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Everything posted by davidbaker8130

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that Ultra Yellow? On a '53 plate? Plus the invisible turbo? Seller has zero feedback? What's goin' on then?
  2. Send a PM to Spill. Here:- http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=21
  3. Another has appeared on E-bay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2005-NISSAN-350Z-GRAN-TURISMO-4-YELLOW_W0QQitemZ4640027619QQcategoryZ18238QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. Re-listed http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8067193304 and re-reported. I really wish E-bay would get to grips with scammers like this ar5e.
  5. I've sent so many e-mails to E-bay about this guy now that I should be able to just send "See my last e-mail!" Item has now been removed. (Again)
  6. Of course. Hope I'm in time with this.http://bbbburns.com/albums/Z/DSC03024.jpg
  7. Nice pics - looks like a good time had by all. Kev, wheels looking schweeeet.
  8. Right, is there a website called www.winaveyron.com ?
  9. Very good point Val. That's just what I would do as well.
  10. Imagine if you had just ordered an original Veyron. "Hey, I've just bought the fastest car in the world!!" "Uhhhhh, no you haven't!" How pi55ed off would you be?
  11. I average around 26mpg with a mixture of motorway cruises and round town driving. (Never go over 4k revs though ) I've been quite impressed with the fuel economy. Miles better than my old Impreza.
  12. I remember Clarkson saying that the Crossfire looks like a dog having a s*it. Funny thing is.......he was right. Have a look at it from rear three quarter view. http://www.usauto.pl/_starewww/tapety/chrysler_crossfire_06_800x600.jpg
  13. Hi Finch, I think it's a great looking car but I would be very sceptical about the 310bhp claim. With induction kit and straight through exhaust, I would be amazed to see 310bhp. If it were that easy, everyone (let alone Nissan) would be doing the same. Just my 2p worth.
  14. Surely that shouldn't happen - should hold at max revs?!?
  15. Welome and all that!! Not being funny here, insurance is cheaper nine times out of ten if you do include your wife as a named driver. Give it a try and see what happens. Saved me a few hundred quid and that's not exagerating. (Thinks , should that be two g's?)
  16. Apparently this will cost £2.42 per LITRE!!!!!!
  17. Totally meaningless control?
  18. Word is that the '06 Bluetooth unit will be backwardly compatible.
  19. It would be great if you can get hold of it.
  20. I've been looking for this paint as well. I saw a guy on TV repairing a door card which he then spray painted - looked immaculate when he had finished. Where can we get it from??
  21. I don't get the BOSE bashing - I love mine.
  22. If that's the case then they should have been grenade launchers rather than cameras!!
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