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Posts posted by HiddenWomble

  1. hello hello :)


    just in case you've not dived into the stats, but the zed you used to have looks like the 313 HR version, the cheaper tax ones are the original DE versions. so if you do go based on tax then just be aware the older ones won't rev as high as your HR did. well worth a test drive to see if that's important or not to you.


    well, i hope that was helpful and not a lesson in sucking eggs :)

  2. Thanks for the welcome guys :) seems like a good forum here! Yeah I know the other supra zed couple. Well Michael that owns the supra anyway. And yeah the tkd does intact stand for taekwondo. First person ever to guess correct haha .

    Just curious is there like a membership fee like the supra club? Just wondering :)

    question is, would you turn the 350z into a monster too if you got your hands on it? :)

    Haha indeed I would, would love to drop a 2jz in one, I love the sound of the standard v6 and it does pull well, but I know the 2jz a lot better and the tuning is a little less restricted that vq35. Saw one in banzai...or japenese performnace the other day with 1000bhp 2jz with a widebody kit and it was immense!


    A mate just bought a gunmetal zed last night which has got me wanting my own even more haha

    used to work with a guy that founded TKD Power :)


    it's just a free forum, though there is some merch to buy if you want


    maybe after spending a bit of time here you'll find your own 350z parked outside your house :)

  3. am i right in thinking a catch can is for turbos? something about having to return dirty air to the intake side for emissions regulations. which then of course clogs the air filter faster than normal. the catch can is put along this route to try getting some of it out of the air stream before it's returned. just needs to be manually emptied every now and then and keeps the air filter a lot cleaner

  4. gratz on your new toy :)


    make sure she gets super unleaded, she doesn't come with a proper fuel map for regular unleaded and at higher revs the knocking can do damage.


    also keep an eye on the oil pressure, the HR engine has a crappy paper oil gallery gasket that can fail which results in an internal oil leak. so oil levels can look just fine even though the engine is being starved of oil. rule of thumb is 30 psi when warm at tick over and 60psi at 2K rpm (60mph in 6th). the gasket is in the middle of the engine so replacing it costs more in man hours than parts, but the good news is the replacement OEM part is now reinforced so there is a permanent fix for it.


    sounds a bit scarier than it is, as long as the pressure is fine then it's nothing to worry about, and if you notice pressure dropping you should have plenty of time to get it fixed before it completely goes.


    other than that these engines are nice and solid, the engineers were told to design an engine that would run for 200K :)

  5. ask the doc if there are any tests they can run so you can get back on the road. 6 months is a very long time to be grounded for can have massive knock on effects for many people who rely on daily transport.


    my friend had a fit in the cinema, naturally the docs were worried it might be epilepsy so they ran a ton of tests on him and strongly recommended he not drive. all in all he was off the road for 8 weeks but he did eventually get the all clear. his work were very understanding and he had most of that time off sick. as more and more tests came back clear he eventually went back to work by getting a lift and did some light duties (no heavy machinery).


    as much as this is a colossal pain in the arse the last thing you want is to blank out at the wheel and well, you know what the implications of that are. but i'd not just accept waiting 6 months to see what happens, i'd want them to test what they can.

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  6. Looks like a proper future car B) and Porsche don't get much wrong, or at least keep when they do they keep working on the mistake for 50 years to get it perfect :lol:


    When the tech inevitably trickles down to normal human money it might make for some er, interesting, options down the road (assuming infrasructure catches up and some sort of standards are agreed upon).

    i think tesla opening their tech up to the rest of the world will help with the roll out. sure what they have today might not be in the station just down the road from you in 5-10 years time, but when the whole world gets to tinker with tech then the rate at which is improves and matures is so much faster than big corps can do on their own.


    while EV's can't compare with combustion in every regard right now i think the fact we have some viable options is the start of EV becoming the norm. sure there are still issues with the rare metals the batteries need, but that too is being worked on by our boffins. EV just makes too much sense considering the global drawbacks to fossil fuels.


    that said i'm glad i'm living in this era and have a 3.5L V6 to play with cos while EV can clearly perform, it just doesn't sound as sexeh :)

  7. gratz on your new baby :)


    mine is a similar mileage, got a long list of bits that need replacing but it's all stuff you expect to be worn out by this age. i intend to spend many years with her so i'm going to do a bit each month until she's perfect again. got her for a good price though so i'm quite happy with her, and what a joy to drive!

  8. My insurance company don't want to know if i mod anything to do with the suspension, so i will be sticking with the OEM ones from clark motorsport, Thanks for the replies you've all been very helpful.

    next year check out the specialist insurers on the forum, they tend to be more mod friendly and once you've proven you can drive a powerful car they can use that as leverage to get the premium down.
  9. Looks good, but would i need to tell my insurance company? would these be classed as a suspension mod?


    Thanks for the reply

    talk to your insurance company before you get the work done. the cheapest bidders on the comparison sites tend to have a zero mods policy and would not be able to continue your insurance.
  10. Definitely mean the glovebox behind the passenger seat. I was cleaning my car yesterday and took the carpet/mat thing out of the glovebox and there is a tray underneath it with some sort of wiring/box on the underside of it... I'l get a picture next time I'm in the car!

    oh like a hidden/service compartment? i'm sure i bumped into that on this forum at some point, probably in the fuel gage fix thread where you have to get under it. so take a peak at that guide as they probably mention what it is in there :)
    • Like 1
  11. I think they have done well to get it to a 250 mile range. it's just starting to verge on being practical. i spent 5 years in a car with a 250 mile motorway range (180 in town) and while it was often a pain as i'd have to stop for gas on the longer trips up the country (i rack up a lot of motorway miles) i was very happy with that car. so when the superchargers are out then i think that will be a good starting point to make electric a viable choice for long hauls.


    when trucking up from kent to yorkshire late at night i'll always take the M1 for the 24hr services, so if they hit all the service stations that will be enough of an infrastructure. i think for any long hauls inside england a 250 mile range if perfectly workable with a 30 min break.


    that's not to say it's ideal, but after living it for 5 years it's very workable for a car you enjoy. now obviously my last car doesn't even begin to compare to my new zed, but that's not so much the extended range, more having double the hp/ton :D


    so maybe not for everyone, but just the right side of practicality for people to start saying yes to electric.

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