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Everything posted by sl114

  1. Its proper classy mate And the rooms are ace too if your lucky The rooms? Do tell more! haha
  2. Sarnie that place is stunning, I may go there, its not too overpowering in there is it?
  3. Lol unlucky bugger Oh mine was the other way round, she was hot when i was with her, then went a bit, well ugly, when i saw her 2 months ago. Havent seen her since she was 17 though so thats 7 years! wow a long time
  4. ...to take her, i have 2 options so far but i need more advice, im looking for a lounge type bar, nothing too daunting but nothing cheap and nasty as she is stunning and i want to impress her! Options so far! http://www.the-soho-lounge.co.uk/ http://www.thesohobar.co.uk/ What do you think guys!
  5. Sorry mate I should of give u a heads up Hey its ok, i work for MTV, the amount of porn and stuff that gets sent round is mad! Well mainly from the boys on the IS desk! haha Cool job, pm the details Nothing interesting, im just an interactive project manager. however IS Junk is always fun to watch and see
  6. sl114

    Aesthetic mods

    I am not one for badly modded cars! However done right and tastefully (the main word here!) a car can look amazing. Nismo have done it good to compliment the styling and curves of the stock Zed, however there are other kits that just spoil everything about it! I was once told that i should mod my MG and put some mad stuff on it such as below: However i felt the front bumper did not suit the sides properly and the back was just plain wrong! I wanted to kit my MG up like below, subtle yet different sleek and the lines compliment everthing that the original MG ZR has I was going to do this as it would look amazing in Black, however i am selling so no point really
  7. Sorry mate I should of give u a heads up Hey its ok, i work for MTV, the amount of porn and stuff that gets sent round is mad! Well mainly from the boys on the IS desk! haha
  8. Compromise... November?! Possibly, as soon as i find out about my job being made permanent im in the market, just need to sell my car too.
  9. I need to do the roof, lol, i forgot that, haha. I will get some pics when i do it on the weekend for you all!
  10. Nice pictures there dude, and why do your show models look 10x better than our UK ones!
  11. Some great drifting in there!
  12. Keep it till December and i will have it off you!
  13. Ahh those things, they are fast, but they are not that fast, they are still 6+ seconds 0-60, and FWD. However for what they are and cost, its not worth it in my opinion! I have been looking at these too but they are no comparison to a zed.
  14. I have to say i bought the Meguairs Quick Detailing clay so decided to give the MG a big once over. I started by washing her down and getting her all soapy using my nxt gen car wash, then rised and got rid of all the water. Then i used this claybar on the whole car and then followed by meguairs scratch x and nxt gen car wax! I have to say the car was gleaming and the paintwork felt like glass! Then it rained before i could get any decent pictures and i got annoyed so went to the pub. Im going to do the same this weekend and try to get some pictures this time
  15. excellent! The worst thing is seeing an gorgeous ex but realising she is totally different to when you first went out, its never good, but worse when she wasnt that nice, then you see her now and she is stunning and you think, why the hell did i get rid of her!
  16. I love the idea of being able to access everything on my computer at home! VPN's are my friends, haha. Im looking forward to it, i will be getting the Zed, what a way to ease into it though, the worst weather months in the year and i get a powerful RWD sports car, haha. Sometimes i dont think i have a brain
  17. Agree with Sarnie on this one! Silver/GM Charc* Rays I see way to many of them around my area!
  18. haha, those smileys summ up everything though dont they
  19. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v291/ ... riefin.flv
  20. Bloooooody hell! I have been in one of those too
  21. They arnt actually tints, i think its the angle of the car, but by no means were they tinted when i took it out. Oh right must of read your quote wrong "Peering through the window I couldn’t see to much due to the tints" sorry.... does look good tho Liam the tints were on a 2006 plate 350z not the one i took for a test drive, i dont think they were illegal as they looked factory fitted, but with the sun and glare i couldnt see much I dont want to be a motor journalist to be honest, i just wanted to write up my experience as i had the best day ever and i am such a big car fan i enjoy telling my stories. Monkfish - i think i will pee my pants when i get it, then again when i floor it for the first time. Then the next morning when i wake up and see it out the window, then the day after, then after that and so on.
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