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Everything posted by sl114

  1. They arnt actually tints, i think its the angle of the car, but by no means were they tinted when i took it out.
  2. A mangy looking guy who goes into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says: "No way. I don't think you can pay for it." The guy says: "You're right. I don't have any money, but if I show you something you haven't seen before, will you give me a drink?" The bartender says, "Only if what you show me ain't risque." "Deal!" says the guy and reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a hamster. He puts the hamster on the bar and it runs to the end of the bar, down the bar, across the room, up the piano, jumps on the key board and starts playing Gershwin songs. And the hamster is really good! The bartender says, "You're right. I've never seen anything like that before. That hamster is truly good on the piano." The guy downs the drink and asks the bartender for another. "Money or another miracle else no drink", says the bartender. The guy reaches into his coat again and pulls out a frog. He puts the frog on the bar, and the frog starts to sing. He has a marvelous voice and great pitch. A fine singer! A stranger from the other end of the bar runs over to the guy and offers him $300 for the frog. The guy says "It's a deal." He takes the three hundred and gives the stranger the frog. The stranger runs out of the bar. The bartender says to the guy: "Are you some kind of nut? You sold a singing frog for $300? It must have been worth millions. You must be crazy." "Not so", says the guy. "The hamster is also a ventriloquist."
  3. December, but i wont get that one as its not a GT spec.
  4. I am so jealous of you and your car! Not fair. I spent 4 hours saturday morning before my test drive prewashing, washing, clay baring, scratchxing, waxing, buffing, cleaning wheels, taking wheels off to clean the inside and under arches, seals, took the back box off to give it a good autosol full makeover and then realised i fogot to hoover the inside so did that too. All this was before 11am! I couldnt sleep. Now think what i will be like with the Zed!
  5. The 350z Experience! What can I say, I pulled up to Mill Hill Nissan Dealership on Saturday, which I might add was a fine summers morning, sun gleaming, blue sky, dry roads and a little bit of heat, typically for England and parked up in the customer parking space! Me being me, I was 15 minutes early so went for a stroll around and ran, yes RAN, over to a brand new 56 plate gun metal 350z. Peering through the window I couldn’t see to much due to the tints, but the interior was gorgeous and then I focused on the exterior and almost dropped to my knees. To avoid drooling anymore, I decided to walk back into the dealership and ask for Nigel, who will be taking me out for the test drive. I met Nigel and he seemed like a really decent guy (as car salesmen go), not to sure on his beige suit however and grey shirt, but what do I know about fashion! We went through the necessary paper work and he copied my drivers licence in case I was naughty and got caught by a camera or police. Dealers must think im stupid though, I know they take copies of driver licences to post on a big wall of embarrassing pictures, come on we all have really bad drivers licence photos? I personally look like a public school boy in mine with curtains and a suit, those were the days! After going through all of the legal jargon, he said that I am going to be driving the car myself today and how did I want to test it. Well knowing a bit about cars, I replied by saying that I will be using this car everyday, so it needs to be good for general town use, bumpy country roads, motorway driving and track days. Luckily in Mill Hill, there is pretty much all of that to test so I came to the right place for a proper drive. Going on from this, Nigel explained how he wanted me to drive it and he will not be driving for the first half as his back was hurting and he couldn’t really twist his neck, plus wanted to give me the best and longest time possible with the car. What a nice guy he is. Walking out, a black 05 Non-GT spec 350z was gleaming having just been washed, waxed, rubbed over and possibly loved a bit too much (if that is possible) and I looked at it thinking, I want this car so much right now, a bit like a Friday night in St Albans at that cattle farm called Lloyds, be it Lust or just pure love, it was stunning. Nigel went to get in the car and fired her up. The V6 roared with anger and the sound coming from the twin tailpipes was something that put a bigger smile on my face than Hugh Heffner ever evening. He moved it out of the tight spot and parked it so that he could jump out and let me jump in the drivers seat. I was at first thinking, “this is very low and im going to find it hard getting into the car being 6’3’', however I went to get in and easily got into the drivers seat, which hugged me in place, but not too restricting. I adjusted all the mirrors and seat and steering column so that I could fit in and see and noticed that the HUGE rear view mirror was in fact HUGE. It was a bit restricting and to see under it I will have to duck a bit, this is something I am use to in the MG mind you so I didn’t see it as too much of a problem. Seatbelt on and door thudded closed with a great, thwack. This is a properly built car, not like the MG with its clunk rattle bang pop door closing. I loved the fact that you could still hear the engine note in the car but it wasn’t too loud or intrusive, it was, lets say, perfect. I put the clutch down and engaged first gear and moved off without stalling, bunny hopping or attempting to be a bad ass rapper in a strange Cadillac jumping along the street. I manoeuvred around the forecourt and was impressed by the ease of moving this beast around the moors. I joined the slip road onto the A1 and turned round to see my blind spot, to be greeted by, a blind spot. Anything past the B pillar is not see-able at all, but lets face it, this is a coupe and don’t we have side mirrors for this type of thing, all be it, concaved side mirrors that let me see all around the sides of the car well into the 2 lanes of the carriage way. Foot too the floor and the car moved along very nicely and with such a smooth action it makes Jon Bon Jovi’s new waxed chest seem bumpy. I was a little cautious as this was the first time I had been in a car with this power and style so stuck in the outside lane doing 50 (by outside I mean the slow lane, its not the inside to those who call it that, it’s the outside, fact!). I was approaching the round about at Mill Hill on the A1 and took it round with no haste, jerkiness or hesitation. The adjustable power steering was amazing, it felt so light going slow, but when the speeds pick up, it gets heavier and more responsive which gave me a lot of confidence in driving this car. Nigel told me to go through Mill Hill and head towards Finchley. Driving along these roads were as good as good can be, the suspension was amazing, steering spot on and gear changing not jerky at all. I must add that I was doing 30 in 5th gear at times as I was not used to the positions of the gear stick, but it went along beautifully and pulled away from 30mph in 5th as easy as it is to get a copy of the Paris Hilton sex tape. There were a few tight gaps too and I felt the driver position was great for me, I could view my corners and felt confident that I could get through some gaps with cars coming the other way over my side of the road! You have to love London drivers these days, especially those is 4x4s who must own the road. Coming away from Finchley I went round the back of Mill hill and went past the Priest College to test some bad road surfaces and country roads. I was purposely driving over pot holes, bumps throwing it into corners and the Zed handled just as I expected, without hesitation and smooth. The suspension surprised me as I expected it to be as hard as stone, however it glided over bumps, stones, rocks and small people. I do like to feel the road and it seemed that Nissan have got the balance between comfort and sport suspension perfectly balanced. We approached the A1 and drove to the M1 junction and joined the motorway. Taking it round the slip road I applied a lot of power and the Zed launched itself with smoothness and elegance and the V6 sounds lustfully filled my ears. I had the biggest grin on my face at that point and Nigel could clearly see that so told me to take it to red line and then change gears. I must add again – THE SOUND!!!! Imagine a lion waking up in the morning and having a good old grumpy roar. That’s what you get, the deep base note, the torque throwing you back into your seat, the faces that watch you in envy is something I must experience again, and I will I assure you. Very quickly I was at 70mph and we went up the M1 to junction 7 and turned back round and again on the slip road I was told to put my foot to the floor and see how it handles corners. Again I was so surprised how much grip there was to the road and the ESP played a bit part in that. I can also see why they call it ESP now too, it knows exactly what I want it to do, a scary thought that my mind can be read, however I guess its not that hard, “I want to go hard and fast!â€
  6. Im not going to be on here until monday now, but... ...i have my test drive tomorrow, i cant wait! Will report on how i find the zed on monday, Have a good weekend
  7. Not at all mate, nothing wrong at all! We both enjoy people's comments so keep 'em coming. I know that what I produce won't be everyone's cup of tea, but that's not the point. I still cant wait to see the results of this, when i get mine, i will have something to look up to
  8. I am looking to sell this around the beginning of December to make way for the 350z in Mid december. 2005 MG ZR 105 Trophy (bought in June 2005) Pearl Black 11,000 miles Those who know me know I clean the car every weekend and the paintwork is in amazing condition PTP R140 conversion (done 6,000 miles on this conversion) Vernier Pulleys Lightened Flywheel Balanced Engine ITG Maxogen Induction kit Full Janspeed sports exhaust system with twin exit backbox EBC turbo grooved front discs and greenstuff pads M3 side mirrors Colour coded front fog surrounds Xpower springs (not yet fitted but I will be doing this soon I hope, if not I can give them to you for nothing) All original mirrors, pads and brake discs can be included I have had offers of £8000 so i will put price around that for now, if anyone is interested in this let me know and if the price is right now, I may think about selling it early. Thanks for looking
  9. This is probably covered somewhere, but whats the advantage of this? Is it just thicker tougher laqure to prevent chips and scratches? How much is it roughly?
  10. Just to clarify, by no means am i having a dig, i was offering seriouls suggestions and having some fun. Like you Ming, i work best when people banter with me and try to put me off and throw strange suggestions forward. Apologies if it has been taken the wrong way
  11. MIng, in reply to this! Carbon, you know you want to! Change all plastic to the sexy material!!!!!!!! Carbon?? How does a panel beater beat carbon? LOL You use what you have access to and Barnsley is a 'steel' area, even now, so thats what we will use. Ming the content. Ahh i see where you are coming from now! so plastic cover = steeeeeeeeeel???? I will stop digging now
  12. Well i have a better idea for you! Carbon elements, and have airbrushed a really amazing graphic/picture on it! Then get the bling on but nothing heavy, you dont want to weigh down the car too much. Then, this is where the fun comes in, you can have the underside fully chromed or painted to a high finish! hehe
  13. Thats nice, im not a big roadster fan to be honest with you, im a coupe man.
  14. MIng, in reply to this! Carbon, you know you want to! Change all plastic to the sexy material!!!!!!!!
  15. haha thats the funnyest thing i have heard today! FACT! pmsl I dont like fake boobies, i have felt them at a gentlemans Club (ok a lapdancing club in toronto) and had a good feel, not very nice and you can feel the plastic Natural all the way for me, plus i wouldnt let anyone on my car, i dont trust people as it is
  16. sl114

    Bodykits bonanza

    The spats are sweet IMO, they finish it off perfectly
  17. Thanks for the link mate, which one are you referring to? edit - i now see what you are referring to, me = dumbass
  18. Sad news and a horrible site there. Glad its all being sorted though and will be on the road again soon
  19. My ZR does that too, i just press the loud pedal more and you soon dont hear it
  20. Welcome dude, VTS to 350z, how dd you find the change? Im going from an MG ZR 105 (modified to 165bhp and 158lb/ft torque) to a 350z in 3 months. Thanks
  21. latest news is that he is now stable! Phew
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