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Everything posted by Pritchard

  1. *** Does anyone know of a how-to to remove the plastics from that area? Or can advise me on a step by step? i dont want to start breaking clips or anything. thanks in advance.
  2. ah, i didnt realise that plate was detachable. that could well be what it is. i'm which case I will remove it and re-apply tighter with some soft sponge in the contact points. see if that doest the trick.
  3. Since fitting my new gear im a little disappointed, in the sub. not because its weak, but now the vibration is just too much, that it outplays the speakers. if i turn the sub right down, so thats its kicking out much less bass than the BOSE, i can still hear a really bad rattle. annoying. obviously, something has gone rye since the install. so, iv spent a good hour today in daylight on all fours on the passenger and drivers seats looking around for all the possible loose plastics and found qute a bit that looked like potential rattle hotspots. iv just been to my local park and ride to turn up some bass - and it 've pinpointed almost all, if not all, of the rattles to one spot: the sub enclosure. so the Pioneer sub it fitted where the BOSE was. there are 2 main rattles, firstly the plastic cover (the big A3 sized piece with BOSE badge. ) and secondly, the entire sheet of metal. if i take off the cover, and then push with my hands on the flat metal surface around the sub, it stops. all rattles, gone. anyone else had this issue? somehow i dont think dynamat will cure this one, i need to apply quite a bit of pressure to make it stop. i have searched this subforum for vibrations, vibration, and rattles, but i cant see anyone else complaining of this. bad install? Pritchard
  4. TORQEN opened up their trader section less than a week ago. anyone else really excited by what they are seeing? a place that offers twin turbos, and s/chrgers in one place. talk about a sweet shop! so tempted to let 'them' (joined with RT-P now) to keep my car for a while longer in January when RT fits my bodykit. there, its off my chest now. Sexual Frustration averted :lol: Pritchard
  5. Big thanks to Veeg33, who designed a new background for my headunit. quite the photoshop man i will get a night picture later. but i love this.
  6. newkid, its a feature on the headunit, i doube they all have it. i found it by scrolling through the pre-loaded backgrounds, and saw there was a generic 'blank' image file. so uploaded with usb
  7. Thank you so much Veeg33 ! Looks awesome now. fits perfect
  8. heres another couple all courtesy of Veeg33 Veeg, if you could be a champ and just extend the background a little higher and lower that would be awesome love this honeycomb Z.
  9. Heya, Not trialed the most recent ones. looks awesome! if you could, it just needs a slight extension on top and bottom to fill the screen got some daylight pics, but literally running out the door so here is one.
  10. They look awesome! I like the First 'Z', but also really like the honeycomb background of the '350z' PM sent .
  11. 14n, thats what i did too! lol. Old Dogs still playing with Paint. veeg, its 16:9 aspect. the specs says it has 1,152,000 pixels (2,400 x 480 ) although on a different section of the manual it says anything bigger than 800x400 will give an error :S the orange nissan badge i uploaded is about 280x 280
  12. i was just about to pm that spurs guy.... until i realised you were taking the pss. my OP is updated now with pictures.
  13. hey. in other clubs where i have resided, there has been a small section where some people can upload pics of wheels, a car panel, etc, asking nicely for anyone with some photoshop skills to change something for them. do we have such a section... can we have one if not? i have seen some photoshopping being done, but it all looks peicemeal. (i have a requirement for someone to touch something up for me) Pritchard OK... following below posts, here is my request Having just fitted a new headunit I wanted to change the background image. A quick google gave me this: which translated to this: (my camera phone is awful! trust me, in the flesh it looks the same.) what i was after is something similar, but one that has a wider aspect ratio (not stretched, just add orange or something lol) but really i wanted the 'Z' badge rather than Nissan. open to ideas. he-who designs the winner, gets to virtually drive in my car everyday go wild! but, - it must be orange - it must be 350z related (Z badge, 350z badge, that kind of thing) - it must have that ''meant to be there'' feel good luck.
  14. The spoiler I am just going to call a ''Vertex Replica'', because it looks the same. its actually off a Celica, but its an aftermarket part for a Celica at that. so who knows where its come from. lol. I had a quick search for anoher one but couldnt find one, easily. there are no stamps or markings on the spoiler, only a letter 'L' so you know which side is Left... im gussing.
  15. Lucky, i already have spacers. they are actually next to me on my desk. you're a bad man Payco
  16. Just got the car back. Sound system fitted. these are the empty boxes. (taking this pic makes it easy to quote what ive got in the future if required. and also for teasers, the spoiler that will be going with my Do-Luck kit.
  17. Noooo I hate it when people point out things that I am yet to notice, or didnt realise looked ridiculous. lol Ask Tarmac for your bit of commission Payco, because i've just had to order a stuby aerial !! (Star Wars unrelated, just found it and liked it). No more please, its Christmas and I should really buy the missus something :D
  18. Thanks to a comment on my build thread, I have now become aware of my ridiculous aerial that had never bothered me until now! lol. PM sent Chris.
  19. I cant, I promised i wouldnt play with the engine this time... I was just being curious to know the time constraints. Taras has my car for 2 weeks from 5th of Jan anyway for other work. I'll keep my eyes open with how you guys get on with this. may be on my horizons later in the year
  20. Photos added. Car is in the AudioShop as we speak getting the full Pioneer makeover. Will add some of those shortly along with the specs etc.
  21. Of all the things it could be, i will certainly be stabbing in the dark. but when i fitted a set before i had a knocking when going over small bumps, etc. turned out i didnt tightening the top mount properly so the initial compression was made my metalic contact first As above, get a mate with you. shold be easily traceable
  22. You say it comes with instructions. - If me and my mechanic mate decided to do this in our garden garage, do we require any special tools? - if i were to drop it into a proper mechanic fitters down the road, how many hours labour would I be looking at? Thanks. Like the look of the kit Pritchard
  23. Am I not the only one to trawl through your website? Good advertisement scheme, even if not everyone buys something I didnt know you did wheels... for example.
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