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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. Is that a can of Redbull i see?!
  2. very odd, i tried it on my work pc today and it seemed to work fine. So prehaps i just need to update the carpc with latest windows updates etc..
  3. Hi peeps, Having a real nightmare getting windows 7 to find anything with my bluetooth dongle. It installs it all ok, and recongnises the bluetooth dongle but when i try searching for devices it doesnt find anything, where other bluetooth devices do. Anyone ever done windows 7 and bluetooth? If you have what dongle do you use as im beggining to think it might be my cheap jobby off ebay. All i can find is old articles about windows 7 struggling with bluetooth online. Any advice would be great!
  4. The house isnt too big and really i would look to put it in say the lounge, bedroom, and maybe a couple more so around 5 rooms, at around £50 i have seen them for. But anything else people have thats cool, no ones mentioned fancy showers or baths?
  5. Yeah this is what my parents have in thier newbuild house, works a charm actually.
  6. Oh sadly i am on a very tight budget, i was more thinking of some cool cheapish "pimping". Although i like the sound of a unit that can not only control lights but everything else. Also when you say buzz, how bad are we talking, as i dont remember hearing buzzing when i went through the houses that had them (small sounds like buzzing and rattling really annoy me!)
  7. Ah yes i see, what you mean, sorry i thought you meant they learnt when you turn them off and on and started doing it themselves etc..
  8. self learning sockets sound interesting, what do they do then? how are they different from those normal socket remote switches?
  9. Howdy peeps, I am (fingers crossed) soon to be buying my own home! When we were looking i came across some cool gadgets that i thought would be ace for me to have in my home. So was wondering if there any i might have missed, the rules are it has to be something that is attached to the home, and surves some sort of purpose. one of the things i thought was sweet was touch/ remote/ dimmer switches, i went round one house that had them in and they made it look so much more modern and trendy imho. here is an example:
  10. LOL! Shhhhhh dont shatter dreams!
  11. Exactly. It's pitched as a bargain because to buy it is. To run it's average / cheap for the company it keeps. +2 People buy it as the initial cost is so low. Even Nissan has said it is a supercar and is serviced as such. The 350z and 370z are basically large Micra engines with bits bolted on (as they are NA) and dont throw down a whole load of power and dont have complicated drive trains. The GTR is a whole other animal completely and should be considered as up there with Fezza and Lambo as a supercar. I was seriously tempted by one until I realised (a) I'd need another mortgage to finance the running costs, ( it doesnt fit in the garage, © depreciation is massive as people buy them, run them til the first few services are up (some free I beleive) and then try to shift them. At one point, second hand prices were going up for them which was crazy, im pretty sure the guy at EVO sold his for more or less what he bought it for 1 year later. (Although i could be quoteing my memory completely wrong!) In a few years time the prices of servicing will be right down, its just that now they are still rare, still pricey so they know they can charge a load. The best thing about them though, is as they have seats in the back they make a perfect "Family car" when your gf/wife/spouse starts to moan you need a 4 seater!
  12. Got mine out today, i found it snow foamed a dream with the attachment i had, however i must admit i didnt find the clean very good. But on the other hand i must admit i didnt leave the foam on for very long, (i got impatient) and i have since heard you shoudl leave it 15 mins minimum to get a decent effect. Also like a tard i tried to chami it dry but as it wasnt clean it made a bit of a smudgy mess, so i really need to clean next weekend and leave it properly long time!
  13. lol i havent tried my foam gun yet, i read that you should put around 1-2inches of solution in the bottom, add hot water Then adjust the knobs on top and infront to make it thick foam rather then watery foam!
  14. lol i can also sense myself thinking of things to clean with it already lol! very sad!
  15. Lol just got mine aswell, set it up and gave it a blast, i got my snow lance and juice from the link i sent aswell, and all looks great, cant wait till friday lol! I tested the pressure washer by blasting the patio thinking it didnt seem very powerfull, then all of a sudden i looked down to see a clear clean strip..."wooops!" i say to myself as i hear the mrs coming from behind, lol luckly i fessed up and had a "blast" cleaning a few of the patio stones....great fun. Only question though, is it seemed way to powerfull to clean car with, so which fitting do i use for that? this was like a concentrated burst is there one that does some sort of wide spray or is the concentrated burst ok? wont rip off the paint?!
  16. I will take a pic of it later, but yes OBD plugs straight into obd port, it sticks out about an inch, but unless you have chunky legs are are clumpsy i dont recon you will catch it will your leg. i was going to get dashcommand on the carpc to run the GTR gages (thought it would be quite cool, not that i know what much of it means i liked the idea of extra gadgetty bits! lol)
  17. Friend of mine did it in his mini cs and worked fine with his andorid phone. ...... very odd..
  18. Hi All, Just a quick question, i recently bought a ODB2 bluetooth from ebay, got a good deal on it around £15 i tried plugging it in today but found my Iphone 4 would not find it via bluetooth, it just sits there scanning away. Anyone else had this problem? Any ideas? When i get round to it i want to use it in the Carpc but figured i would test it with some apps on iphone. Let me know, any help would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Yeah bud i think everyon dropped there prices around the same time. But i would still snap it up while you can, as i have been looking into pressure washers for a few months now, and these are better then the £150 kercher ones (apparently) and more reliable(apparently) and to find a pressure washer under £100 is a rarety.
  20. how much are they usually? Seems like a massive amount of power extra, would be interesting to know for a few years time.
  21. guys not sure if this is of interest to anyone, who needs solution and the snow bottle: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HD-FOAM-LANCE-5L- ... 4549121217 Edit - Appologies if im stepping on anyones toes just seen that you had got in contact with trader on here.
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