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Everything posted by Pritchard

  1. Pritchard


  2. that looks about right. Bullet. sorry i've obviously got 295 from somewhere and its wrong yes 275/35/19 on a 10j is what i would be looking at then the tyre is marginally narrorer than the wheel. I'm running through the specs of the front wheel however, and i'm wondering which would be the better fit. Taking the Rays from 8j 30mm offset, to 8.5j 32mm offset bring them into the arch by 8mm, and an extra 4mm poke. Adding some popular spacers could bring this back out easily. or, by using the 8.5j 15mm offset, the inside in an extra 8mm away from the calipers, but the total poke is 21mm... which may be a littl etoo much? I guess i'll be beter off getting the 32mm offset and using spacers as required? Pritchard
  3. there is a s'charger on the horizon... otherwise, i wouldnt even be considering the huge additional unsprung weight and roating mass increase
  4. Why this has become a porn discussion i dont know maybe i shouldnt have used the phrase 'sex-wee' as it seems to have got a few of you randy. So now comes the fun part of wheel offsets. These Vossens come in a 8.5j and 10j width. I would like to have alot of rubber contact on the rear, so i'm looking at the 10's (although unless i am told otherwise, im assuming it will be a 8.5 fitment for the front.) So theres two offset choices for the correct PCD on the 10j, Offset 20, or Offset 42 I beleive the offset 20 is the correct choice, giving me about 7mm less clearance on the inside, but extends the wheel by 31mm. Tyre size: looking at 295/35/19 for the rear, which modifies speedo by -1.6%, pretty close it also raises the ride height by about 5mm. At the moment the car is on standard suspension - but only up until a set of wheels are fitted. once i get a set on, then ill decide on a lowering route to take. Sound good to the whel experts?
  5. oh yes, those do look good. but the Vossen's still have my heart
  6. Cheers Cal, Yep I will be putting the photoshops opportunities up once i get the car back so that i have the final and accurate ''car canvas'' to p'shop the wheels to. What are the Do-Lcuk double 6 look like? Just did a quick google but all i seem to find are 'double 8's, in like a mesh style. can someone upload a pic or link? cheers Pritchard
  7. Now its time for me to hunt around for wheels, in anticipation of the car returning with the new kit. As we all know, finding the right wheels is paramount. makes or breaks a project in my opinion. (oh, free plug i guess... build thread http://www.350z-uk.c...h-sprint-build/ ) So i set aside a rough budget for wheels (without tyres) and went hunting. didnt like anything. so i've thrown the budget out and instead tried to find something that i liked. A challenge in itself. Went through so many Wheel threads in this section looking at other peoples. some i like, some i loath. A few of my favorites (after being identified) included the Volk Te57 (seems quite popular) and another, and the 'Five Axis s5:f' that Husky had on his. Although prices seemed a bit steep for a 'favorite' wheel. And, i found these while looking for a nice Concave design... and oh my !!! Its a Concave / Turbine mix! I got excited when i saw them.... then when i saw them on a Z, a little sex-wee followed And look.... fitted to some Zeds !!! B) B) I am absolutely sold! Pairing these up with a Orange Z has got to be a winner. They wont be to everyones taste, but i thought i would share my excitement before bedtime. Pritchard .... in other news, the word 'Budget' has just been removed from the Dictionary. ***edit, sorry forgot to mention what these actually are, they are Vossen CVT
  8. Bodykit has arrived with Taras :D Not long now until pictures. and Ricey from rEvolve is also working away on my engine bits. again, pictures wil soon be up Now on the hunt for wheels to fit when it comes back. ultimately the decision is going to be made on how the car looks with the Do-Luck, and then how i think the wheels will match. but, i've got my eye on a few
  9. dropping from a 20" to a 18" setup.... curious. subscribing to thread.
  10. Pritchard

    Welcome Torqen

    Can I throw this one at you... (only because this one will soon be on my shopping list ) What about suspension packages? supply and fit kind of thing too perhaps? Like from a simple lowering kit, to coilover setups, to a full suspension upgrade; uprated bushes, thicker anti-roll bars, coilovers etc. Just a thought
  11. I've seen a few of these on youtube, this one being one of them. I sit on both sides. On one side: - i think the sorts of people that film these obviously do it for laughs and kicks. Therefore they automatically become classed as Bells of the End variety. - In order to setup their video stunt, they have commited some sort of offence. yes they have, no matter how they dress it up to the police or split hairs; something they were doing has caused them to be pulled / questioned. on the other side: - its very entertaining to see the public get the better of the police on a 'legal' matter. the Stunteer (such a word?) may be talking completely out of their arse, but if the Police are left speechless, well... shows how poor their knowledge is! Lets be honest though about the motive for such a video. The Stunt is performed to show Police wasting time, money, and being incompetant. But in order to do so, the Stunteer's need to waste Police time, money, and to try (succeed or fail) to prove their incompetance. hypocryitcal.
  12. ...How fast? :0 Someone knows their wheels. cheers Steveo. now off to get some prices
  13. Hey all. I've gone through all 18 pages like a champ. unfortunately alot of images are now removed or expired. I'm wheel buying as soon as the car comes back from the bodyshop, because then i can start messing around with photoshop etc onto an 'accurate' car canvas. But, there are 3 wheels in this thread that really caught my eye. from different pages, sorry i cant remember where. but i couldnt immediately see any names for them, or was unclear as to what they were referencing. can anyone identify these please? (the below is Huskys car?) Thnks in advance guys Pritchard
  14. When did you fit it... only you went past me on Saturday ( i think it was) when i was working on the drive and it sounded louder than just a pop charger the exhaust does pop with the Cobra. does it sound like this?: If you want to compare to mine matey let me know and i'll wander over.
  15. probably Tricky-Ricky, i dont doubt it has. but search doesnt allow for anythign under 3 characters. kind of leaves me search for 'Fast' and 'Time' which are also very generic searches. I was just after a general figure grundy. some people work in metric. some in imperial. some strange people even measure the size of their horse in hands. i wanted to relate to the improved power by 0-60
  16. go on then Grundy. You'e started the troll, may as well finish.
  17. No fuss, but surely this question doesnt need to be answered? lol its a general benchmark of performance against other cars, and to mark improvement over a standard Z. Quoting your dyno figures down the pub or on the forums is being competitive from an armchair. 100bhp+ for FI sounds great, but its the 0-60 time that gives indication of how it will feel.
  18. Afternoon, unfortunately i cant search '0' or '60' in search as its too short. so sorry if this thread is a repeat. just wondering if anyone has timed a 0-60 run on their turbo or SC setups? i know everyone will be running different power levels and setups. but im just wondering what sort of launch speed people are getting. thought i would have a quick shift (see what i did there?) through Parkers Guide, but i cant seem to find a circa 450bhp 1.5ton RWD car to use as a very, very general guide. of course, if anyone gets bored tonight after reading this and wants to be the first.... Cheers in advance chaps. Pritchard
  19. Will, no not Leeds caslte. although its only a short drive from the above. however Leeds Caslte (the castle itself) isnt viewable from the road. and to actually drive in front of it you need to go through a few sets of gates and many acres. i dont think its open for general 'car photo opportunities' although i havent ever checked...
  20. Yep have done as per Bodyboarder's hint above it was me that bumps Asad's tread earlier hehe cheers. thread can be closed. got a set en route. cheers guys.
  21. The final picture, 'Viewpoint' is here: Common Road Chatham Kent ME5 9RG the others are scattered around the 'Medway Towns' which can be easily googled if needed as follows - Rochester Castle - Rochester Cathedral - Upnor Castle - Cooling Castle - Grain Fort
  22. its a place called 'Viewpoint' in kent. aptly named. You literally have a 180 degree view for miles. great for car meets and photoshoots. although trying to get a clear day is always tough. Cheers. rocked up tothem all with my favorite headunit background should have got that in some shots.
  23. Hey Torqen, Thank you for the reply to my PM about this kit. But i have so many questions that i thought I may as well ask here, may help others too : FI is all new to me. I have always shyed away and taken the N/A route. The limited knowledge I have on turbos and roots type s/c i will probably be doing a 2+2=5 with the centrifugal type s/charger's! I know we have a dedicated FI section, but my questions are generally quite specific to the kit. :thumbs - You mentioned in the PM you sent me that an Uprev Map is required. So I would be correct in assuming then that all resulting tuning is done from the OEM ECU and that no standalone unit is required. - i have seen reports and videos of some really loud Vortech s/chargers at idle, that sound broken to be honest. Does this kit suffer from that issue too? - Will there be a compression decrease as part of this kit, in the form of a thicker headgasket or is it not required? (i think there was a picture on this thread, but i cant see it as i am on a work laptop - so appologies if its staring everyone else in the face ) - The upgrades that have been specified above, are these Optional or Recommended? In terms of potential power, reliability and efficiency, why/ or at what point would I need these optional extras? - does any of the new equipment need to sit between the front bumper and the radiator? such as the intake pipework. Only I have a new bumper being fitted so i was may different space available there. I think thats all my questions for now. No doubt your reply will trigger more from me thanks in advance, Pritchard
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