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Everything posted by Traktion

  1. We may or may not, but at least we've got a cool car!
  2. No idea what they did, but it fixed it and it's still feeling great! I took mine to Southampton Westway and they have been pretty good on the whole. Sure, they've not been brilliant, but I know most of the service staff now (is that bad? lol) and they are helpful enough.
  3. LOL! You really do look like Ming the Merciless!
  4. 3330 posts?! omg sarnie, wtf do you find to talk about?
  5. I got some red stuff pads fitted at a local garage and they said they didn't have the metal shims on them that made a sound when the pads were low. Not a problem I thought, but now I'm thinking this may be why mine are squeeling still 2 months later? They only squeal when braking gently at slow speed, but it's still annoying
  6. Just to keep you all updated, they took the car in on Friday (picked it up am, dropped it off pm) and they had fixed the problem! It was supposed to be just a check, but they said they'd found the dry joint, greased it up and it feels as good as new now! No squeak or rubbing, just nice and smooth! Shocked and stunned at the good service lol!
  7. quicker to stop, but quicker to get up to even more dangerous speeds too!
  8. I wouldn't give someone that young a fast car even if I had the money. I don't think I could sleep at night knowing that they were ragging the thing around the roads with little experience!
  9. lmao! I don't think there are any easy gains from chipping IIRC, unless you have a few mods which can be taken advantage of (cats, exhaust, FI etc).
  10. Awsome car specs and look great too...
  11. Ah but when does cut and paste become spam?
  12. Traktion


    I have a neighbour with a Micra too and can she park the thing either?! No! I came home one day to find her mid parking manoeuvre trying to park forwards in a space that is easily wide enough to fit a car almost 50% bigger in. I sat there... and sat there... she tried about 4/5 times to get it right and then when she finally stopped (having been oblivious to me waiting it seems), I reversed in and parked in a few moments (leaving no space passenger side to give the other twit space). A few seconds later, she almost wacked her door into the side as my car and looked as if she hadn't even seen me. I have no idea what planet she was on, but I've seen some truely awful examples of how to park a tiny car from her!
  13. Spill, thanks for that - at least it gives us a ball park figure of what to aim for if we have to pay!
  14. btw, I'd worry about parking in Southampton too... it's full of chavs.
  15. Mine is slightly notchy from 1st to 2nd when cold, but after 5 mins or so, it's fine. It still feels slightly meaty, but I like that All the other gears in my box are silky smooth too.
  16. I have the Falkens on too and can agree with the others that they are *much* better than the Bridgestones, *especially* in the wet. They were only about £450 for all four fitted too, IIRC.
  17. Yeah, West Way currently. Is Sparhatts any better then?
  18. Thanks Andy! I'll make a note of that number and if they say no on Friday, I'll give them a ring and see what's what!
  19. I'm in Southampton currently. Good to hear it was under warranty... I only have a month left on mine, so I'm a little worries! If there is a TSB, that would be great ammunition if they say no to the job!
  20. I took my car in today after the squeek from depressing the clutch started to annoy me. It seemed to be making a squeeking sound that was coming from under the front of the car (like it was behind the pedal), especially on warm days and in slow traffic. The mechanic took a look at it, poked his head under the car and said it was probably the thrust bearing drying out. They said this is common to happen after 3 years (mine is a 53 plate) and not just on the 350z, but the Nivara and others. Also, he said that after another 3 years, the bearing may just break, taking the gear box with it! The problem is, it requires the whole gear box to be removed, the thing greased up again and then put back together. He said it was about half a days work and when asked if it was a warranty job, he said most have been turned away by Nissan, but that they would take a closer look when they pick it up on Friday and ask Nissan if it's a warranty job or not. He said not to hold my breath though, so I'm thinking it's going to be £500 odd quid to grease up a bloody joint! Shouldn't these things be made better than to last 3 years and 22k miles if such an expensive procedure is required to grease them?! Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem, how it was resolved and whether it was done under warranty?
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