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Everything posted by sl114

  1. sl114

    Top speed?

    I get that all the time when i go to meets etc. "dude, how fast does that Rover go?" "umm starters its an MG you twiddle, 2nd faster then you after being thrown off a cliff!!!"
  2. sl114

    Top speed?

    Thats a good innacuracy rating! Its all about how to get up to the speed i feel, top speed should never be used on public roads or on private roads in uncontrolled situations. God i sound like my Dad!
  3. Haha, it will be ready properly next year, just hard to pursuade my dad not to sell it as he wants to get something else and he is funny about me spending money on it to do it up, But - i am good at changing peoples minds teehee
  4. Completely agree with you, actually of cause i would, haha. Thanks for the comments too everyone, got a few more pics of the Vette, which is my Dads however we are both restoring it starting next year so will be a great project: Also got a cool sound clip from ages ago http://www.clipshack.com/Clip.aspx?key=9D1348AD542C7BD1 Enjoy
  5. Oh dont, she is cleaned every sunday, every other sunday the detailing clay comes out and the wax etc... Im very very anal about all that and my car has to be perfect at all costs.
  6. probably close to head gasket failure
  7. Not sure to be honest, i like the Zed in every colour it comes in
  8. Did a little photoshoot with my car a few months back so thought i would share it with you all, this will soon be going to make way for the Zed
  9. Mine sounds like this when cold. I have a 2005 MG ZR so same engine really, well pretty much. Just keep an eye on coolant levels and oil etc...
  10. Where did you get yours from? How are you finding it for servicing etc?
  11. This may have been asked before, but what are the issues with Imports that are already in the country? What should be looked at? Common problems? Servicing issues? etc... I did have a search but couldnt find anything, maybe my brain isnt working!
  12. sl114

    GO Z GO!!!

    Surly they didnt break the speed limit as they may have been on a dual carriageway and they didnt go over 70mph. They just wanted to get to 70 quickly
  13. ahh got you, thanks all, see i know nothing!
  14. I was thinking of this company and i have been in contact with them for a fek weeks now to test the water etc...however i am now thinking on what has just been said here, to spend and extra 3k (taking it upto £16.5k) and have the assurance of a UK spec car. Just a case of looking in the right places come january time.
  15. Trouble is the standard Rays are 6 spoke, I love the Nismo's tho Mrcofpep, the Nismo kit was all done by Nissan although I do believe it's a completely different front bumper I think the rest is bolt on. really? I saw these on one the other day and loved them...
  16. Great link and i have to say the Nismo sounds the best out of all of them, get it! get it i tell thee
  17. That is stunning, not just nice, but stunning. Got me thinking about the Nismo kit now. However - shoot me down if you want all, but im not a fan of the wheels, i prefer the 5 spoke standard Nissan alloys.
  18. sl114

    GO Z GO!!!

    Hey its my first proper post, may as well make it memorable. But this is great to know, everything about the 350z is screaming at me now to buy it!
  19. sl114

    GO Z GO!!!

    Thats very impressive, the more and more i read, the more and more i want to buy it now! There are lots out there at the minute within my budget, but i need to secure my job first. BTW the opening line is very dodgy
  20. Thanks buddy, i plan to enjoy this forum. Just looking forward to any meets that may be coming up in Hetforshire/London, yay
  21. Haha what do i do, that is the question. Im a Project Manager. I manage the scope and success of completing a digital related project. For example launching a new interactive channel, video on demand, red button interactivity, mobile content, websites all that stuff. I have a few people interested in the MG at the moment and they are willing to give me £8k for it. Its had a bit of work done and even though its the base model, i have fitted new cams, exhauts system, induction kit and a few more tweaks. Its running around 165bhp from 103bhp (yeah i know its nothing but a big jump) and up from 95lb/ft torque to 145lb/ft. So its pretty much running like a tweaked 160 now. 1/4 mile in 15.1 seconds and 0-60 in 7.2. Its a big jump but sometimes it has to be made, im not one of these put foot down and race everything drivers, i prefer to actually drive safely and not endanger anyone else on the roads but i do enjoy the odd 1/4 sprint. Its very fun also to watch people in saxos and fiestas rev at the lights at you though as the zr seems to attract all these people, so i rev back, then watch them light up their tires on green and i just calmly drive away.
  22. ahh its ok, i get it all the time, no one understands project management at all, infact i dont have a clue as to what i am doing half the time, If Barry didn't ask it someone else would, probably me Can't you match the offer.... That's one proper head turning motor Thats ok, usually its women asking who i work for rather than what do i do, lol. yeah right, i wish! I can match the offer, but i am really after an everyday car (well i say everyday but you know what i mean) and the vette is a good weather only car and to do it up will cost about £10k as i want to do it properly. So id rather spend it on something i can drive all the time and right away. Plus i am selling my current car to get half of what i need for a zed. In fact i have a Zed (ZR) so im technically selling a zed to buy a zed! haha
  23. ahh its ok, i get it all the time, no one understands project management at all, infact i dont have a clue as to what i am doing half the time,
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