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Everything posted by Mopedmark

  1. Oh yer no problem really two ways to do it.First and easiest is that you can just pop the pip so to speak we're the wire joins the plate you can just press the pip out then pop your new one back in.Second you can undo the two screws and with a bit of wiggling you can remove the plate and the petrol flap will come out as well,take pics as you go so you know how it goes back together.Its pretty easy as you go through it
  2. Show me a pick mate I have all mine off and cleaned and such like
  3. Brill mate the are subtle but look good when fitted especially when other Zedders see them
  4. Thanks for that BillyZed did you fit the covers ok
  5. It will be in view at cosford , wow I have been building SHOW QUALITY bikes for years Not just doin a few bits on cars for a few it's the price you don't like, SHOW I repeat SHOW quality and every bike part this guy has polished and then It has been CHROMED to a standard better than any 350z that I have seen by far and there ARE some nice Zeds About.I have revamped the bay Again and I am not putting pics up willy nilly, no need
  6. Well Wasso the difference is he is a proffesional doing plenums and the like as a job.He is the best at polishing intricate stuff on many many show bikes and cars.i had mine done a few weeks ago and I asked him and he said it had taken an hour and I can't see why he would lie to me,the best of it everything is polished all the sides all around the 6 bolt fixings the lot and then I have had a little extra coating for a bit more bling but £50 quid it is.
  7. I have read your thread from the start, I don't want to tread on anyone's toes here but as an armature polisher you should have started with a flat wheel that you put in the drill then used wet n dry all the grits as you did use a little autosol this will help.I build show winning custom bikes so nobody start prissin me off as if I am an armature because I ain't, my polisher can do a plenum in 1 hour flat 50 quid, and he's a proffesional, he specialises in this sort of thing and all the edges inside were the bolts go all nice.If you keep at it you will get there so don't give up.You just started badly but it seems as if you have got through the worst bit now
  8. You could put the spoiler on Bens car and swap wheels with his
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