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Posts posted by SwissZ

  1. Hi all


    Had my roadster for 2 weeks now and loving every minute of it execpt for one thing thats concerning me a little. As the subject name says, I'm getting a kind of clack noise when I release the clutch pedal regardless of whether theres a gear in or not. I took it back to the dealer who told me it's normal. Does this sound normal to you more experienced Z drivers?





  2. Winter tyres are a must here anyway so I'll be certain to have them on. I like the look of those Auto Sock things, that'd be a lot better than having chains taking up boot space. Have a horrible feeling they're not considered as an alternative to chains in Switzerland though as I've never seen them before. We'll see...


    Anyway, won't be worrying about that for a while. As John said, off to enjoy summer! (If it ever stops raining :wacko: )





  3. Having just bought a roadster with little or no thought gone into my decision, as an after thought I was wondering what they are like in snow seeing as we get quite a bit of it here in Switzerland.


    Am I going to end up wrapped round a tree, or do Zs handle okay on the white stuff?





  4. Bloody typical! Weather here's been great... right up until 5pm today when I picked my car up and the heavens opened, with rain forecast for about the next week. Oh the joys of owning a convertible...


    Only managed to drive her for a couple of hours before I became a bit worried we might get hail storms so she's safely tucked away in the garage. :(


    First impressions... not regreting this shopping trip at all! :D




    PS. surely that cup holder will break if I put anything in it??

  5. Hi All


    A trip to my local shopping centre involves going past a Nissan dealer, so I guess it had to happen eventually. :)


    I'm picking up a new 350Z roadster in black on Friday. I only went into the dealership yesterday to see if I could have a test drive! One test drive later, signed on the dotted line.


    Must confess, as this was a very spontaneous decision I know nothing much about the car so please bare with me as I'm sure I'll have questions.






    PS Damn, I can't wait for Friday!

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