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Posts posted by SwissZ

  1. I had the very rare manual G37 convertible (2010 model). When I bought it, it was the only one in Switzerland :) Had a love/hate relationship with it, but I think the really useless dealer didn't help there....


    I had a black one which was the first issue as the self-healing paint was so soft just rubbing your finger over it would leave a mark. It had the same problems 350/370s have. I had to get the clicky axle sorted, the clutch pedal got stuck to the floor and I had a strange rattle/vibration from the front end (never sorted). Oh yeah, there was the time the passenger door seal failed spectacularly with a massive bang doing 150+ mph. Scared the crap out of me and could easily have put me off the road! I did like the car, but when I look back, it seems like it was forever back at the dealers getting one niggle or another fixed.


    I eventually got shut of it and got an FX50s which I'm absolutely loving. Only down side is the consumption. I was on a 5 hour blast down the Autobahn yesterday and managed to empty the tank (78 liters at the pump) after 190 miles. Best thing about it is leaving very surprised tailgating Audi/BMW drivers for dead :lol:


    Oh, and if you're going to be using a G37 all year round, get used to walking if it snows. Even with winter tires it was terrible but I guess everyone here is used to that. :surrender:

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  2. Hi Giovane, this is a bit strange! I just got back from 2 weeks in Rio this morning :) Have to admit, I don't think there was one road in Rio where driving a Z wouldn't bring tears to my eyes. I was staying in Recreio where they have speed bumps that would have beached a Z :surrender: I wouldn't even have been able to use the local McDonalds drive through. No chance of getting over the curb :scare:


    Now here's the really strange thing! If by chance you're from Rio and anywhere near Barra, there's a garage (didn't catch the name) 2 doors down from a place called Sky Motors that had a silver Z on the forecourt. Looked like a 2006 though, but might be worth a look as it seemed pretty well looked after. You can't miss Sky Motors Barra.... Just look for the gorgeous Aston, and nice collection of Mercs/BMWs parked out front B)


    Good luck with the Z hunting!



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  3. Anyone heard of a Ragazzon exhaust? Been reluctant to bite the bullet new exhaust wise without hearing the sound in person. Dealer called whilst I was on holiday to tell me he has a car in with this exhaust and my first question was 'a Raga what???' :)


    I'll hopefully go and check out it out this week but was wondering if anyone had any experience of Ragazzon?



  4. Sounds like the concentric slave cylinder, carried over from the 350Z HR which is a common failure point


    I keep seeing this as a solution on here but the last 2 cars were brand new (run in periods completed religiously) so is there a problem with the original design?


    This is 3 days on the trot someone is having the same issues.

    Since mine was changed for the upgrade its been great.


    Hopefully this answers my question. Do you have details of what was changed? Maybe part numbers I can throw at the dealer?



  5. Finally got to blast the 370 up the Autobahn and yes the clutch pedal dropped to the floor after about 10 mins hard driving. :rant:


    Got it up to 265 kph on the clock and apart from the roadster noise :scare: (can't remember the 350 being as loud) all was good. After a few change downs and hard acceleration the pedal came only half way up. Gears still went in no problem at this point but eventually the pedal stayed down and I was struggling to get a gear in. I could pull the pedal back up, but if I touched it lightly it got sucked back down! Slowed down for a few mins and all was good again for about 10 mins when it started again. Back in Switzerland at normal speeds, the car's perfectly fine....


    If this was the first time I'd had this, fair enough, but I had the same thing with my old 350 and also with an Infiniti G37 which were both bought new so no wear and tear there.


    The 370's a 2010 with no official warranty but the dealer gave me a 1 year extension. Wonder what he'll say about this :lol:

  6. Back box will be fine for a bit of noise.


    Add Berks HFCs and it'll be pretty stunning.


    Unfortunately HFCs will definitely screw me come Swiss MOT time....


    You can generate a better sound with just the middle and rear silencer, you can always add to the system later down the line, we have a few options available... :)


    I'm guessing shipping an entire system to Switzerland would cost me an arm and a leg :lol: not to mention the import costs :wacko:


    Thanks for the advice guys, think I'll go for the rear silencer first and take it from there. Off to find out which ones come with an 'Ok for Switzerland' certificate...

  7. will replacing just the back box do the job?


    Local exhaust place is saying full cat back is the way to go but I was chatting to the Nissan dealer that sold me the car who said just the back box will be fine. To make things worse it's a nightmare just figuring out which exhausts are actually legal in car hating Switzerland. :surrender:



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  8. Well, based on what I've just seen, I'm surprised no one else is having this problem.


    Went to the local Nissan dealer to let them have a look and they seemed confused... Even more so when the brand new roadster in the show room did exactly the same thing. One window dropped but caught caught on the roof when the door was opened and as with mine you could push the glass down manually a couple of mm's. The other side didn't drop at all :wacko:


    They've now gone off to speak with Nissan Europe to see if there's a fix. Hope so because if anyone else has this, this is what your roof will soon look like. Not great on a four year old car....



  9. My 350 clutch used to get stuck down all the time when hammering up and down the Autobahn. Exactly the same thing happened in the Infiniti G37 I had as well. The Infiniti tech who had a look at it thought the clutch fluid might be over heating as it was black when he drained it. He wanted to put some super high quality brake fluid in instead but Infiniti wouldn't let him :lol:


    I put it down to Nissan having designed a crap clutch system. Can't wait to find out if it happens with the 370.....

  10. Hi


    I've got a/the window problem on my 2010 roadster where both sides aren't dropping properly when the doors are opened. It was that bad that the windows were sometimes outside the roof when the door was closed.


    Quick search here soon had me window up and downing and holding for 3 or 5 secs which kind of did the job. The windows now drop every time, but not enough and here's the weird thing.... although they don't drop enough, if I push them down they go down another couple of mm's without resistance to the point where they should drop to giving the clearance needed for the rubber roof gubbins.


    As it's both sides and they both go up and down fine, I've ruled out the window motors. Could something just be loose or maybe a full reset with door card off etc?





  11. Hi


    Posted a couple of weeks ago that I was looking at a 370 roadster. Well after a bit of haggling, which turned out to be quite easy as the previous owner needed the cash urgently to pay for the new Qashqai he'd ordered, here she is :teeth:






    Managed to complete my first mod at the weekend by removing the big plastic front number plate mount!


    I used to have a 2005 350Z so loving the extra power in this. Sound's a bit of a let down though...... even compared to a stock 350. Looking to change that if the car hating Swiss will let me :dry: Also on the list of things to do is a rear view camera. Hate having to pray I don't hit something every time I reverse with the roof up!


    Have a couple of niggles which I'll probably be asking about in the near future, but for now..... :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:




    btw Swiss Z drivers are a really friendly bunch! Every one of the 5 or 6 I've passed over the last week waved! I kinda missed the first one but my wife remembered how it works and waved back for me :lol:

  12. I once returned to my car parked at the side of the road, started the car, checked rear view mirror, stuck it in reverse to give me room to pull out past the car in front of me and then got distracted for a couple of mins picking a decent song out.


    With a song picked, reversed.... and got the shock of my life when I hit the car that had pulled up behind me whilst I was messing around with the stereo. :lol:


    Was 18 at the time and there was no damage fortunately... Lesson learnt!

  13. Thanks for the welcome backs! :)


    This is starting to take shape now. He's dropped the price to what I wanted, thrown in a 45k service (30k mile?) and will put it through the Swiss equivent of an MOT. I'm going to test drive again tomorrow to see if I can live with the limited leg room issue.


    Couple of questions though... The alloys have a bit of kerbing but also look like the paint has just worn out on the spokes in the middle of the wheels.. I was sure I saw somewhere this was a known issue and could be fixed by Nissan. I did try seaching but I'm obviously looking for the wrong thing. Anyone got any info on this?


    Also, the drivers seat is looking a bit worn. Can just the seat cover be changed or am I looking at a bigger job?



  14. Hello again


    Owned a 350z roadster 4 years ago and I've got this nagging feeling its time to get another :) Went from the Z to an Infiniti G37 convertible (not bad, but not brilliant) and currently have this FX50S which I'm loving (except when it comes to filling it up :scare: ):




    The Swiss have a great system where you can register 2 cars on the same number plate and just change it over depending on which one you feel like driving. 2 cars, 1 x car tax and a slight increase on the insurance. Perfect! Z hunting here we go!


    So far so good... However, I've been trawling the Swiss car market for a couple of months now and I'm having no luck whatsoever. Can't find a latest model, low KM, well looked after 350 anywhere. Whilst looking around I came across this though, a May 2010 370:




    Didn't want a 370 if I'm honest as I've always preferred the 350 and the colour of this one also takes some getting used to! Le Mans blue so I'm told. Anyway, took it for a test drive today and the first thing I noticed is that either I've gotten bigger, or the 370 has less leg room than the 350!?! Is this a fact, or am I just imagining it having been driving a tank for the last year??? I'm over 6 foot but not that far over and I thought it was slightly uncomfortable...


    Apart from that, it drives as I would expect a Z to drive although the exhaust seemed quite a bit quieter than I remember my 350. Also, the wheels need a tidy up and the drivers seat is a bit worn. Is the seat something that an be sorted easily? New cover or something? All in all, not too bad though....


    The car was at a Nissan dealer being sold for a customer, so I've put an offer in anyway to see how far they'll come down and am just waiting for an answer now. Even if they do, I'll need to drive it again to make sure I won't end up crippled by the lack of legroom after driving it long distances.






    btw if anyone knows of a decent 350 in Switzerland, please PM me! ;)

  15. Went from a 350 to a Infiniti G37 convertible to a FX50S. Apart from some weird high pitch noise in the cabin, loving it!


    Hmmm was going to post some pics but win 8, a tablet and here don't mix!

    Any issues with the G37,I'm toying with the idea of trading in the 370 for a G37 coupe.


    After the G, I swore I'd never get another Infiniti. I had loads of issues, these were some of my 'favorites':


    Clutch pedal getting stuck to the floor at 220kph (140mph) on the Autobahn. New complete clutch/hydraulic assembly needed.

    Window seal failing with 270kph (167) on the clock. Scared the cr@p out of me! Nothing done about that. Infiniti answer: It's a convertible, what did I expect at that speed.... Fair enough :lol:

    I was able to change mp3 tracks on a USB stick by putting the car in reverse whilst the parking sensors were beeping! (that was my favorite one!) Fixed by... well no one knows. It stopped doing it after one of the many visits to the dealers. Not sure when.


    After all that I still ended up with the FX because I'd always liked them and fancied something different. I'm just hoping the G was just bad luck.


    Didn't think it would be everyone's cup of tea but with a 5.0 V8 it's great fun! (Although I'm sure I saw the local petrol station owners out celebrating soon after I got it...) I'm actually toying with the idea of picking up another 350Z ragtop for the summer. Miss throwing a Z round the mountains.....


    Soon as the engine on this thing's run in I'll take it up the Autobahn to scare the hell out of some BMW drivers. :lol:





    Edit: Hmmm posting pics is much easier when you've not had quite a few beers....

  16. Went from a 350 to a Infiniti G37 convertible to a FX50S. Apart from some weird high pitch noise in the cabin, loving it!


    Hmmm was going to post some pics but win 8, a tablet and here don't mix!


  17. Bizarre, the key light started showing up on my 2010 Infiniti G37 last week. Hadn't really thought it might be anything but the battery. Some of these posts have got me a bit worried now. Well, if it's not just the battery I'll just have to add it to the looong list of things that have gone wrong with this piece of crap car!

  18. Ah ok, thanks! That puts my mind at rest.


    It gets a blast up and down the Autobahn every so often and thrown around mountain pass roads (not as much fun as in my old 350Z :blush: ), so yeah, it does get driven quite hard from time to time.


    Good to know they're not trying to shaft me! :lol:



  19. Hi


    Although not strictly a 370Z it's pretty much the same underneath :teeth:


    So assuming the servicing for an Infiniti G37 matches the 370Z, which it seems to.... Would it be normal to change the brake fluid after 2 years?? Cars only got 11,000 miles on it.


    Had a fight with them about the SatNav map upgrade thay wanted to charge me for and I'm wondering if this is how they've tried to get some money out of me.


    Thanks for any advice!



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