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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. Tbh, you are in deep sh1 t , leaving the sceen of an accident, is the worst thing you could have done. Good luck, you are gonna need it......get a good lawyer.
  2. Just found this.... viewtopic.php?f=102&t=65216
  3. Burn it Ta Hey you didnt ask for useful suggestions True........
  4. viewtopic.php?f=104&t=34295
  5. Strange think is it only does it in the evening, not ever in the mornings, thought it could be cos I had the key in my jacket but nagh.......
  6. Noticed that the "key" icon is illuminated in my car now, car runs fine, changed fobs and battery's in them with no difference, goes out if I restart the engine though..... Suggestions
  7. You will also need a 25 mm spacer mate, I am looking at getting a spacer but no one sells only one.....
  8. Vangaboys. Blamange Waves. Abba, Waterloo.
  9. corrected that for you Cheers....... twinkle
  10. Yep, what you wanna know..... I've got something big that has problems getting into small things.........
  11. Ah couldn't even deny it hahaha Us youngsters are starting to build up a picture here A picture...... I have built a fricking movie in my head Haha I was being subtle don't want to scare her It should be compulsory for all female members to add a profile pic and there vital statistics Hooooo nooooo, some could end up being munters, then the illusion would be shattered
  12. Just how I like a woman to be........green room...........
  13. Perhaps to see the potholes and speed bumps up ahead Or the people in the buildings......
  14. Take it on the chin.....you are a woman. Nuff said.
  15. Tesco car park Whiteley No shops, no cafe, but no speedy fings
  16. Mine only goes to 1/32. Dunno what the issue is tbh.....do you want the screen to show you in your car How much do you need to zoom in and why?
  17. Graham, that's nasty...... PS ok with moi......
  18. Welcome to the forums mate and get some pics up of your car As Greddy said seems to be a few of us close to each other and Im only 15 minutes away so a mini meet woudl be good. Maybe a combined Winch/South and Bournemouth and meet somewhere in between the two Sound ok 2 me
  19. You are weird so you should of waved......
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