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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. As the title suggests, i would like one that fits an 07 roadster at a reasonable price. Anyone?
  2. Zugara

    Oh dear

    Explain to her about high running costs, clicking rear axle probs, being careful where you park it. etc etc etc, that should put her off!!!!!!
  3. Ok where do you get this stuff from, it really is like the "tardis"
  4. Tesco round my way is the most expensive for all fuels. Shell are 5p cheaper.
  5. Remember a few years ago, Tesco had silicon in their fuel? This came out of the Terminal at Purfleet. The terminal is Vopak and they still operate.. I have noticed zero difference between Shell "V" power & Sainsburys 97 Ron. It is alleged that "JET" fuel is all 97 RON. Chaps ALL fuel is fed to ALL distrubition terminal across the UK by all the refineries in the UK, all companies load their tankers from the same places, wether is sainsburys or shell or esso. Additives are the name of the game here. and this amount of additive determins the pump price. Drive slower= better MPG?
  6. I would do but i might ruin my nail polish.
  7. Aless, i would like to point out that "Super" unleaded fuel it no different from "Normal" fuel in respect to it being cleaner more pure. The only difference is that Super unleaded has more additives injected into it at time of loading into the fuel tanker at the fuel terminal. All fuel companies use a number of distrubition terminals across the UK and even the tesco, asda etc load their tankers from the same places as the Shell Bp and esso. The reason the Supermarket prices are slightly cheaper is because they have less additives put into their fuel at time of loading. Was good too meet you on sunday.
  8. Cheers josh.. Yours didnt look too bad either... Might need a bigger bar of clay!
  9. Well you cheeky ..........................
  10. What is snow foam? And is it rare?
  11. Tried that............. computer says " "
  12. After some advice chaps. What is the best method of removing treesap/honeydew from paint work on cars? Many thanks....
  13. Only for the duration of the very "controlled" testing they did, it was put accross as " a complete waste of money".........
  14. 5th gear did a test on all of these liquids, and all of them had a negative affect on the engine performance reducing bhp by upto 4% . ! FYI.....
  15. Bacteria in the hoses i think. I think what happens is that the air from the aircon is dehumidified and when you turn it off you then re-introduce moist air into the system and the moisture is what causes the smell.. Dont quote me tho.. Now get this.. Had a really really sickining stench in a Mazda 6 MPS when the aircon was on & then turned off. Got it cleaned by an "aircon engineer" at Mazada. Still had this foul smell although not as bad but i needed the wondows open! really it was that bad! After a long long time, i discovered it was the screen wash liquid (TESCO's own ready made stuff) that had gone "off". It had found its way into the condenser and was building up the foul smell and mildew in the entire venting system. Needed to have new air vents hoses , condenser housing, etc to get rid of the smell. But somewhat of a major job to undertake.... Sold the car instead!
  16. Hiya bud You managed to get off work then?
  17. So your like him in the chair? Just kidding.... Welcome Jed. Nice sets of wheels you keep. You failed to mention what train you keep as well.......
  18. I tend to give it a couple of coats with a sponge, then she looks well nice....
  19. Reply to a recent post regarding Fabsil for rag tops. Here are some pics. Before:------ After:--------
  20. Just let them go, why rag your car fir the sake of muppets? I get more fun Not ragging mine cos it frustrates the noobs that wanna race. Welcome as well
  21. Point taken. Not got many good shots of my zed yet and this is just a first attempt..
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