switch in the centre armrest box did . . and i could never work it out. I had one which made something 'click' in the JDM DVD navigation drive , and this other generic looking push button which i could never work out. . . .well. . .tonight i found out. . . FOOTWELL ILLUMINATION I suddenly realised, damn, i dont remeber the mats being lit up amber before. . . and sure enough, something had pressed it on in the pocket, and with my lights on (only works with lights on) i finally found out. . . I know a few others were wondering about their buttons too. . . well, i know what mine does. . . do you? Jamie
  20. thats rediculous. . . . moving people is cheaper. . . . . return. . . . on airplanes. . . granted exhausts havnt got legs but still . .. . .
  21. Well it sounds like there is still some interest. Im going to be ordering my bumper in the next few weeks. Can i have a definitve list of ppl who want them and ill get on and order them up. Please understand, i am ordering these myself i am not after a deposit, so please let me know only if your definetly gonna have one. thanks Jamie
  22. Dont even bother posting these item , they are blantently a scam. Just confuses
  23. and so it bloody should. . . ..
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