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Everything posted by kris

  1. kris

    350Z Rear Diffusers

    Did it take much fettling to get a good fit? nope none at all it's perfect fitment, it's the Aerokit one Look forward to putting my dibs on that
  2. Somebody make me an offer. Need this gone as my new plate is coming soon.
  3. kris

    350Z Rear Diffusers

    Did it take much fettling to get a good fit?
  4. Agreed,........extortionate used prices for what they are. Only thing that put me off Yep literally the only thing putting me too. A few supercharged ones knocking about aswell.
  5. I'm quite short so it was fine for me! Also need to have your wits about you in the wet
  6. Agreed on the S2000, sold mine last November, great car.
  7. I've had an ST JDM and now have a UK GT. If you have the choice obviously a UK car is better for the reasons given above. HOWEVER every import car is given a grade when it comes in (A to D I think, 'A' being the best) and this gives a good indication to its earlier days. Mine was an absolute minter and never gave me any troubles at all. Also remember if the older models are imported after a certain year they suffer the higher tax bracket, even if they are the older model year.
  8. kris

    350Z Rear Diffusers

    The top picture there are some for sale on eBay, how well they fit though I'm not sure. If somebody could do a proper fitting one I would stick my order in.
  9. Yea that's right, DC5 changed to the 2.0 K20 engine and the DC2 was the 1.8 B series.
  10. I would have a DC5 if they weren't so expensive. They hold their value very well.
  11. I like this alot. I very much doubt I will see many on the road though.
  12. Do it, I don't know how many teams apply compared to how many actually get through.
  13. Does that mean I would have to dress as princess peach?
  14. According to the rules, the fastest time isn't necessarily the winner. Showmanship and an entertaining design is there aswell.
  15. Every time I watch this on TV, me and a mate of mine keep saying we would love to enter. Now we have access to a unit with all the materials and means to build a wicked little soap box racer So we are going to send off an application to enter. Only 50 teams will be selected for the run so we will have to use our best imaginative skills to come up with an entertaining design. What kind of soapbox would you guys have?? Discuss! http://soapbox.redbull.co.uk/home
  16. Right I will take £80 plus DVLA fees. I just want to cover the cost of putting my new plate on.
  17. I'll give that a whirl. Nice one fellas
  18. Sounds like I'm going to have I remove the disk then, I'm really hoping I haven't shorted anything. Is there only one adapter I need or are there certain types? I will look for some tutorials for removing the HD. It was all backed up on an external hard drive, I had to wipe that in order to do another file transfer with the full intention of putting it back on again... And you can guess the rest. I'm kicking myself now for it! Lets just hope I can salvage my data.
  19. My laptop seems to have given up. Basically I tried to connect devices to my USB ports, the port seemed to move around inside the laptop as if it had become detached on the inside, then everytime I try an connect something to the ports the laptop immediately switched off. When I try to switch it on I get the 'windows is starting' screen (windows 7) and then a grey screen with just the cursor visible. The laptop will go no further than this. F2 works and I can select safe mode, I have tried to boot up in safe mode however after the white writing shoots up the screen I end up at the same grey screen with the cursor visible. Can any IT Gurus please offer any suggestions. Also I have ALOT of important data in this laptop and I don't want to go down the route pulling the hard drive out and connecting it to another computer!
  20. I want to hate them but I really like them. One of those cars that's looks like its worth 20k more than it actually cost. Add to that a supercharged V8 and I think your on to a winner. However I can't see it being 'fun' to drive. But that's not what they're about I suppose.
  21. The two chaps from Oxford that fabricated all the parts for the bike in their garage... Amazing stuff! And the only part that failed was the part they brought! Agreed episode two was a bit of an anti climax.
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