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Posts posted by DarmoZ

  1. Why don't we go US style, passing all over the place and whilst we're at it, allow left turns on red.


    Lane discipline in The States is much better than you would imagine. It's only when an Interstate or major highway passes through a big city that you get a free for all. For example, The Interstate 70 which passes through Denver is in places 5 lanes and with something like 20 exits you get tons of people weaving so they don't miss their exit. Turning left on red could be useful in some places but in The States with the streets laid out in blocks there isn't a visibility problem like for example the lights at the top of our lane where traffic is approaching at 60 on a bend.




    Lol when i was in LA my 4 lane highway merged with another 4 lane highway, to create 8 lanes, and then literally half a mile after the merge point were three options, exit on the left, stay on the current highway, exit on the right. It was chaos with everyone switching from one side to the other in that 1/2 mile stretch, how did they think this was a good design?!?

  2. if I'm in lane 1 and approaching someone in lane 2 going slower than me, if theres plenty of space in lane 1, i'll just stay there and pass on the left. but I do make sure that they look pretty happy in the middle lane before passing. I don't do it in an aggressive fashion, just keep a constant speed.


    as a result of this i'd say 50% of people carry on as they were in the middle lane regardless, 45% of people realise that they should move over and do so, and 5% speed up as I pass them on the left. rarely gets any flashes or anything, I think people who hog the middle lane don't really care what side a car overtakes them on, as long as they can stay in the middle lane.


    Most of the time I'll be in fast lane getting everyone out my way, but if i do find myself in the left lane (usually to save fuel) and come across a middle lane hogger, I too would undertake, however I like to steadily approach at my maintained speed and then as I approach his back end, accelerate to get past quickly, giving the hogger no time to react, before he know's it I'm in front and he has no time to think or do anything about it.


    I also find (if i feel like being a dick) an aggressive downshift undertake usually gives them the message to move in, and they do.

  3. Yes they did strike me as a valeting company at first too, but they do have the full detail option as well. Fair points made will have to judge when the works done, but I can't turn down a price like that.


    He said the curing happens over night and they would return the car the next day.

  4. Does that actually work?! Not something I'd want to try, as you'd need a strong magnet to hold the phone in place but then would you want a strong magnet near your delicate electronics...


    Been using it the past year, works very well, keeps the phone in place, even during drifting. No adverse effects on my Iphone.

  5. http://www.basingsto...k/services-old/


    Not far from Reading - only heard good things about them. Don't know about the Quartz stuff though


    Gave these guys a call, i was impressed, he sounds like he knows his stuff.


    Their complete Detail includes,

    1. Inside valet
    2. Outside with engine steam clean, 1 stage machine polish, G-Techniq C1 and EXO sealant on body, wheels, and windows.

    Looking into G-Techniq, seems it is a ceramic and lasts 2-3 years the same as Cquartz does. I checked with my friend up north who personally knows a detailer that specialises in Exotic cars (http://tinyurl.com/jb5ulxn) and he only uses G-Techniq products so it must be good.


    Total price £250!! This seems much more reasonable, Their Facebook reviews are all positive aswell. They keep the car for a day and half and can collect and drop for additional £10.


    I'll give them a try closer to summer and post up pics :)

    FYI....looks like we might be getting some real cold temps and snow this month down here :(

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  6. I've never really got to grips with bloody iCloud in terms of having 'stuff' like photos etc in there instead of on the phone.


    Icloud would also be another option, but it's costly.

    your icloud account is what you use for everything 'Apple' (download apps, buy from Itunes etc etc)


    With it, you get 5gb of free icloud storage.

    In Icloud setting on the phone I turn on, settings, Contacts, messages, notes, reminders, calendar. i also turn on 'find my iphone' so that if i loose my phone, I can login to icloud.com ans track it down.


    But as soon as you turn on Photo's you're most likely gonna need to upgrade to one of their monthly plans for more storage, but the benefit is your photo's/videos (and all the other stuff mentioned above) are all safe online so you save space on your device and even if you loose your phone you still have them all safe. Then if you buy another iphone you can login with your i cloud account on that device, and all your 'stuff' is back as it was before.


    The alternative free option is to back up your iphone to the Itunes program on your computer every month or so. And offload your photo's / videos's to your computer every now and then aswell (like once a year). This free's up space on your device aswell, and all your 'stuff' is safe (as long as your computer doesn't pack in). When you get a new Iphone you plug it into your computer and itunes will restore all your 'stuff' the way it was before.


    Both options do the same thing as you can see, one is just more convenient (Icloud) but you pay a price for it.


    Quick Tip: in your phone under icloud setting / photo's turn on 'My photo stream' this automaticly backs up all photo's and video's over the last 30 days, for free (doesn't detract from your available icloud storage) So even with the free Icloud plan, your memories are still safe (the last 30 days of them anyway).


    Hope this helps!

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  7. The only real difference between them is the camera.

    The rest is all gimmiky stuff like Live Photo, and force touch.


    Performance wise they are on par, and in fact the 6 has a better battery life than the 6s (on apples own website)


    App's are getting bigger by the day and the higher mega pixel camera means your photos are gonna take up more space than before, IMHO 16gb just doesn't cut it any more.


    I have a 32gb iphone 6 with 15gb of offline spotify music on it, and 10gb of photots / videos and just the main apps that i need. As long as i offload my Camera roll to the computer once a year 32gb is enough.


    I would go for the 64gb Iphone 6, it's a very capable phone and will be good for another 3 years at least.

    Having 64gb is gonna save you a ton of agro when it comes to data management.

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