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Posts posted by SwissZ


    ...............i dont believe however that people would go about replacing half worn tyres just to match them up every time you get unbalanced levels of tread ..........


    The Germans do ... they have done it for years ..... where do you think the part worn tyres sales places get their tyres from ?


    Oh and 'cellent explanation Ekona :thumbs:



    Where did that idea come from? I lived in Germany for 15 years and never binned a healthy tyre. Used to be 2 sets of fronts to 1 set of rears (an Astra) and the last time I changed the Zs tyres I was travelling in Germany and just changed the rears as the fronts were fine. Same in Switzerland, and they are strict :wacko: Don't have an accident here in winter without winter tyres on though..... pretty much the same as having no insurance!


    Good write up, but it should be common sense, especially on a Z.

  2. I'm suprised you think the rear end of the 370 is worse than the 350??


    Always loved the 350 and always will. Wouldn't have bought it otherwise. I nicknamed mine JLo... you can imagine why ;)


    But large rears aside, there's just something not right with the 370 for me. I think the lines are all wrong. The front doesn't seem to flow to the back very well. If you cover the front of the car including the door, it looks like the back is tipped forward somehow. (had a few beers now so my judgement may be clouded :lol: ) Whereas I think the 350 has it's lines and curves in the right places.


    Anyway... that's just my opinion and I'm just hoping I don't miss my 350 too much when I'm hammering up the side of a mountain in the G37. If I could have kept both I would have!



  3. Hope to pop into a stealers and have a peep for ourselves this weekend - wearing the club fleece of course but then the G37 is my only real alternative going forward. :)


    Yeah, making do with a G37 convertible would be such a drag! ;)


    As of a month ago, I'm 'making do' with a G37 convertible. :lol: Apart from 1 or 2 minor things (why did they put that stupid ariel in the middle of the damn boot???), lovin' it! Was holding out for the 370z ragtop, but then I saw one. Gets a :thumbdown: from me unfortunately, especially the back end.


    Although my initial feeling on the G37 is 'yep, great car', can't really judge it at the moment as it's spent most of this last month in the garage due to snow and my tire place screwing up my winter tire order :angry: but I'll get some pics and thoughts up as soon as I've been able to have a proper play. :evil:

  4. those astra VXR's aren't slow


    I can vouch for that... :wacko: I got a reality check on the Autobahn whilst doing 150+mph and had one accelerate away from me! And then to further humiliate me he beat me from a standing start as well. We had a chat at the lights and he admitted there was nothing standard on his car, but still.... :blush:

  5. Well, you've help put my mind at rest!


    I know I like the car, pushes all the right buttons etc but everytime I look at the Z now I can't help wishing I could have them both. :blush:


    Gonna be a drag waiting until Jan to pick her up. Though, the sales guy did say I could call anytime and take out their demo.... Might live to regret that! :teeth:

  6. Traded the Z in for a fully loaded Infiniti G37 convertible in black last weekend.


    The barstewards left one parked on the street in front of the dealership last week and it kinda caught my eye. Took it for a test drive on Saturday and ended up buying it. Was holding out for the 370 convertible but I've been looking at the coupe and for me, it just doesn't have that 'I've got to have that' appeal the 350z and now this Infiniti had on me.


    Still, it's got a bit of the 370 in it... namely the engine, but strangely only with 320PS. Need to find out where the extra horseys went! It's a fair bit quicker (don't buy a used LHD white one! might be the one I test drove :teeth: ) than my 05 Z and the interior/multimedia system are something else.


    Won't be getting it until probably Jan because they don't have the black, manual, GT premium spec I want on stock here so it's got to be built in Japan and shipped. :wacko:


    Just hope I'm going to get as much fun out of it as I've had with the Z :byebye:


    Please tell me I haven't made a mistake! And if you think I have, don't tell me as it's a bit late now :lol:





  7. Seem to remeber there was a question about the clutch pedal sticking somewhere on this post! :)


    Used to happen to mine occassionally. Couple of times when in a traffic jam in hot weather ie. 30+ degrees and a few times having fun blasting up the side of a mountain. Used to have to pull it back up with my foot.


    Had a new clutch fitted under warranty which sorted it.

  8. We had about 20cms of snow here 2 sundays ago quite late (snowball fight with the neighbours at 11pm!! :teeth: ). Monday morning, I'm thinking home office :yahoo: Swiss road cleaner guys had completely cleared the roads!!! Guess they've had plenty of practice here though...

  9. Glad this was posted again... couple of weeks ago I was flying down the autobahn and the car was struggling to get past, on the digi speedo, 240 kph (150mph). Year or so ago it flew past that and I managed 264 (165mph). The only thing different this time was that I had a passenger (not much extra weight) but I wouldn't expect that to affect the top speed.. or?


    The difference was noticable. I was wondering if a service was in order? Although I've still got another 4,000 miles before the next one.

  10. They still don't make you drive on the motorway in the UK during driving lessons or your test????? :wacko: Crazy!


    I learnt in Germany - motorway nearly every lesson and as part of my test. In those days, when there was pretty much no speed limit anywhere on the autobahn, you soon learnt how to use your mirrors and indicators!

  11. *takes note* :lol:



    You won't be thanking me when we lose :p


    :lol: the link gave up 2 mins before the match started! Ended up watching it on a link that had iraqgoals.com in the bottom left of the window and streamed by justin.tv! Gotta love the internet :lol:


    Off to watch the 2nd half on German TV now. :wacko: Be happy if the score stays the same!

  12. And the rant continues.....


    Would you believe the German free to everyone channel ZDF are even showing the England match tonight!!!!! Well, they're showing the second half because the bloody Germans are playing against Finland during the first half, but still!!! :rant:


    Anyway.. off to find me a stream of the first half somewhere on the good old internet and flicking over to ZDF for the second half... I hate the FA and Shitanta!



  13. How come you have to have bloody Setanta or whatever the hell its called to watch a soddin England game????


    If it's not on the beeb which I get in Switz via cable then I'd usually nip to a pub in Zurich that has Sky.... but nooooo now you need Setanta!


    Switzerland, Germany, France etc etc all show the games on a free view channel, why can't England do that?? It's supposed to be the national team after all!


    Rant over... off to find somewhere in the internet that'll be streaming it tomorrow.


    Hope it's worth watching them this time.... :wacko:

  14. I'd try taking the decals off too. :blush:




    Not a fan of the rear spoiler either. Just my opinion, but I wouldn't even consider it with the decals and the spoiler no matter how special it is.


    Without those, now that's a different matter. Lots of Nismo stuff underneath I would like to put on at some point anyway....


    Good luck with the sale though, hope you get a decent price!

  15. Used to happen to mine occasionally after I'd been blasting up a mountain pass or something. I'd have to stick my foot under the pedal and pull it up.


    Dealer had it back about 5 times before they finally replaced the entire clutch assembly under warranty from the pedal (god knows why they did that!) to the clutch itself. They couldn't tell me for sure what exactly was at fault. :wacko: Mine must have been shot from new as it felt like a different car once they'd sorted it.


    Had about 15,000 miles on the clock when this was done. Nissan Switzerland said I might have to pay a bit towards the clutch, wear and tear etc.. but I think I must have shouted enough and they did it free of charge.


    Hope Nissan UK are as helpful!

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