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Everything posted by sl114

  1. Pistonhead? Will check it now? There doesnt seem to be too many on there at the moment that im interested in, apart from the nismo tuned import, but im not too sure! I want one NOW, but i cant, i need to secure myself, then splash out:teeth:
  2. ARRRRGHHH i hate people like that! Find them and then key their eyes out! So sorry to hear that mate you getting it fixed soon?
  3. Totally definite Pmsl, 35 uk gt spec i have seen private for £17k so it is doable, and thats with 20k miles
  4. Then im sorted! yay, lol Agree with Tim, most get locked away for the winter, zeds defo a summer car for most so mid December is probably the best time...People desperate for cash before Xmas!!! @*!# Xmas isn't far away now Dont say that! its only like 3 months away! But again, good news for december then. i like timing things rights
  5. Ummmm, i may have done that already Sarnie - you dont know how tempting it is to get one now, but i need the security of a permanent contract at work before i splash out. I am deciding against an import now too, but i am still open
  6. i dont make it obvious at all, im just smitten and so excited i tell everyone, You should see my msn screen name ME: 350z coming SOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNN lol
  7. Big balloon payment is the key!! Yes but I want to own the car outright at the end of the term and not have a big balloon payment at the end. Doing that would mean cheaper monthly payments but I would be in same situation again when I come to sell my zed ie no equity in the car. Even if my car is only worth £10k in 3 years, thats £10k I can put towards another car Im with you, id never do finance through a dealership, id rather get a loan out and spread that over 3/4 years and have higher monthly payments. However i can see why its a great idea for people who prefer doing it the other way round, also using their car as a trade in and getting a similar new one after the deal is up. I took out a personal loan for mine instead of HP which mean't I was able to sell my old kuro without any HP worries. Just used the cash from the sale to buy the UY. It also means that I could ( If I really wanted/needed to) sell my car for say £23-£24k and stick all the money in the bank. Obviously I would have to keep up the repayments but I'm doing that now anyway You also have the option to pay it all off at anypoint! which is what i did with my current car.I so cant wait now!
  8. As you may or may not know, i am looking to buy a 350z soon, and now i have been told that i will know about my job very soon, so as soon as that contract is signed I will be on the look out for one! Om estimating that mid december everything will be settled and i can get the 350z then. Now the bit i need help with, my budget is £17-£18k, i was thinking about an import but i can get a uk spec for that price. So apart from autotrader etc...does anyone know any good independant dealers or people looking to sell their zeds around that time? Is it worth waiting until the new year as prices may come down then (i am not sure about price drops and deperciation etc as i have only in the last 2 months started looking at 350z properly)
  9. Big balloon payment is the key!! Yes but I want to own the car outright at the end of the term and not have a big balloon payment at the end. Doing that would mean cheaper monthly payments but I would be in same situation again when I come to sell my zed ie no equity in the car. Even if my car is only worth £10k in 3 years, thats £10k I can put towards another car Im with you, id never do finance through a dealership, id rather get a loan out and spread that over 3/4 years and have higher monthly payments. However i can see why its a great idea for people who prefer doing it the other way round, also using their car as a trade in and getting a similar new one after the deal is up.
  10. Nooo, Hava, as hava good time with the hot eastern european sex godesses that love english men.
  11. Jealousy is a terrible thing for those bland blue owners Nothing wrong with Blue, its just non colours that are crummy and plain and as Tiff in a cardigan.
  12. You will, when you see the video i have of a sexy lady jumping up and down fully naked off strapinski island just off the coast of hava. Nudist beaches are cool lol
  13. Thanks guys, good to know, basically i will have £17-£18k to spend on a zed and i know i can get a 53 GT for that price, its jsut a waiting game, plus the sat nav will be nice. However if the right import comes along, i will see how it is regarding insurance etc
  14. welcome Nixy, im in the same boat as you, but i moved from 4 months to now just over 2.5, i cant wait too long as im impatient!
  15. Which one are you talking about? The blue one, lol. But yes, yours is also gorgeous and i would kill for a bright yellow Zed with full nismo kit.
  16. To the first post Ming, i know exactly what you have gone through. I used to be a life guard and had to pull someone out of a pool who was having a heart attack and was pumping him for 15 minutes until the ambulance arrived. However I knew after 2 minutes he was pretty much dead as you know, you can tell. But i still went on as it is what i was trained to do. The worst part is that his family were all standing around and we couldnt get them to leave, i can still remember his daughter saying to me "please save my Daddy, i love him and i cant lose him". That to this day still makes me really upset as its something i would never want my daughter to see. 2 days later i got a card and nice box of choccies from his family saying thankyou for everything i did for them. It makes you think so hard about all the little things in life and how the smallest thing can have such a huge impact on anything and everything. As you say, live for now and enjoy what we have, because tomorrow it may all be gone
  17. The problem for you my friend is that there were only 76 yellow ones made and only about 5 or 6 with the Nismo kit so you it will be extremely difficult to find one. More chance of finding one of the other 70 standard ones and put the kit on your self Thats what i was thinking, hmmmmmmmmmmmm oooh the thoughts, and good news, i can get one mid december now!
  18. Yor car looks amazing buddy, im so jealous. Hmm so do i get a yellow with Nismo kit now?? OOoooh the decisions
  19. Just read all of this when i should have been working! I cant wait to see the final results in a year or so, and by then i will have my Zed, woohoo! Good luck to the both of you and i will be watching this closely. BTW - if anyone does GM and lime green, i'll attack them
  20. That is the exact 350z i am after!!! i now hate you! let me have it?
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