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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Just the ticket Paul, looks awesome! Time to start modding
  2. Humpy

    Shock wave

    If I had one 'lying' around it would be on my car. Change of mind with exhaust then?
  3. Long shot I know but looking for the Amuse rear bumper for the 370.
  4. Humpy

    A sad day

    Nice one Paul, just think of the quick transaction and no messing around. Next car ahoy!
  5. Welcome from Winchester. Enjoy many smiles per miles
  6. That was quick, that would of been me who posted the link from Facebook. Welcome to the OC and to one of the best forums around. Everything you need to know is on here. Welcome and great looking Zed. Enjoy! Cheers Steve
  7. Hello from Winchester. When things settle down keep an eye out for local and national car meets. Enjoy the roadster!
  8. So sorry Dave.... would it make you feel better if I hated myself aswell
  9. Absolute love this car and has made me fall in love with zed once again. I Struggled with the blue 370z and cannot quite put my finger why. Anyway a few photos as promised we like car porn!
  10. Awesome and makes perfect sense. So when some products say more suitable for darker colour cars, it's a load of pish? Back in my box.
  11. Hi all, Me again The previous two zeds i owned were black and quartz before being wrapped. So my polish/wax was aimed towards the darker colour ( poor boys black hole etc ) Any recommendations for polish and wax for the pearl white? Once again will have a look around and do some research but value the opinion of the cleaning gods from this forum. Cheers Humpertron
  12. Welcome and where are you based? Congratulations on the purchase
  13. Thank you so much for the replies all. Need to get some more gear then
  14. Hi all, now that I have a roadster in my life I am now seeking advice. Never had a soft top before so needing guidance on: 1) General cleaning when washing the car and what products. 2) Protecting the roof and products 3) Any other tips Will do some research anyway but thought I would ask the cleaning gurus on here first. Cheers Steve
  15. AqSo I wanted to get to know the car inside out and what better way than to give her clean ( second clean since last night ). Having wraps on my last two cars it has made me very lazy when it comes to cleaning my cars and I have to say it's been enjoyable getting stuck back in again and doing it properly. So engine had a quick clean, door sills, boot area, exhaust, wheels, under the bonnet and the engine bonnet mirrors polished. So when the weather is better next week I will seal the wheels, polish the exhaust ( bloody immaculate anyway ), polish and wax. Will then take her out for some photos to remind me what it looked like when I got the car lol
  16. Looks great and I'm rather partial to a bit of Porsche acid green on calipers.
  17. Was tempted by the C63 just to tickle the V8 itch but when this came up I knew it all made sense and it just fell into place. It was meant to be.
  18. Absolutely loving the auto and the paddles, most enjoyable Thank you Colin and I have to agree not much for me to change as she is a beauty as is.
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