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Chilli Red

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Everything posted by Chilli Red

  1. We have the original artwork/drawings from when Ajay put his design on paper and it is the same on that as the Tee shirts but when he signed our cars his signature was a bit different. Same guy two signatures. Neither my picture nor the car signatures are fakes that for sure.
  2. Chilli Red

    CF hood

    Make sure you use bonnet pins/catches and it should be OK.
  3. I know. Mine is hobbling around like she's been run over, but the Vet can't see why? Pd £60 so far to be told keep here quiet, Yeh OK, someone tell the cat then
  4. In the drive of one of the houses for sale on Location Location Location
  5. Sounds like you are discribing a woman Jamie got his today, no queing, he ordered on line and it got delivered.
  6. You need a chilli pill and you'll be with the Chilli so all will be fine Looking forward to it. We only got mixed up on a stand once and it was quite fun.
  7. Thanks Chris, god forbid I get lost
  8. Don't think the first google map link works properly
  9. Don't worry we will sneak you in with us if you miss Chris and then point you in the right direction See you Sunday
  10. we can tar and feather people who end up with the wrong club
  11. You've got my mobile, give me a ring if you need us to go and look.
  12. Anders, this is about an hour from London. You need to edit the tittle to Farnborough Area. It is only about 10 minutes from me. If no one else offers I will go with Tony at the weekend for you if that helps. Sarah
  13. I can help, let me know what you want and I will price. Parts numbers and quantities please.
  14. I was thinking you'd changed you mind, thats why you hadn't rung.
  15. but the question is... why should Anders go bye bye in the first place Oh no Anders can't go. Who would occupy the Green room if he wasn't here
  16. More than probably. Are you local to us then. We have a BBQ on the 10th July at 3pm in Chobham why not pop in and show us it in the metal?
  17. I like it. Like changing your car without changing it OK cheeky question now, how much?
  18. Facelift reflectors recess is much wider
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